Hunting High School

Chapter 27 She Came From Hell

"I hate your cold and slippery friends." The banshee glanced at him, with a charming smile on her lips, but her voice was very cold: "And all the ugly things."

This banshee appeared suddenly on the deck with black hair and blood eyes. She was tall and slender, and her whole body was wrapped in a large black robe. Only a little bright red lips and a snow-white neck were exposed under the hood.

She seemed to be carrying something, propping up the robe behind her, making the golden logo on the robe extremely conspicuous.

The main body of the logo is a golden letter I, and there are two exquisite skulls on the left and right sides of the letter I. Any genie of any caliber would recognize this sign.

This is the symbol of the Lich King.

Only the inheritors of the Lich King's direct line can use such a symbol.

In the eyes of the wizard, the monsters are all the same monsters.

Bloody eyes, dark heart.

Just like the wizards in the eyes of demons, they are all the same wizards, the flesh and blood exude fragrance, and the soul contains essence.

But disagreements are always everywhere.

In the Wizarding Union, there are the Wizarding Council and the Under-the-Moon Council, which are strangers.

In the world of demons, the spheres of influence of several demon kings are also distinct.

The Black Ship is a subordinate of the Siren King.

And the banshee who just boarded belongs to the Lich King.

Harry, who was basking in the sun and sleeping on the deck chair, had already rolled down the cabin, and the "Ms. Blossom" in his hand had disappeared somewhere, replaced by a bouquet of bright and dripping roses.

"Is there anything I can do for you, charming lady." He knelt on one leg in front of Nikita, with a decent smile on his face, and his bright red eyes were as bright as rubies.

It would be perfect if he could clean the drool from the corner of his mouth.

"Put on your robe and talk to me again!" The banshee raised her head proudly, her tone full of disdain.

For a lich, a robe is the minimum of respect.

Whether it's the pink polo shirt or the white and green beach shorts, it's hard for the banshee to feel Harry's sincerity.

"This expression is so cute!" Harry gripped the rose in his hand tightly, and slowly tightened it, strands of dark green mixed with purple-red juice flowed out from between his fingers. His bright red eyes showed eagerness, as if a crazy artist saw a rare treasure: "Cute wants to eat you!"

Nikita didn't pay attention to Harry's crazy ravings, she took light steps, bypassed the nympho who was on one knee in front of her, and rushed straight into the cabin.

"Hey! Goblin. How about learning some manners yourself before teaching others to respect you?" The blond young man blocked the cabin door at some point, holding an unlit cigarette, looking at her with raised eyelids.

For some reason, a small wind blew from the surface of the sea, rattling the robe on the banshee's body, wrapping her graceful body tightly.

The things she was carrying behind her also showed a clearer outline.

Appears to be a child.

The blond youth narrowed his eyes.

A lich wants to see the captain with a child on his back. It's too rare for this kind of thing to happen to a monster. You know, for monsters, the only advantage of larvae is that the meat is tender and smooth.

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He licked the corner of his mouth.

The corner of the banshee's robe moved slightly, revealing a dark red magic book with a shell wrapped in gold threads.

"I'm in a hurry." The banshee raised her head, revealing a pair of charming big eyes. The dark red pupils shone dangerously in the bright sunlight.

The blond young man chewed the cigarette in his mouth, slowly chewing the golden shredded tobacco.

He didn't reply, but his breathing became longer.

On the mainmast, the strong man in the posture of suffering moved his head slightly, as if he had a little life.

"We have plenty of time, beauty!" Behind her, Harry's oily voice sounded again: "What's more, the little guy behind you smells better than you."

The sound is very close, as if it is close to the ear.

The banshee didn't look back.

She heard a long inhalation hovering behind her neck, stretching on and on, seemingly without end.

The cold breath spread forward from behind with the sound of inhalation, ready to engulf her at any time.

The Lich seniors all said that the Siren King's subordinates are a group of mobs who have just escaped their animal nature, bloodthirsty and irrational.

Now, Nikita felt that this summary was incomplete.

She felt the need to add one more point: these mobs were also rough fellows, and had no tolerance or patience for ladies.

She knew that if she didn't explain something, it might be difficult for her to enter the cabin that was so close to her.

The little man on the back shrinks back.

She no longer hesitated.

"She comes from Hell." Nikita stretched out his hand to caress the child behind him, and whispered this sentence.

"Cough, cough, cough." The blond young man seemed to be choking on the shredded tobacco he was chewing. He stroked his chest, arched his waist, and coughed frantically, not caring at all that his waist and abdomen were exposed to the charming sight of the banshee.

"Boom!" The burly man hanging from the mast broke free from the ropes that bound him, and slammed heavily on the deck. The black boat shook violently a few times, causing ripples on the calm sea.

The cold aura behind him also disappeared without a trace. Nikita could even clearly feel Harry holding his breath, blushing, and cautiously pulling away from him.

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

A banshee knows when to wow everyone.


"Come in." A gentle, but slightly nasal voice came from the cabin.

Pushing away the blond young man who was bending over and coughing wildly in front of him, Nikita lowered his body and got into the dark cabin.

In the sky, the big bird that had been hovering for a long time chirped, and suddenly fluttered away.

"It's her!" The burly man stroked Own's bald head and asked in a hoarse voice.

The blond youth is still coughing.

Harry squinted and watched the big bird go away until it became a black spot and disappeared into the blue background.

He knew the strong man was talking about Nikita.

He also knew what the strong man meant, asking if the big bird who had watched the black ship for three days was looking for Nikita.

This large bird is the eye of wizards.

The eyes only look away when they see what they want to see.

"This kind of thing, I can only ask the captain." Harry took out his own "Ms. Dodo", fanned the wind, and grinned at the burly man, and answered glibly.


Coming to the cabin along the sloping stairs, Nikita was a little dazed.

The same color as the ship, the cabin is also pitch-black, and the space looks very small and cramped, barely able to accommodate many things.

This is a bit far from the spacious and luxurious hall she expected.

Whether it was the years when she was a wizard or the days when she became a demon, in her memory, she had rarely seen such a narrow space. Wizards and demons with slightly superior abilities always have various ways to expand the space and create a comfortable environment for themselves.

She blinked and quickly adjusted to the dim light in the cabin.

Not far from the stairs is a thick wooden pillar, which is estimated to be the main mast of the black ship. Some wooden boxes were stacked randomly under the pillars, and a wine barrel with an iron ring rolled down near the corner. The lid of the wine barrel was opened, and the inside was empty.

The banshee's slender eyebrows knit together.

She felt the baby on her back trembling.

She reached out her hand and patted him reassuringly.

"The boat is a little old, just make it." A gentle voice came from the lower left, and Nikita was surprised to find that there was still a small piece of light on the dark bottom of the boat.

There is an iron fence net directly above the light, and the bright sunlight penetrates into the dark cabin through the gaps in the steel bars, leaving a colorful patch of color and making the shadow on the left against the bulkhead even darker.

That gentle voice came from that darkness.

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