Hunting High School

Chapter 361: Tricky Answer

"As for the location, even if you search it again, it will be difficult to find more valuable things... You see, this information only mentions the capture and remnants, not the capture situation at all... According to what I know , Similar to this kind of laboratory, there are often in the Silent Forest, those wizards will only conduct experiments in it, and will not leave any clues."

"In addition, you are lucky, this is not a piece of news that can be published in the newspaper."

The wandering wizard congratulated the black cat for not wasting the jade coins. He raised his glass and took a sip of the gin: "It is estimated that the hunter who sold this news had other reasons, so he set a time limit..."

If it could be announced, it should have been published in the newspapers and seen by Xin Fatty a few days earlier, and it would not be necessary to spend money to buy it now. The black cat nodded in agreement, and lowered its head to lick a few mouthfuls of goat milk.

"...But it's not the masks that matter, it's the other photos."

The owner of the bar pointed to the photos related to the experimental subjects, and his tone was very affirmative: "This laboratory is doing experiments on demon blood and flesh transplantation... Look carefully, the necks, abdomen and backs of these experimental subjects are turned out. The granulation is in a standard radial shape, and the arrangement is very symmetrical. This is the classic form of the distortion of the experimental subject under the stimulation of the demon's flesh and blood... There is also a thick shadow on the outline of its eye sockets, which is the color of blood stagnant under the eyelids... Eyeballs There are bloodshot eyes all over the body, I don’t need to emphasize this point.”

The old wizard's skinny fingers slowly slid over several photos, patiently and meticulously analyzing the inconspicuous details contained in this information to the black cat.

In the end, he slowly withdrew his hand, holding the wine glass, with a hint of emotion on his face: "It's really an ancient and tenacious experimental idea... It was born in this world from the first day the demon and the wizard met. The experiment... Out of control, destruction, out of control again, and destruction again...Accidental success, so that countless people flock to it...An endless cycle. Some people say this is persistence, but I prefer to call it' Paranoid', like Prometheus pushing the rock or the dog tied down the mountain, doing the same thing over and over for countless hours expecting a different result."

"...An experiment of transplanting demon flesh and blood?"

The black cat muttered in a low voice, and couldn't help flashing through his mind what Mr. once said to him - the wizard transplanted the flesh and blood of the hunted demons into himself, controlled the spreading speed of Monster Qi with symbols and spells, and stimulated the monster Qi through Monster Qi. Complete the transformation of magic power, and finally achieve the goal of advanced.

It's just that in the impression of the black cat, Mr. also said that because of the extremely high risk of losing control, the magical skills related to the transplantation of demon flesh and blood have been sealed by the alliance, and any wizards are strictly prohibited from using it.

"In the school, there should be very few wizards who master this forbidden technique." The black cat murmured, and the lean and stern face of the magic text professor immediately appeared in his mind.

This is the only professor he knows who has been involved in related research.

The wandering wizard rubbed the wine glass in his hand and chuckled: "Not only within the school, even the entire Phuket Island, the entire wizard union, there are very few wizards who know and master this forbidden technique...everyone of them can be called It's 'high position' and 'high honor'... Tsk tsk, I can almost see the distressed appearance of those guys in the school management, hey, hey... I'm afraid there will be another quarrel at the Great Wizarding Conference during this time gone."

Inside and outside the words, full of gloating emotions.

The black cat flicked its tail in agreement.

Indeed, very tricky.

Of the wizards who are qualified to study forbidden arts, one counts as one, and which one is not grizzled? Which one is not a pillar of the wizarding world? Which one is not in the alliance with relatives, disciples and old officials everywhere?

Doubt them, there will be big problems!

Even if those old wizards are willing to take out their own heart, lungs and intestines in public, tidy up, clean and let others watch, but what about the school? Don't want the face of the school? There is also the alliance, the stability of the alliance is not needed?

The black cat just thought about it briefly, and felt that the hornet's nest was too big—at the same time, he also realized that before those crows did more excessive and worse behaviors, the investigation of the teaching assistants might end here

That's it.

"Even if they do illegal human experiments?" The black cat's tone was a little gloomy.

The wandering wizard did not answer this question directly, but euphemistically gave an example: "Before Little Korma, the wizards of the North District were wizards clearly stipulated in the "Wizard Code"...but outside of the North District, who really put Do they treat them as wizards? Even the people in the North District, who forgot their identities back then, are not uncommon. The law is fair, but its fairness only exists on people at the same rank; and those who have the ability to set up experiments in the Silent Forest The wizards in the room happen to not belong to the same class as the experimental subjects lying on the test bench."

Perhaps only a wandering wizard who walks between darkness and light dares to talk about one of the most important foundations of the alliance in such a sarcastic tone.

The black cat watched silently as a puff of smoke came out of the parchment that recorded the information.

Watching it slowly and resolutely turn into a mass of ashes, a small mound was piled up on the clean bar. The three jade coins and one golden bean paid by the black cat lay in front of the 'grave mound', like a silent sacrifice.

The wandering wizard's skinny fingers dropped, and his fingertips slid over the three jade coins. In the end, he only accepted one jade coin and one golden bean, and pushed the other two jade coins back in front of the black cat.

"What's the situation...there is still a discount?" The black cat shook its ears in surprise, but without any hesitation under its paws, it quickly put the two jade coins into the ruby ​​ring.

"No, it's another deal."

The wandering wizard pulled the brim of the pointed wizard hat apologetically, and smiled at the black cat: "There is a poem that says well, you stand on the balcony and watch the scenery, and the people watching the scenery are looking at you... The reward you offered is about The crow's information was known by some teaching assistants who were still secretly investigating the 'crow'... Before they smashed my wine kitchen, I sold the crow-related information you knew to the teaching assistants... These two The jade coin is the reward for your intelligence."

The black cat flicked its tail, but it wasn't annoyed—after all, it was already mentally prepared to be betrayed by tricks before dealing with the black wizard—it was just a little emotional.

"Sure enough, the old saying is true."

The black cat lowered its head, licked a few more sips of the goat milk in the cup, and smacked its lips: "The feet and teeth of the car and boat shop should be killed if you are sit in the bar like this, listening to ditties and drinking wine, and your hands are covered with oil , and can also listen to countless Eight Trigrams short stories... Tsk tsk, what a fairy day."

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