Hunting High School

Chapter 384: The Pig And The Fox

The talisman that Zheng Qing mentioned was the reward given by Professor Yao to the team members after the Forgiveness team won the eighth place in this year's Campus Cup.

At that time, including several marginal team members in the class, each of us got a talisman drawn by a legendary wizard. Although they are not standard legendary rank talismans, the power of those talisman papers is also very good because they carry a lot of legendary wizard's aura during the drawing process.

Obviously valuable.

But on the other hand, these talismans didn't cost the fat wizard a single coin, so it was a windfall, so it wasn't wrong to say that they were not expensive.

The most important thing is that Senior Linda is going to be on duty in the Silent Forest. A talisman drawn by a legendary wizard is obviously more reassuring than a lucky potion.

"Will it be too expensive? Will she accept it?" The fat wizard found out that he was still sleepless, with a trace of struggle on his face. Was sent back kindly.

There is nothing more embarrassing for a young person than having a gift returned.

"This talisman is not as precious as you think."

When Zheng Qing took out the mahogany box containing the transformation potion from the gray cloth bag, he also took out his talisman paper sealed with the Soft Legs Curse, and shook it in front of the fat wizard: "Old Yao, this talisman banned it!" At that time, I didn't use any advanced skills, it was a standard banning method. Even if there is a legendary atmosphere, the shelf life of this talisman is only half a year at most, and now it has been a month. Look carefully,

Xin Fatty opened his eyes wide, and after careful analysis, he murmured: "There is another thing? I thought it was different from ordinary talismans. Why didn't you say it earlier? Does everyone else know?"

"Maybe, I only found out a few days ago."

The young public finance student shrugged his shoulders: "But it doesn't matter, there are still a few months to go, and you can always find a chance to use it and sell it to the homeless. It will never lose money, so I think you just need to ask that senior Linda Explain why this talisman of yours is both precious and not, and there is a high probability that she will happily accept this gift."

While speaking, Zheng Qing had already put away the own talisman paper, opened the mahogany box at the same time, took out a transforming potion and held it to his nose

In the next second, the wide red robe slowly slipped down from midair.

The elves screamed and swarmed up, grabbing the collar, shoulders, sleeves and other places with all their hands, dragging the robe that hadn't fallen off the floor back to Zheng Qing's bed.

At the same time, a black cat nimbly got out from under the corner of the robe and jumped onto the desk.

"Oh, by the way, remember to leave a slit for the window at night," it greeted the fat wizard happily, and calculated, "I shouldn't be back very late."

When the fat wizard came back to his senses, he was alone in the dormitory again.

Friedman left the lounge of the Karen family quietly in a large black robe.

Although it is still early, one thing is that today is Friday, and many students are still lingering in Beita Town, and Karen's lounge is located on the upper floor of the tower of Alpha Fort, and few students usually come here, so he has been traveling all the way. No other students were seen, and the prepared speeches were useless.

However, the portraits hanging on both sides of the corridor were as noisy as ever.

Down the narrow and dark spiral staircase, after a short walk, a cloud of milky white mist rises. The wizard wearing a bat mask passes through the mist, greets the knocker beast on the bronze door, and lifts up the own door skillfully. right hand.

On the leather gloves, red gemstones shone slightly.

"As the convener, you came too late today, and so are the others, one by one, it's really not as good as the next generation." The Knocker Beast faithfully performed its own duties, and did not forget to criticize these young wizards for their procrastination.

Jazz raised his mask, silently expressed his respect, and then pushed the door open.

Familiar hanging candles, familiar light, familiar carpets, flower baskets and fruit bowls, familiar oval long table, and the seven familiar figures on the left and right of the long table are five familiar figures.

A wizard in a bat mask stands at the door,

His eyes fell on the two strange figures behind the table.

Different from the past, in the conference room today, apart from the black cat, there was a pig and a fox, and Beelzebub wearing a pig's head mask and Mammon wearing a fox mask were missing.

The pig is a piglet with white skin and black flowers, and the fox is a fox with fiery red fur.

"It was our new convict who gave me this inspiration,"

The fiery red fox was squatting on Mammon's seat, with arms folded, and the big tail behind him was swinging back and forth vigorously, with a hoarse and stiff voice: "Compared with those old-fashioned masks, the concealment effect of Transfiguration It seems better, I can't think of any reason to reject it, but Beelzebub also thought of using Transfiguration, which was slightly more than I expected. I thought it would be Leviathan or Lucifer who could think of this."

It raised its paw, and greeted the cat-faced witch and Mr. Bat who had just entered the door.

"This inspiration is easy to come up with, but not everyone is as special as our lord sinner." The voice of the witch wearing a cat face mask was a little hoarse this time.

"Am I special?" The black cat interrupted abruptly, carefully erecting its ears, but it showed a nonchalant look on its face.

"A talking cat, very special." Bellfinger, who was wearing a bird-head mask, answered it. It was lazily lying on the high-back chair, tilting its head, and looked at the red fox with interest: "Our sinner claimed that it worked in the relevant department, and barely explained its special reason. How did you two avoid the Mundell paradox?"

Mundell's paradox is an important law involving transfiguration, which means that a wizard cannot simultaneously realize the free transformation of species, independence of will, and stability of magic power.

And to make a cat or a fox speak, it needs stable magic power.

If Mammon or Beelzebub hadn't lost their minds and allowed the transformation species to erode their own independent will, then it would be impossible for them to speak like a normal wizard after casting the transformation.

"The impossible triangle is not absolutely impossible, but relatively impossible. Many transfiguration masters have demonstrated this point." The white pig snorted and replied in a low voice, "It's like there is no difference between white and black." A clear boundary As long as you take a small step back in the free transformation of species, you can naturally take a small step forward in the stability of magic power."

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