Hunting High School

Chapter 377: An Unexpected Clue

With Jiang Yu's intermediary suppression, Li Meng finally didn't make any more stabs.

A group of four arrived at the teaching building safely.

This Friday morning is an alchemy session. Although there is only one month left before the final exam, because Professor Tesla, who taught this course, has been absent for a long time, he only assigns his graduate students as course lecturers, causing most students All lack enough awe for this class.

Of course, another reason for the lack of awe enough is too much awe.

This sentence may sound contradictory, but it is true, because it involves the process of qualitative change of matter and spirit, from the age of classical magic to the modern era when Dimensionalism dominates, alchemy has always been an independent and high-end discipline, It is difficult for every wizard who is determined to explore the road of magic.

In the classroom, the content of this course is too obscure. Except that the content of the first semester of freshman was only related to the development direction and theory of modern alchemy, the content of the following courses immediately seemed to be a different course. To make an inappropriate analogy, before entering school, many students have just learned that one plus one equals two; in the first semester of freshman year, the professor used Peano's axioms to tell everyone why there is such a result; The content of the course becomes how to prove one plus one.

It seems to be quite similar to what I learned before, but in fact there is a huge distance between the two. For students who lack enough talent and want to get high marks in the exam, the only choice is to memorize the professor's entire lecture Lectures are another problem of this course that has been criticized, because Professor Tesla did not designate a special textbook for the course, so that everyone had to copy his lectures frantically during class, leaving no more time for thinking and asking questions.

Zheng Qing felt like he was listening to a bible every time he was in class, but neither Professor Tesla himself nor his graduate students seemed to be able to understand the source of the bewilderment in the eyes of the young wizards during the class. The consequence of the contradiction between the two is that more and more students stay away from this course and only concentrate on reciting the professor's lecture notes.

"Professor Tesla is from the Atlas Academy. He believes in science and believes that the dual attributes of alchemy, spirit and matter, are the most subtle difference between it and other magic arts. Really realize the most exquisite alchemical reaction."

Holding his black notebook, Xiao Xiao babbled all the way, acting as an atmosphere group for a group of four, discussing topics that others would never get in their mouths and could only listen to silently:

"In the eyes of the old-school alchemists, the extravagant and arrogant Alpha, the worldly pride, and the reckless starry sky, these natures make it difficult for us to have a truly pure and sincere spirit, and cannot provide a good reaction environment for alchemy. So recite the handouts , it becomes a choice that is not a choice. In a sense, concentrating on reciting the lecture notes is also artificially creating a sufficiently pure state of mind, which is very in line with Professor Tesla's alchemy philosophy."

While speaking, a group of people had already arrived at the door of the classroom.

Zheng Qing and Li Meng breathed a sigh of relief, one in front of the other, hurriedly squeezed into the classroom, and ran to their own seats. The doctor was still thinking, turned to look at Jiang Yu, and wanted to say something more, but saw that the witch had already raised her hand to greet Liu Feifei.

He could only sigh resentfully, and walked slowly towards the back row of the classroom.

When he came to his seat, Zheng Qing was rummaging through his alchemy homework from the previous class. Zhang Jixin hadn't come yet, and the fat wizard lowered his head, focusing on the alchemy handout in front of him, as if he was sitting at the front of the classroom. The group of good students in the row are possessed.

It's just that his hip twitching every now and then tells the others that he's not as focused as he appears to be.

After being seated, the apologetic fortune-teller continued the previous topic with great interest: "How to reconcile the opposite and unified state between matter and consciousness is a topic that every alchemist has been studying for life. Smelting, fission, and even Fusion is an effective path that has been partially proven. As we all know, the Philosopher's Stone is the masterpiece of alchemy, and Dr. Duzem's experiment also tells us that the purity contained in that gemstone can not only purify aging body, leading youth and brand-new power to come, and can cleanse all Impurities, and restrain the spirit that tends to be chaotic.”

Zheng Qing was originally silent in his heart

He prayed, hoping that there would be a great being who could make Dr. Xiao shut up as soon as possible, but inexplicably, he heard the last words the doctor said.

Then the first thought that popped into his mind was the group of crows.

"Those crows are doing illegal experiments on demon blood and flesh transplants." He said suddenly, interrupting the doctor's eloquent quotations in a very soft voice.

"What?" Xiao Xiao was very happy that someone could answer and discuss with own, but he didn't realize what Zheng Qing wanted to express for a moment.

"Those crows are doing illegal experiments on demon flesh and blood transplants." Zheng Qing turned his head and looked at Xiao Xiao, with a strange color flashing in his eyes: "The biggest difficulty in demon flesh and blood transplants is pollution, and the Philosopher's Stone can cleanse all impurities , to bring back the spirit that tends to chaos."

He quoted what the doctor had just said word for word.

Xiao Xiao's complexion changed slightly, and his expression gradually became serious.

"So?" he asked cautiously.

Zheng Qing didn't have such concerns, and quickly analyzed: "So, the sudden increase in the activities of those crows recently shows that their experiments have made enough progress, which means that they can cleanse the flesh and blood pollution of demons and resist the attack of demon spirits. Great progress Before the Philosopher's Stone refined by Dr. Duzem came out, the Philosopher's Stone was a very precious and rare treasure, but now, even Nicholas has a small piece!"

Xiao Xiao subconsciously turned his head to look at the seat where the wizard in the North District was.

Nicholas was wearing a brand-new ring, and the small irregular gemstone on the ring shone with charming colors. It was an inferior version of the Philosopher's Stone jointly produced by Dr. Duzem and the sage of Korma. It was used to slowly replace the existing habit of wizards in the North District using frogs to cast spells, and to reduce the alliance's aversion to sacrificial magic.

Seemingly aware of Xiao Xiao's gaze, Nicholas turned his head to look over, and nodded slightly as a gesture.

"So what you want to express is that Dr. Du Zemu is helping those crows?" Xiao Xiao retracted his gaze, no longer being sloppy, and directly pointed out Zheng Qing's guess.

"It's not necessarily a conscious help." Zheng Qing restrained his excitement a little bit: "Those crows may also have obtained Dr. Duzem's research results through other channels, but this is a new clue after all, right!"

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