Hunting High School

Chapter 394 Response

"Absolutely not!"

As if to cheer himself up, he whispered to himself in a firm tone.


The fat wizard had just recovered from his annoyance when he heard the young public finance student talking to himself. He was at a loss at first, and then his face gradually became ugly: "Don't you think I'm wrong? The Beta Town Post is not a villain? "

"Absolutely not!"

Zheng Qing hastily denied it, repeated those bad words again, and immediately found that the conversation between the two seemed to have fallen into some kind of weird misunderstanding, paused, and then explained in a remedial tone: "I mean, The Beta Town Post is a shameless villain! I was just talking about something else"

The stick figure behind the door shouted at the right time that Lao Yao had turned the corner of the corridor with his pipe, interrupting the fat wizard's questioning, and the young public servant could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

When he regained his composure, he realized that the first class on Monday was Lao Yao's spell class. His face lost the color again, and the breath he let go just now returned to his stomach in the blink of an eye.


The classroom door was pushed open very hard, and the Charms professor, as always, strode onto the podium. In the hall, the young public finance student couldn't help but think of the huge slap in the dream, and subconsciously shuddered.

"Attend class!"

The professor swung his forearm vigorously, threw the handout on the desk, hooked his fingers, four or five pieces of chalk rushed out of the paper box, and happily went to the blackboard to realize the value. In a short while, the room was full It was full of creaking writing sounds.

"Believe, is a concept of mysterious Realm, with powerful and magical magic."

Lao Yao folded his arms and began to give a lecture calmly, but the content had nothing to do with magic spells. All the young wizards in the audience looked at a loss: "This kind of magic power can make people turn a blind eye, hear it but not hear it, and can distort reality. Maintaining a false and reliable balance can even tamper with history and obscure the truth on the timeline. But at the same time, it is a very fragile force. If you doubt it, it will flicker; if you don’t believe it, it will collapse .”

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zheng Qing felt that when he said this, the professor on the stage glanced at him calmly, and his eyes seemed a little meaningful.

He subconsciously connected this concept with his dream last night. But before he could figure it out, the professor on the stage changed the subject and talked about the class meeting last night:

"Last night's class meeting, I reminded you that the final exam is on January 4th, and today is November 30th, and there are only five weeks before the exam. Is there a lot of time? A lot , It’s enough for you to go through all the textbooks of this semester again; less? Very little, for a slightly more complicated magic experiment, the preparation work may take more than five weeks.”

"What do I mean by this? I mean, no matter what your current grades are, you should believe in yourself and be able to create your own miracles. With this firm belief, you can make full use of the power of magic. This is The relationship between the outside and the inside complements each other. Four years of university, eight final exams, and it will be the third time soon. Half of your university life is about to pass. I believe that every student does not want to get a final exam. "Certificate of Attendance"

"Now open the textbook and open page 87 of the standard spells. Let's continue to discuss the nineteen summoning spells of Enoch magic under the Solomon magic system, and how to understand the different interpretations of this system in Hebrew and Latin. "

Before the words fell, the creaking sound of writing on the blackboard stopped abruptly. The large page is full of dense incantations, incantation formulas and interpretation elements.

The residual chalk the size of a fingernail shakes off the dust, slides an elegant arc in mid-air, and returns to their paper box contentedly.

Zheng Qing listened to the professor's eloquence on the podium, flipping through the textbook in front of him a little annoyed, but all kinds of thoughts were rolling in his mind.

For a while, he felt that the professor on the podium had malicious eyes, maybe he had already read today's Beta Town Post, and was trying to clean himself up;

It seemed that as long as he didn't believe in the dream last night, he wouldn't run into any risk; after thinking about it again, he felt that he should believe in the omen of last night, and he couldn't simply classify it as an ordinary dream.

Several ideas have the same source but are different, as if several knights in various armors are entangled and fighting on the battlefield wielding spears and halberds, and it is still impossible to tell the winner.

Occasionally, when he was looking at the blackboard, the screen was full of complicated mantras and mantras, which dazzled his eyes, superimposing the upcoming final exam, making him breathless.

The only thing Zheng Qing can confirm is that he still has a chance to get rid of the suspected prophetic dream last night. In the middle of the spell class, the young public finance student quietly released a paper mouse and handed it to the witch sitting in the front row. A note, telling her to keep an eye on Li Meng today, and not to let her run around at night, especially not to go to Maoguoshu.

As for the reason, the wizard just mentioned that Hanhu had a bad dream yesterday, but he didn't describe the content of the dream in detail. This slight lack was enough to give the witch the illusion that Li Meng was in danger in Zheng Qing's dream. I believe that in this way, the probability of classmate Li Meng appearing under the cat fruit tree tonight is infinitely close to zero.

As for Lao Yao.

The young public finance student glanced at the legendary wizard who was chattering on the podium, and touched Own's ear rather hopelessly. Right now, apart from hoping that the legendary elder will not be as knowledgeable as himself, he can only hope that the little green snake lodged in his ear hole will be a little bit stronger and able to resist Lao Yao's violent slap.

Maybe it's because Bai Deva has too many eyes.

Zheng Qing finally left the classroom of the Charms class safely, without turning into a puddle of flesh in front of everyone. But the power of that report gradually dissipated.

Not until afternoon.

The headline on the front page of the Beta Town Post caused an uproar in the academy, and within a short period of time, the small-scale movement that was originally limited to a few colleges spread to the entire wizarding world.

Members of the Fashu Liberation Association gave up their lunch break and distributed leaflets everywhere in excitement, reminding the students of Jiuyou College that they should listen to their dean.

Not to mention, this set of rhetoric really bewitched many freshmen who were not deeply involved in the world.

Zheng Qing observed only one day, and there were quite a few wizards who tended to give me a frog movement in their tone. The frogs on the market were also sold out at one point, and many kind-hearted people bought frogs and sent them to the North District of Beta Town to support the reform movement of the wizards in the North District with practical actions.

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