Hunting High School

Chapter 388: Untitled

After the meeting of the Seven Deadly Sins, the black cat didn't go back to the dormitory immediately, but turned to the cat fruit tree halfway, intending to take advantage of today's transformation to inspect the own territory.

Of course, the more important reason is that when he left Dr. Duzem's research institute earlier, he had mentioned to Jiang Yu that he might go to Maoguoshu at night.

Nearly the middle of the month.

The string of the first quarter moon has a little more curvature, hanging in the sky, like an irregular golden melon seed. The black cat stepped on the fine moonlight falling between the treetops and the gaps between the buildings, with light footsteps and quick movements, it passed through several small forests, several bushes and the dark corners of several buildings in a short time, but did not disturb any appreciation Passengers of the moonlight.

Moonlight is not night.

Moonlight is a shimmering darkness.

Dead leaves fall from the branches, chirping insects whisper between the cracks of the stones, the moon rises from the lake, and the lake flows into the deep sky. The long-necked egret in Hunting Night spread its wings and flitted across the lake lightly and powerfully, sparking sparkles.

When the black cat came under the cat fruit tree, it didn't know when it had already hung a white plush collar like a lion's mane. This is a Thanksgiving gift from Jiang Yu to him.

The black cat thinks it is very suitable to wear this one tonight.

On the cat fruit tree, the fruits hung on their respective branches as usual, trembling and snoring in the night wind. The soft long hair fluctuates with the fine and long purring sound, injecting a different kind of vigor and vitality into this almost sleeping world.

The black cat turned a blind eye to this.

Because it saw the inexplicably surprised figure under the moonlight, lying lazily on its side on its throne, with two small white front paws resting in front of it, with its head held high and its chest high, full of momentum.

Unfortunately, not all moonlight is full of romance.

Like not all reunions are passionate.

Although the little white cat came, he ignored the black cat who was leaning forward with a sullen face, and kept pointing the back of his head at the black cat. No matter how the black cat tries to get in front of her, she can always turn her head calmly at the last moment and give him a fluffy back of the head again.

After working hard for a long time, the black cat had to admit the reality in disappointment.

The little white cat is angry in his heart and doesn't want to pay attention to himself.

Thinking about it, who knows that own date not only has a fiancée, but even a child who knows how to play soy sauce, he will not face all this calmly.

Fortunately, she was still willing to come to see her, explaining that there was still room for redemption.

Because it involves the secrets of the great wizard's advancement, Zheng Qing can't explain the relationship between himself and Su Shijun carefully to others, so he can only repeat the explanation he has said many times, emphasizing that there is no one between himself and the owner of the Qingqiu mansion. The kind of relationship imagined.

This kind of nonsense, even if it is itself, will feel boring if it is said too much, let alone the listener.

So, after saying several times like Mrs. Xianglin that we really don't have that kind of relationship, the young public finance student changed the subject and began to ramble on about these days' trivial matters on his own.

From the long-necked heron I saw on the road when I came here tonight, I have transformed several times this week, and my hearing seems to be much more sensitive, and then it is extended that the magic essential oil sent by the little white cat is really useful!

From the perverted homework of Xiao Xiao and Xin Fatty's elective Magic Universe, to how Xiao Xiao drew a star map on the scroll of bamboo slips, which was a gift from Sima to the doctor, and the hair on his neck Useful as well!

The little white cat was indifferent to the black cat's flattery, and didn't even bother to shake its ears.

The black cat simply stopped pretending, and started chatting wildly and casually. First, Maoguoshu had a few more kittens recently, and there might be descendants of that Persian cat among them; then he mentioned the fish in Linzhong Lake. People haven't shown up in the morning for a long time, because the cold winter air makes their blood slow as well as their movements; there is also a black-and-white pig and a red fox added to the gathering of the Seven Deadly Sins tonight, how does the power struggle inside Alpha have a relationship with the North? District wizards got involved, which in turn affected the stability of Jiuyou Academy, and so on.

And so on, endless.

The rise of the black cat chat seems to be eloquent and scolding Fang Qiu. Under the moonlight, the little white cat's fur emits a hazy shimmer, which stimulates the thoughts in its mind, and one after another explodes, seemingly endlessly.

Until the mouth is dry.

The little white cat finally lost its previous indifference, its body became much softer, and it lay lazily in front of the black cat, its tail wagging slightly.

The black cat licked its dry tongue, staring at the bright moonlight flowing like clear water on the little white cat's back, an inexplicable thought popped up in his heart, what does moonlight taste like? It should quench your thirst.

So it licked it unconsciously.

The little white cat tensed up, its ears were pressed down suddenly, its limbs were stiff and lying on the spot, it seemed that it would jump down the big tree in the next second, peachy.

But the next second never came. Instead, the black cat licked closer and closer, and the shadows of the two cats gradually merged into one.

Then in the next moment, the shadow slowly spread out, as if the water seeped into the sand, the water didn't disappear, it just went deeper.

The next morning, Zheng Qing woke up in the tent.

The chat between Xiao Xiao and the fat wizard could be vaguely heard outside, maybe because of the curtain, their voices were a bit muffled.

"If you want to live happily in this world, the most important thing is to learn to reconcile with the unknown." The doctor's topic is always full of philosophy:

"After all, as small individuals, we don't know too much about this world. It's a good choice to keep a distance from the unknown, or to keep in awe of the unknown."

Fatty obviously disagreed with his point of view: "Your attitude towards Life is too negative. Are you willing to stay away from the unknown? Is the unknown willing to stay away from you? Well, do you want another bowl?"

"no thank you."

Hearing what they seemed to be drinking, Zheng Qing was curious and opened the curtain. There was a scorching smell in the room. Xiao Xiao and Fatty were pinching their noses and filling their mouths with a viscous medicinal liquid like magma.

"What are you drinking?" The young public servant's voice was also a little dry.

Two Dawson's cold eyes fell on the black cat.

"What do you think?" The doctor adjusted his glasses expressionlessly.

"I shouldn't be back too late, huh?" The fat wizard Yin & Yang repeated what the black cat said before leaving last night, and then put down the medicine bowl in their hands angrily: "Can't you fly a paper crane when you come back late? Do you know that it is winter now? Try to see if you will catch a cold if you are blown by the cold wind in the middle of the night!"

Zheng Qing pulled up the curtain with drooping eyes, pretending that she was still sleeping.

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