Hunting High School

Chapter 180 Brain Is A Good Thing

However, Zheng Qing still underestimated the speed at which rumors spread.

On the way to school the next day, he saw many students—regardless of whether they were freshmen or seniors—beginning to wear guardian charms blatantly.

To be low-key, tie some colorful silk on the wrists and ankles. This is an ancient warding spell, in which wizards knotted runes with knots to ward off unknown curses. Girls prefer this beautiful and simple amulet.

High-profile, with five-color peach prints engraved with runes on their necks, an auspicious Calabash on their waists, or colorful spells painted on their faces, and some students even hold open Dharma books directly, forming a group The team walks around the campus.

So much so that the college had to urgently issue a notice, reiterating the regulations prohibiting random opening of the law books on campus, so as to prevent these panicked young wizards from wiping out their guns in anxiety.

In addition, the rumors that are spreading are also strange.

Some people claim that the school's magic laboratory has leaked, and some unknown curse has begun to spread around the lake.

Some people also said that the murlocs in Linzhong Lake Reserve were offering sacrifices to the evil existence in the dark, and they planned to restore the glory of the Middle Ages.

Some people swear that the perpetrator is a demon who sneaked into the school!

They even took the trouble to plan an infiltration route for this monster: hid in the special plane with the banshee Nikita, and when she made a fuss in the cabin, the monster devoured a certain student and replaced him, and then made trouble in First University , to create opportunities for their demon ancestors to attack the university.

I have to say that young people have always dared to think and speak.

It's just that these rumors were quickly clarified by the school.

The First University Working Committee has posted notices at the entrances of the main building, office building, laboratory building, Shushan Pavilion, and even many gardens in the back garden, repeatedly emphasizing that the recent attacks on magical creatures have nothing to do with demons:

"...This kind of incident is related to the recent resurgence of strange beasts in the Silent Forest. The First University has ordered the relevant departments to deal with this matter with all their strength... Please don't believe in rumors... The school working committee will punish any behavior that disturbs the school environment Handle it seriously!"

This notice curbed some malicious rumors to a certain extent.

But Fangmin's mouth is stronger than Fangchuan's. Before the truth comes out, forcibly blocking the news cannot completely eliminate the students' uneasiness in private.

On the contrary, because of the asymmetry of information, this blockade has further confused the situation.

For example, the most widely circulated news in the school stated that a thousand-year-old zombie just woke up in the cemetery in the back garden of the school, was restraining his anger, and planned to dig out of the coffin to wander around.

To Zheng Qing's surprise, this flawed statement was deeply believed by many students.

Black donkey hooves, live roosters, and black dog blood in the magic shop on the pedestrian street in Beta Town were once sold out of stock.

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When this panic spread, not only the students of Jiuyou University stocked up, but even the students of Alpha Fort, Star Rubik's Cube, and Atlas Tower in other territories began to hoard magic talismans one after another.

Even the gray-robed wizard at the Wandering Bar very friendly reminded Zheng Qing that the Wandering Bar has prepared a series of magic tools to prevent zombies for gold card customers, with a 50% discount on a first-come, first-served basis.

"Of course, you have bought the best black donkey's hooves in our store, and you must look down on these ordinary magic items. But your classmates must have this demand. As a gold card customer, during this special day, 50% off any purchase you make."

Zheng Qing slapped the letter paper on the desk and sighed repeatedly.

The hidden meaning of the wandering wizard is very obvious, which is one of the reasons why Zheng Qing agreed to accept the gold card in the first place.

Even if he doesn't need to buy magic supplies to prevent zombies at the wandering bar, he can buy a batch at a low price and sell it to other students who need it at a high price.

It's a huge profit, and it's just right, no one can blame anything.

However, he was young after all, and he always felt that it was unreasonable to do so.

"How could it be a zombie?" Zheng Qing sat in the classroom, looked at the friends next to him, and laughed angrily: "Use your brain a little, and you know that this kind of thing is completely impossible!"

He couldn't understand why a wizarding university would make such irresponsible but popular remarks.

Regardless of whether the zombie clan, one of the five major races of the Council of the Moon, allows its elders to wreak havoc in the First University, if a single thousand-year-old zombie wants to grab some vitality, it may be banned by humans and beasts within a hundred miles. Find little things like kappa and turtle to start with!

"That's right, that's right." Zhang Jixin shook his head again and again: "Thousand-year zombies... even the big buffaloes in Linzhong Lake are just snacks in their eyes, so what are kappa? It's not enough to fit between teeth!"

"Brains are a good thing, but not everyone has them." Xin Fatty lay down at the table, blew his nose, and muttered, "The people who spread this rumor must not know that zombies like to eat brains the most."

Maybe Dylan spilled a little too much disinfectant powder in the dorm, Fatty sneezed all night yesterday.

After waking up this morning, the others noticed that his nose had become round and swollen, like the red nose of a circus clown.

This made Fatty's mood so low that his favorite pharmacy class this morning didn't cheer him up.

"Compared with these messy rhetoric, I think the invisible ghost mentioned by Dylan is more likely." Zheng Qing couldn't help complaining: "At least, it is the same as the ghost, it is silver-white, and it floats Float away, you can hide in the heart of the tree to escape the janitors' hunt."

The only problem is that most magic books list the invisible ghost as a type of magical life with high curiosity.

Zheng Qing felt that if there was really an invisible ghost wandering around the campus, seeing those young wizards in strange costumes, they would definitely not be able to help but go to study it.

In this way, more students should be killed on campus.

Thinking about these messy things, suddenly there was a pleasant crashing sound of wind chimes shaking in my ears.

The fragrance was accompanied by the breeze, and Li Meng's figure ran in front of him like a gust of wind.

Zheng Qing immediately raised his head, looked at the little aunt vigilantly, and involuntarily covered his gray cloth bag with his left hand.

"What are you doing!" The young public finance student yelled sternly, "I've already sold you all my Bixie talismans! I sold them to you at a super low price... What else do you want?"

Maybe because of her young age, maybe because of her cuteness, maybe just because of her mysterious status as a spirit witch.

People in the academy were extremely tolerant towards this twelve-year-old college student, and many even made no secret of their love for her. In addition, she fainted several times within a few weeks of entering the school, which intensified people's love.

Li Meng also gradually lost the anxiety and timidity she had when she first came to university, and gradually recovered her lively and self-willed side.

For Zheng Qing, this is not good news.

Because this means that he will definitely suffer when dealing with Li Meng, and there is no reason at all.

"Tch, cheapskate." Li Meng wrinkled her nose, shrunk her head and looked back, curled her lips a little guiltyly: "Who wants to buy your talisman... It was my cousin looking for you, looking for you, the 'princess' pregnancy'!"

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