Hunting High School

Chapter 420: The Observation Room Is In Chaos

"A magical creature of the family Aridae was found on the outskirts of the A hunting area. Its shape is similar to that of a Hungarian Horntail; its strength is high, approaching the limit of high rank registered wizards; it is constantly approaching the winter hunting area... Hilda's patrol team began to try to drive it away!"

"A magical creature of the family Jiao family was found on the outskirts of the Aden hunting area. It is suspected to be a variant of the Tanggula ice chinchilla. It is close to the rank of the great wizard and is constantly approaching the cordon...Thomas patrol team began to try to dissuade it!"

"A magical creature of the family Jiao family was found outside the hunting area... Hoshino Yuan's patrol team started to snipe!"

"Outside of A B's hunting area..."

"A B hunting area..."

Less than three hours before the end of the winter hunting, there was a rush of harsh buzzing sounds in the winter hunting observation room outside the hunting ground, accompanied by a striking red light, one bad news after another came one after another—at least Twenty wild dragons whose magic power fluctuated close to the level of a great wizard appeared from the depths of the silent forest, approaching a series of hunting areas in the outermost part of Winter Hunting.

"Did some great wizard dig out a certain dragon's lair?"

A wizard from the Star Academy looked at the red screens, his eyes sparkled, and his tone was envious: "So many wild dragons, how much are they worth!"

"There are no other hunting operations that have been approved during the winter hunting," someone immediately replied: "Including individuals and hunting teams, there is no report. This has always been the practice!"

In order to prevent similar exploration from disturbing some monsters deep in the silent forest, during the winter hunting period, the school generally does not approve any private or hunting team to go deep into the forest to explore and hunt.

Of course, it is unavoidable that some hunting teams will 'travel without a license'. If they are not discovered, everything will be fine, but if they are discovered, the hunting team will be revoked from the roster, and individuals will receive double summons from the Trident Sword and Dan Hag.

Another witch in a white robe clearly disagreed with the conjecture of the Star Academy wizard: "Even if there are individual wizards or hunting teams hunting illegally, it is impossible to disturb so many different types of dragons at the same time...and you see them attacking Directions, appearing from all directions almost at the same time... This means that there are hunting parties or wizards who violate the rules in all directions...Is it possible?"

Naturally it is impossible.

One wild dragon being disturbed may be illegal hunting, two wild dragons may be a coincidence, and when three or four wild dragons are disturbed, it is reasonable to think that a certain dragon's nest has been stabbed.

However, more than 20 wild dragons appeared at the same time, which must be an organized behavior.

"Could it be an emergency drill arranged by the school?"

An observer in a red robe frantically flipped through the nearly new winter hunting manual in front of him, and asked the others loudly, "Has anyone received any instructions?"

No one answered.

At the same time, the clusters of morning glory hanging from the corner of the ceiling in the observation room are communicating reports and responses from different departments one after another in shrill and piercing voices:

"...The divination group! Is there any latest feedback from the divination group?"

"Multiple patrols and wild dragons have disappeared at the same time! It is suspected that a large-scale interference magic is in effect... The divination group feedback speculates that there are several great wizards involved!"

"Where is the school's guardian circle?"

"The guardian circle is in normal state and has not received any attack!"

"Weather watch?"

"The meteorological monitoring has terminated any abnormal weather conditions, ensuring that the hunting grounds and surrounding areas are in good weather!"

"Other hunting areas?"

"The Winter Hunting Area in the school and the Winter Hunting Area in Beta Town are in normal condition and have not been attacked by abnormalities! No large-scale emergence of special magical creatures has been found!"

"The fortune-telling group believes that there is a non-independent event in the wild dragon, and the unknown risk exposure has exceeded the safety threshold!"

"The teaching assistants have all been dispatched to find the trapped patrol team!"

"The school working committee confirmed that it will intervene in the winter hunting mission in advance... The school working committee's reserve patrol team has taken over part of the garrison tasks, and the situation in the campus is normal!"

"The professor on duty has been informed of the relevant situation, and the joint meeting of professors is paying close attention to the development of the situation!"


Indicates that the risk of school attacks is continuing to increase..."

The observation room was in chaos.

When a person falls, even if he knows what will happen, even if he has accepted what is about to happen, fear, anxiety and shock will inevitably arise in his heart.

Just like a drowning person, after falling into the water, he still can't step on the bottom, and can't borrow any strength from his hands. The endless feeling of falling and indescribable fragility make people hesitate to the extreme.

Like the young wizards in the observation room at this moment.

Even though everyone had made countless plans before the winter hunt, and had detailed steps to deal with various situations, the moment when the changes came without warning, these young wizards were still in a mess.

After confirming that the sudden appearance of more than 20 wild dragons posed a huge threat to Dongshou, the person in charge of the observation room immediately sounded the alarm, and continuously upgraded the alarm level according to the interactive messages.

"Alarm! Alert! Alert!"


"Yellow Alert!"


"Orange alert!!"


"Red Alert!!!"

"...High-intensity magic fluctuations erupted outside the A Geng hunting area! The peak value reached the upper limit of the great wizard in an instant! The guardian magic circle detected the legendary magic aura! The guardian magic circle detected the legendary magic aura!!"

The voice in Morning Glory is distorted because of its sharpness. It's no wonder that these young wizards are so rare. In the entire First University, except for a certain hunting team that participated in the Battle of the Black Hell, few students have ever seen legendary magic, let alone faced possible legendary magic attacks.

"The magic review is invalid!"

"Repeat, the magic review is invalid!"

"Manual review...manual review confirmation!"

"A magic wave with a legendary aura is confirmed in the direction of A Geng... No effective information has been observed yet... The Victor patrol team responsible for the patrol mission in the corresponding area is still out of contact!"

"The divination results show that the best time to intervene has been lost!"

"In order to ensure the safety of the campus, the fortune-telling group has requested the joint meeting of the school working committee and professors to fully intervene! The fortune-telling group has requested to implement an emergency safety plan!"

"The Hunting Committee seconded it!"

"Student council seconded!"

"Association Federation Seconded!"

"The school work committee has passed the application for the emergency safety plan!"

"The joint meeting of professors approved the implementation of the emergency safety plan... Dongshou's functional departments implement the plan according to the requirements of the corresponding manual... The school's guardian circle is ready, ten, nine, eight, seven, six..."

hum! !

Subtle and long-lasting magical tremors spread along the soles of the feet into the hearts of every young wizard in the observation room. Pieces of golden yellow in the screen dyed the sky and the earth. The fully unfolded school guardian magic circle used its powerful magic pulsation to soothe Every tense face made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, someone finally realized that there were some hunting parties outside the circle.

"...What about the thirty hunting teams outside??"

(end of this chapter)

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