Hunting High School

Chapter 417: Choice

The division of the winter hunting ground is like a huge purple onion, from the inside to the outside, there are distinct layers.

The innermost hunting ground is arranged in the campus, and is in charge of the lower grades and some "self-aware" students. The school will release simple and common prey in this area, such as boggarts, kappa, fire snakes, red There is no doubt that winter hunting in these hunting areas is absolutely safe.

Just like an onion, the spiciness of the core is not so strong, but rather sweet. Of course, the 'onion' itself has the mildest taste in this area.

The further you peel the onion, the thinner the onion skin and the more spicy it will be.

The middle layer is between the school and the Silent Forest, including Beta Town and some laboratories set up by some professors near the school. Due to the years of development by the wizards, there are very few monsters in the depths of the Silent Forest in this area. It is a species that has more dealings with wizards, such as ghouls, wraiths, wraiths, gargoyles, etc. Relatively speaking, this area is not so safe, but because most of the area is on the edge of the school's guardian circle, the danger is still very low.

The outermost layer is completely outside the school's guardian circle. It has crossed the safety line of the Silent River and penetrated into the edge of the Silent Forest—some powerful hunting teams that have a tacit understanding with the school even have the authority to explore the deeper depths of the Silent Forest for a short time. ——In this hunting area, from dragons to titans, from unicorns to chimeras, from dark wizards living in the deep forest to lone bounty hunters, any accident may happen.

Every winter hunting, only the hunting teams approved by the school can participate in the outermost winter hunting. They get the highest evaluation, and the hunting is theoretically the most lucrative—of course, this year may not be so satisfactory.

And outside the outer layer, there is a vast and endless silent forest.

There, countless magical creatures that young wizards have only seen in books are active, and there are countless terrible traps that young wizards only hear from old people. Danger and the breath of death are everywhere. Therefore, every winter hunting, the school will take the teaching assistants and school work committee as the core, and organize a variable number of patrols to roam outside the hunting grounds to ensure that there will be no high-risk magical creatures sneaking in, and that there will be no daring The student hunt went too far into the forest.


boom! boom!

Dull and loud sounds came from the depths of the forest one after another. Not only were the birds in the forest not frightened, but they were hidden more and more tightly. Only the snow on the branches rustled down from the branches as the forest trembled. Prove that what the young wizards heard was not hallucinations.

As soon as the abnormal noise appeared, Zheng Qing recalled the other three hunters who were hunting outside.

At this moment, the seven hunters of the forgiveness hunting team have launched the most skilled Bofu's battle formation, looking around vigilantly, and the fortune tellers of the forgiveness are tortoise shells, yarrow and counting chips, trying to predict those abnormal noises origin.

"It's chaotic, divination is all chaotic."

After a long time, Xiao Xiao took off his glasses, and while rubbing his sore eye sockets, he murmured: "Divination shows that there is a huge danger nearby, but it is safer to go deep into the silent forest... This is completely unreasonable... The only explanation is There are powerful wizards who interfered with the heavenly secrets and affected the divination results."

Zheng Qing grabbed a handful of snow and poured out the small fire that the doctor used to burn the tortoise shell.

"Don't worry, the patrol team of the school work committee and the teaching assistant team is nearby, and they will definitely deal with the troubles immediately." The captain of the forgiveness hunting team reassured everyone: "As far as I know, there are still schools in the patrol team. Many graduating students recalled this time, even if an entire tribe of Titans break into the edge of the forest to run wild, they will not be able to please..."

"Are you 'as far as I know' or I told the Elder, do you need to repeat it?" The fat wizard rolled his eyes and muttered in a low voice.

He also expressed his dissatisfaction with the "backstab" of the young public finance student not long ago.

Zheng Qing glanced at him, pretending not to hear his digo.

"Then our next step..." Dylan touched the gemstone cufflinks on his cuffs, and looked at his captain inquiringly.

Zheng Qing glanced at Zhang Jixin hesitantly.


It is recommended that the hunting team stay where they are and not move. "The red-faced wizard stroked his chin, and spoke very slowly, giving his own opinion: "The most important thing for every hunting team is to clean up the own hunting grounds. As long as we ensure that the hunting grounds are 'clean', there will be no accidents during this winter hunt... ...Ten thousand steps back, even if there is any danger, as long as we are still in the own hunting ground, the school will not sit back and watch some excessive things happen..."

As he spoke, he pointed to the sky calmly, which meant that a certain great wizard who served as an instructor might be secretly observing their every move.

Old Zheng Qing blushed slightly, coughed lightly, and interrupted with a forced smile: "It's really strange, I thought that according to your temper, you should take the hunting team over there to see what happened."

"Everyone's temper should be subject to reason, which is an essential quality for a successful hunting team leader." Zhang Jixin analyzed solemnly: "Having said that, if our winter hunting reaches the point where our instructor needs to take action, then it means The failure of winter hunting means that the evaluation of the hunting team will be greatly lowered... and the risks in the depths of the silent forest are self-evident. If you rush into the forest recklessly just because of a little curiosity, the risks and benefits are completely irrelevant Proportion……"

At this moment, a puff of thick smoke suddenly gushed out from the sleeve of Xin Fatty's robe on Zhan Zhanzhen's eye, covering one of his arms in an instant, and among the coiled green smoke, a few orange-red streaks could be seen faintly. The tongue of fire hesitated.


The fat wizard slapped the sudden burst of fireworks in a hurry, while Zheng Qing immediately nervously directed the others to open up the rest of the magic circuit, start the first-order state of the battle formation, and raise the afterbirth to ensure that the hunting team was not attacked by unknown sources.

"The horoscope is normal!"

"The detection spell found no abnormalities!"

"No trace of curse!"

"No signs of Black Devil attack!"

One after another, reports sounded in Zheng Qing's ears, and his heart gradually returned to his stomach. Just when he was still confused, Xin Fatty suddenly left his own position, rushed to Zheng Qing's side, and grabbed him arms, his face livid.

"Something happened to Linda."

The fat wizard spoke concisely, his whole body had turned indigo, and his wide cloak was stretched round, as if it would collapse into pieces in the next second: "I'm going to save her!"

"Speak quietly and think about it!"

Zheng Qing opened the book without hesitation and cast a calming spell on Fatty, but he regretted it the next second, because the calmer Fatty was, the easier it was to transform into a blue titan.

"Calm down, calm down!"

The captain of the forgiveness hunting team had to signal to the other hunters to stop the blue titan who was about to go berserk, and at the same time shouted: "We are a hunting team, we have to discuss something and decide together! Don't act like a middle school student!"

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