Hunting High School

Chapter 169 What Is Morality

There is no doubt that the wizarding world has a highly developed civilization.

Their footprints cross the barriers of the Galaxy Cluster, and their eyes penetrate the maze of time. Great wizards sit in the void and fish the heavens; weak wizards concoct potions to prolong life.

In comparison, the Baiding civilization, which is also on the same blue star, looks much inferior.

They don't have the strength to smash the void, and they don't have the clear eyes that can see through the illusion; their lifespan is only a short hundred years, and their world is only as big as this blue star.

Although they come from the same source, they have parted ways after all.

Mr. Sima's voice seemed a little cold in the empty classroom:

"After many failed attempts, the wizards gradually gave up the option of reuniting with the Bai Ding and began to hide their own whereabouts."

"At this time, in terms of the attitude towards Bai Ding, the wizarding world has gradually formed three main factions."

"Stubborn wizards, conservative wizards, radical wizards."

"The die-hards advocate that wizards should be completely isolated from 'mortals', and believe that mortals are 'untouchables'."

"Among the wizards of this faction, there are many supporters of blood supremacy. They believe that human beings and wizards are two completely different lives, and too much contact will lead to the loss of wizard power; of course, some scholars believe that some stubborn wizards are purely It’s because they are lazy in dealing with mortals, hoping to devote their limited time to endless magic exploration.”

"The fans of this faction are mainly concentrated in some ancient forces with a long history, such as the secret party in the blood clan, Penglai in the East China Sea, etc. They are not the mainstream in the current wizarding world-in fact, these diehard wizards It has even been proposed many times in the Grand Wizarding Conference of the Wizarding Union, hoping to disband the First University and completely return to the closed inheritance system of the Middle Ages."

It could be seen that Mr. Sima didn't like wizards of this faction, and his tone was full of strong sarcasm.

Zheng Qing understands this dissatisfaction very well.

In his opinion, the choice of the stubborn wizards is tantamount to closing the door, locking the country, and killing their own eyes.

Even in the history textbooks of ordinary people, this kind of backward choice is considered a retrogression of history, let alone the more developed wizarding world?

"Conservatives believe that wizards can maintain limited contact with 'baidin'."

"They believe that Baiding and wizards come from the same source, and that the wizarding world, as a representative of a more developed civilization, has the responsibility and obligation to guide Baiding's world to a more civilized stage."

"Of course, there are many different voices among the conservatives according to different positions, but in any case, the views of the conservatives belong to the mainstream of the wizarding world today. The main forces in the wizarding world, including the First University, the Parliament under the Moon, and the Wizarding Council, all belong to the This faction."

"The radical wizards hope that the wizarding world can be reopened and try to integrate with Baiding civilization again."

"This faction believes that Baiding and wizards, as twin civilizations, can naturally promote each other and make progress together; the isolation policy is a backward and discriminatory policy."

"So... what do you think?" Mr. Sima stopped explaining, followed the own handout, and fixed his eyes on Zheng Qing.

"It sounds like radicals are more friendly to ordinary people." Zheng Qing replied hesitantly.


Professor Sima patted the lecture notes in his hand again, startling all the students in the classroom:

"This is what I want you to remember - in the process of exploring history, never be arbitrary, try not to draw conclusions!"

"Don't use the simple logic in your little brains to think about the most complicated relationship in the world!"

"Actually, many diehard wizards want to protect the uniqueness of human civilization. They believe that the intervention of wizards will lead to the loss of aggressiveness of human civilization; and there are also many radical wizards who are looking forward to the glory of the age of the gods."

Therefore, the so-called conservative wizards are nothing but peace between the die-hard wizards and the radical wizards.

Zheng Qing complained secretly, quite disdainful - no wonder this faction has the greatest power.

After all, it's just a different angle.

Thinking of this, his thoughts couldn't help drifting back to the question that the wizard was hiding.

From Bai Ding's point of view, wizards have indeed hidden their whereabouts from this world.

In the eyes of most wizards, they just tightened the fence of their own courtyard and covered the gate in front of the courtyard to prevent uninvited guests from visiting.

It's like two families in a village.

A rich family will naturally build high walls and lock the gates of the courtyard, and don't like to deal with another poor family.

Different perspectives lead to different ways of looking at problems, and the conclusions are naturally not the same.

Zheng Qing understood clearly in his heart, and his fingers involuntarily brushed over a short paragraph.

Those are some sentences from The Morals of Civilization, a well-known popular textbook for the wizarding world quoted in Modern History of the World.

"This world belongs to wizards, and it also belongs to Bai Ding, but in the final analysis, it still belongs to wizards."

"Wizards have a broader vision and richer resources. Our world, in terms of breadth and depth, includes this little blue star."

"Each eats what he likes, each eats what he wears, each lives in peace, and each enjoys his own customs."

"Neighboring countries look at each other, the sounds of chickens and dogs are heard, and the people do not communicate with each other until they grow old and die."

"This is morality."

He finally understood why this book was called 'The Morality of Civilization' - for a civilization with a huge generation gap, keeping a distance is the most beautiful morality.

When Zheng Qing came back to his senses, Mr. Sima was still talking in front of the podium, but he didn't know where he had extended the topic:

"With different ideas and different ideas, naturally many different factions will be born."

"In today's wizarding world, this kind of thing is quite common."

"For example, there are differences in attitudes towards the Galactic Council, and there are differences between galaxy wizards and local wizards; there are differences in the way of wizard education, such as academic school, bloodline school, and master-in-law school; there are differences between noble wizards and commoner wizards for wizards."

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"In the simple small society of the school, if you experience it carefully, you can feel the contradictions and compromises between different groups in all aspects-this is also the First Stage meaning of university education."

"I hope that each of my students will have their own unique and free brand, instead of being influenced by these general and complicated factions."

"Cogito ergo sum."

"A life without self-thinking is not an independent and complete life."

"That ends the question, next classmate."

Teacher Sima tapped the desk lightly with his slender, white fingers, and called back the wandering students in the classroom:

"I hope that the questions raised by the students in the future can be more suitable for our class."

Zheng Qing sighed slightly, rubbed his eyes, and put back his scattered thoughts.

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