Hunting High School

Chapter 213 Dr. Xiao's Physiognomy

Turtle back inkstone, Zihao pen, Songwen ink, yellow paper.

After Zheng Qing habitually took out Four Treasures of the Study from his gray cloth bag, he suddenly realized that this was a rune class.

He glanced at the classmates at the next table, paused, and stuffed the wad of yellow paper back into the bag—this was the only thing that was useless.

Professor Emma had ordered the elves to distribute the rune practice papers to each desk.

It was obvious that she wanted these young wizards to practice at her pace.

Zheng Qing's fingers flicked over the tiny crooked patterns on the grass paper, trying to distinguish the hidden laws, trying to get acquainted with the guys who wrote them before writing.

Beside him, Dr. Xiao Da had already opened "The Essay of the Sky", translating the content about the structure of the magic text in the handout.

Zhang Jixin, who was in the front row, turned his face with a sad face, looked at the big doctor and the public-funded students behind him who were making preparations before writing in an orderly manner, and said angrily, "Can you understand what the handouts mean?"

Farther away, Li Meng was wrinkling her small nose and complaining to Jiang Yu in distress: "It's so difficult... I feel like I will fail the final exam... What should I do, will I be beaten by the teacher?"

Xin Fatty leaned out half of his body across the aisle between the desks, leaned forward with a squinting face, and responded with a smile: "Don't worry, cute girl, I still know a little bit of astronomy, so hug me if you don't understand! "

While talking, he patted his belly hard.

Even through the baggy school robe, Zheng Qing could clearly see the turbulent waves created by the fleshy waves on Fatty's belly.

Jiang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, swayed his wrist lightly, and polished the ink in the inkstone slowly, as if he didn't notice the little accident that happened next to him.

Liu Feifei looked at Xin Fatty and Li Meng with a puzzled expression, obviously inexperienced in how to deal with 'hooligans'.

Li Meng's eyes widened, and she glanced cautiously at the handsome Matthew sitting by the window, her expression changed immediately, she took out her book with a pink bow tie, and poked Fatty viciously with the spine of the book.

"Go to hell!" The little spirit witch lowered his voice and warned softly, "If you talk nonsense again, I will cast a curse on you!"

Maybe it was because the spine of the dharma book was too hard, or maybe it was the little spirit witch's intimidation that made Xin feel threatened.

Fatty's round face crumpled.

It looks like a hot bun just out of the oven.

Zheng Qing looked at this scene cheerfully, and his mood eased a lot unconsciously.

He erected the wooden shelf on the table, put the handouts on it, and at the same time spread out the felt on the table, carefully smoothing out every wrinkle on the felt.

Then he used the purple hair to scratch the little snake coiled on the inkstone on the back of the turtle.

The little snake yawned lazily, opened its mouth to bite the Zihao, spit out a stream of clear water from the corner of its mouth, and put the tip of the pen.

Zheng Qing touched Zi Hao's pen holder covered with pulp, and suddenly felt a little emotional.

This pen has been with him for eighteen years.

When he caught the "sharp as a cone and sharp as a knife" rabbit hair pen from a pile of gifts that year, the old man in the family was very happy.

What a win!

What a catch!

So that for more than ten years later, Zheng Qing has been hating own cheap.

He had imagined countless times that if he could grab gold coins and silver ingots, or seal abacus or something, Own's childhood would not have been so hard.

Zihao soon satiated with ink.

Zheng Qing moved the nib of the pen onto the straw paper, suspended it in the air, and remained motionless.

A familiar feeling welled up from the bottom of my heart, along the blood vessels, and pumped vigorously to the fingertips.

Zheng Qing looked at the rune with a complex structure in the handout, moved his wrist lightly, and the tip of the pen was as smooth as flying, without feeling a bit of stagnation at all.

"Do not use any magic pens while practicing!"

Professor Emma's resonant voice echoed in the classroom again:

"You are absolutely not allowed to use any tools with spells attached."

"This is absolutely not allowed!"

Zheng Qing stopped the movements of his hands and raised his head.

Professor Emma stood in front of a desk, held up a horsehair bristle in her hand, waved it vigorously, growled, and scanned every face in the classroom with sharp eyes.

Beside her, Duan Xiaojian stood behind the desk dejectedly, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Let you practice the sense of writing and touch, in order to increase the connection between you and the runes!"

"This is the basis for you to master the magic text."

"Anyone, remember, anyone is not allowed to cheat!"

"Otherwise, a series of credits will be deducted from your student card before you see my reward!"

"It's not a threat."

"This is the last warning! Remember!"

"Here!" There was a messy answer in the classroom.

"Do you understand?" Professor Emma was obviously dissatisfied with this answer.

"Listen clearly!" Everyone stopped the pens in their hands, raised their heads, and shouted vigorously.

The professor nodded in satisfaction.

Zheng Qing shrugged, took out the scrapped scrap of paper in his hand, crumpled it into a ball, raised his wrist, and accurately smashed it into the arms of an elf in mid-air.

The elf vibrated its wings, smiled Xixi, and flew towards the trash can with the paper ball in its arms.

"You look a little sluggish," he spread out a new piece of toilet paper, glanced at Dr. Xiao who was lying on the table next to him flipping through the handouts, and asked casually, "Are you still thinking about what happened just now?" ?”

Before class, several boys met Sima Yangyun, the lecturer of the history class, on their way to the classroom.

Because of well-known reasons, boys like to boo in front of this big beauty.

Especially when Xiao Xiao was there.

Therefore, the beauty of the unexpected encounter just now was completely destroyed by a few reckless people.

Zheng Qing felt that if she were Xiao Xiao, she would definitely be depressed too.

"What?" Xiao Xiao raised his head blankly, and looked at Zheng Qing suspiciously: "What happened just now?"

"Pretending to be quite similar." Zheng Qing squinted at him, pounded the Zihao pen into the turtle-back inkstone twice vigorously, watched the nib absorb the ink, and then hummed: "Mr. Sima runs so fast, it must be Because of seeing you."

"Oh, that matter." Xiao Xiao lowered his head again, violently scratched his messy hair, and said sullenly: "That kind of thing is about fate. When fate comes, everything is easy to handle; if fate doesn't arrive, you can't force it."

Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows in astonishment, but began to outline the rune with his hands without stopping.

"I didn't expect you to be a metaphysician." He sneered, "Since you are so particular about fate, why do you have to give Mr. Sima such a hard time?"

"It doesn't matter whether I am a metaphysician or not." Xiao Xiao corrected his expression, looked at Zheng Qing, and said seriously: "But I can feel the red light lingering all over your body... The dark clouds are covering the top, and the Yintang is black. There will soon be a bloodbath."

"Huh?" Zheng Qing carefully read the description of the fire magic text in the handout, and carefully outlined the last paragraph of strokes, hearing Dr. Xiao Da's intimidation from his left ear and out from his right ear.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

"There is something... I think you should know." Xiao Xiao was still chattering beside him.

"Quickly, quickly!" Zheng Qing held his breath, opened his mouth slightly, and carefully picked up the pen. He was surprised to find that he could smoothly outline the shape of the first rune. I can completely copy successfully in just one time, do I have a language talent that I haven't discovered before?

"If you have finished copying this word...maybe you should look up at the door of the classroom." Xiao Xiao sincerely suggested: "In this way you won't always care about other people's Eight Trigrams."

Zheng Qing picked up the pen to close the words, and raised his head indifferently.

Then his heart suddenly tightened.

A thin tongue of fire burned rapidly along the stop marks of his strokes.

In an instant, it turned into a ball of fire and floated into the air.

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