Hunting High School

Chapter 404: Winter Hunting Day

It is often said that life draws its strength from Death.

So is nature.

The overwhelming snow flooded the whole world, and the world seemed to have fallen into silence. However, in this brief silence, under the blanket-like thick snow quilt, abundant vitality is ready to explode, ready to bloom amidst the thunder.

Zheng Qing couldn't feel the vitality contained in the snow.

But he could feel the eyes full of greed and desire hidden behind the oppressive silence of the silent forest. He is especially sensitive to such gazes.

The four days passed in a flash, and it seemed that in the blink of an eye, the young public finance student had already stood in the winter hunting ground held by the First University for the second time.

The reason why a rumor is a rumor is because it often hides a little truth in the falsehood.

As the rumors said, this winter hunt will be carried out in the wind and snow - because since Monday, the heavy snow has been falling intermittently, making the inside and outside of the school always covered in silver. In a trance, Zheng Qing almost Don't forget how prosperous and gorgeous the world is in summer.

But different from the horrors exaggerated by the rumors, the school did not really drive the white dragon or the storm titan into the hunting grounds of the young wizards. 'Traditional' assessment items such as snake, disaster fighting, gu carving, fish head man, scorpion, and mandrill still occupy the mainstream. The only ones that are unexpected are probably some human-faced mice that have been upgraded by the influence of the mouse fairy. According to the school's rhetoric, those big rats with human faces are evil and depraved, without the wisdom of ordinary magical creatures. After encountering them, there should be no luck of peaceful coexistence.

In the silent forest, Zheng Qing will not have any luck.

Sensing the dark and malicious sight in the dark, the captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team raised his hand, and squeezed a summoning hand.

The invisible magic fluctuations spread in all directions along with his hand formula, and instantly passed on to every hunter in different positions, like a frightened Death vine, the curled green tendrils that were originally stretched out suddenly tightened and stretched towards the The center shrank into a ball, gathered around the eye-catching huge red 'bud', and the flying cloak was like a piece of plump and hungry petals, opening and closing together.

These cloaks were specially purchased by Zheng Qing from Beta Town in response to this hunting. They are long-breasted and ankle-length. The Shanghu lamb leather lining has excellent thermal insulation effect, but the outer layer of windbird fleece can withstand most of the wind and snow. , the large inner pocket can not only stuff the Dharma books, array plates and charm bags, but also stuff the blue bird's sable and Xiao Xiao's thick hard shell notebook.

"Roll roll!"

As soon as the captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team spoke, he was torn apart by the whistling wind and snow, and he had to rely on magic to clearly reach the ears of every team member: "Squad Leader~...Doctor!...Fatty!...Elder! ...Swordsman! ...Gentleman!"

Every time a code name is called, someone will answer it immediately.

Similar to the "instructor" system, there are still many subtle changes in this winter hunting.

For example, since Winter Hunting is not a formal hunting competition, this time there is no strict requirement for five-person hunting teams, and there is no need for alternate seats. Each hunting team is allowed to freely determine the number of participants, but for the sake of fairness, the hunting grounds of each hunting team Adjustments will be made according to the number of people. The larger the number of hunting teams, the larger the hunting ground. Zheng Qing heard that Andrew Taylor, a werewolf in the same grade as Alpha, organized a hunting team of 30 people-this level It can already be called a small hunting group - and the hunting ground assigned to him by the hunting committee is also twice as large as other people.

For another example, due to the dual considerations of efficiency and safety, this winter hunting does not force the hunters to carry items. In other words, if 'strength' allows it, even if someone buys up all the explosive charms on the market and brings them into the hunting ground, blowing every magical creature in sight to pieces, it doesn't matter.

Of course, Zheng Qing does not know whether there will really be local tyrants making such a choice. He only knows that because of these new regulations, Youzui can organize a hunting team of seven to participate in the winter hunting, Fatty can bring his watch full of supplies, Jiang Yu can stuff his handbag with amulets, and even himself, The two rune guns can be used as appropriate.

"It is said that Andrew has equipped every hunter in his hunting team with a dragonskin cloak, which can scare away ordinary little monsters from a long distance!" Xin Fatty struggled to pull his leg out of the snow nest, muttering and complaining He said: "I think we should do the same... Not to mention the dragon skin cloak, it shouldn't be difficult to buy some dragon dung!"

"You should consider that if you buy the dung of a female dragon, you will meet a male dragon queen in estrus." Xiao Xiao followed closely behind Fatty, relying on the opponent's huge body to block the wind and snow, while turning the crystal ball in his hand, He replied bluntly: "Besides, dragon excrement is a controlled item. The only vagabonds on the pedestrian street who are willing to sell real goods, those guys who hide their faces have always been unwilling to work hard on identifying the details of the long as they can sell the goods, they don't mind. We castrate the male dragon and sell it as a female dragon."

"The vagabonds still sell live dragons?" The fat wizard immediately became more interested.

"Is that the point?"

Dr. Xiao rolled his eyes, put away the cold crystal ball tremblingly, and exchanged a counting chip: "...What I just wanted to emphasize is that you don't want to lower our apology to the level of a grass-roots team like Andrew... ...At any rate, we are also an officially registered hunting team...Hunting is a very profitable business, and the hunting ground here has been simply cleaned by the school, so it is relatively safe...Every head we cut off in the woods is a road to the other side A piece of brick on the bridge... It doesn't make sense to burn money like those rich Young Masters to suffer in the woods!"

Counting chips of different lengths clustered in the hands of the fortune-teller, making him frown.

"That guy Andrew may not necessarily lose money." The fat wizard's face turned blue, but his thoughts were very clear, and he commented very pertinently: "His family background is not strong, and his talent is not very good, and he wants to make a name for himself in Alpha Fort. However, spending money is the cheapest way... Anyway, his family is quite rich... Spend some money, organize a small hunting group, and get a passable result in the winter hunting. Being able to make friends with a group of wizards who are in the same dire situation... To be fair, one guy in a bad situation and thirty guys in a bad situation are two completely different concepts..."

"Would the situation be worse if thirty people gather together?" The fortune teller said a cold joke in the cold weather.

"You are a fortuneteller, and you should know that the luck of thirty people gathered together is enough to lift a wizard with ordinary qualifications to go further on the road of magic!" Xin Fatty said with a hint of sourness, but still Before the sourness dissipated, even stronger sourness surged up: "Hey... what is the monitor doing? What are they doing, what are they doing!"

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