Hunting High School

Chapter 225: What Gift?

Until Saturday noon when he went to Dr. Duzem's research institute to review the elves, Zheng Qing was still worrying about what gift to give Elena.

As a student, his options were very limited.

Most of the jewellery's jewelry has the blessings of high rank wizards attached. A bare ring with no carvings dares to ask for three jade coins without counter-offering, let alone those hairpins, hairpins, and jade that look very beautiful. However, the cash-strapped public finance students were even ashamed to ask the puppet girl who guarded the store the price of those accessories.

Although Lin Jinghua's cosmetics are reasonably priced, Zheng Qing doesn't know what color Irina likes, what smell she likes, or whether she has a favorite brand. If you buy a brand that she hates, and it happens to be a color and taste that she doesn't like, tsk, that picture makes me desperate just thinking about it.

As for flowers, Zheng Qing didn't even think about this choice. Even the magicians in the northern part of Beta Town can pull out a bunch of delicate and fresh roses from their hats, not to mention a high-achieving student at a wizarding university—besides, what kind of flowers can comfort a gypsy witch What about wounded hearts?

Annoyed, Zheng Qing couldn't help but miss the almighty Du Niang.

Although the word of mouth is relatively poor, in some helpless situations, Du Niang will always give some suggestions-whether it is good or bad, it is better to have ideas than to be confused.

If you really have no choice, go buy a Pandora's Box.

When Zheng Qing was helping the doctor make the medicine, his heart sank, and he thought viciously, the big deal is luck and character, the horoscope of the young master is very hard!

The Pandora's Box sold in the Apple Pavilion, just like its name, the wizards can't guess what is in the box before opening it. Maybe it's a rare green-veined crystal, maybe it's a broken magic item, maybe it's just a bundle of weeds with rodent bite marks on it.

Admittedly, people think crazy when they are desperate.

"If you plan to poison your elves to death, you can feed them some nettle wine. There is no need to waste the more precious nettle seeds." Dr. Du Zemu's faint sigh sounded in Zheng Qing's ear, The young public finance student was taken aback.

"Ah, I'm very sorry, very sorry!" Zheng Qing looked at the Impurities mixed in the jade bowl, his face turned pale with fright, and he apologized again and again: "I was a little distracted just now... I'm really sorry!"

"It doesn't matter, the main medicine is the royal jelly you provided... there is only this one, and it will be your loss if you waste it." Dr. Duzemu replied with a straight face and a deadpan expression.

Zheng Qing became more and more embarrassed.

"You look a bit out of your mind," Jiang Yu just cut the mulberry leaves on hand into thin shreds and threw them into the boiling liquid medicine. Hearing this, he looked up at Zheng Qing: "Is it the sequelae of headache?"

Zheng Qing smiled wryly, it should be vague.

From a certain point of view, Elena's troubles are indeed one of the sequelae of headaches.

With Dr. Duzemu's warning, Zheng Qing didn't dare to be distracted until the elves took the potion prepared by the royal jelly in the sand.

"Not surprisingly, the daily physical examination data of these little elves should remain stable next week." The doctor flipped through Zheng Qing's accumulated physical examination record sheet, drew on it with a quill, and said quickly: "Every day Inspections are still necessary, and the accumulation of relevant data is very important for you to complete this experiment... oh, it is very important for saving you little guys."

Zheng Qing hugged a group of sleepy-eyed elves, and bowed respectfully in thanks.

From the beginning to the present, some shadows that have been cast on his heart seem to have finally dissipated.

The flight attendant who died unexpectedly in the duty room, the hoarse laughter of the banshee named Nikita, and the bright red blood flowing on the wooden floor, all turned into flies with Dr. Duzem's sketches. Ash.

"This time is really troublesome for you." Jiang Yu stood aside and smiled slightly: "I heard from Uncle Constantine that you plan to do some in-depth experiments on artificial life, and you need some experimental materials... I have already written a letter to my grandmother, and she also gave a very high evaluation of your research results in the reply, and agreed to increase support for the institute."

Dr. Duzem finally got rid of the stiff expression on his face, and a horrified brilliance burst out of his eyes.

"I'm really... thank you so much." He spread his hands and stood there helplessly, as if he wanted to hug the young witch in front of him, but he was afraid of being rude, so he forcibly restrained this impulse.

It made him behave very oddly.

Jiang Yu smiled slightly, took a few steps forward, and gently hugged the doctor.

"Come on!" She clenched her fist and waved it vigorously in mid-air.

A bright smile appeared on Dr. Duzem's face.

This heartfelt joy seemed to have touched a mysterious magic rule, and everyone present couldn't help but smile.

The old servant Constantine stood in a corner of the yard, looked at the doctor's happy smile with a smile, lifted his cuffs, and wiped the corners of his eyes.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Zheng Qing stood behind Jiang Yu,

The sun shrouded her body, coating her slender figure with a beautiful color.

The young public fee student's heart moved slightly.


Leaving the Abnormal Life Research Institute, walking in the winding and deep alley, I could hear the short and sharp chirping of insects, the gloomy alleyway in front of my eyes, and the blue sky above my head was like a thin line, which seemed extraordinarily far away.

Holding the cardboard box, Zheng Qing was having a fierce ideological struggle in his mind.

Until the bright light at the entrance of the alley came into view, he finally made up his mind.

"Can you go to the pedestrian street with me?" Zheng Qing mustered up the courage to look at the witch next to her, her fingers holding the cardboard box were trembling due to too much force.

Jiang Yu glanced at him in surprise.

"I want to ask you for help..." Zheng Qing stammered, seemingly incoherent: "If you have time."

"Of course." Jiang Yu seemed to find his performance quite amusing, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Why do you look a little weird?"

"It's a lot of pressure." Zheng Qing suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, showing a relieved expression.

A few minutes later.

Beta town pedestrian street.

On Saturday afternoon, there was a huge crowd of people coming and going, and the yelling of vendors and the cheerful laughter of guests intertwined, everything seemed so harmonious.

Except for two young figures.

Young wizards and wizards stood in front of a shop in a pedestrian street.

Jiang Yu's eyes flicked back and forth between the shop plaque and Zheng Qing's face.

Zheng Qing sullenly pretended to be nonchalant.

"To tell you the truth," Jiang Yu looked at the shop in front of him, glanced at Zheng Qing with a delicate expression, "I didn't expect you to come to this place."

"It's not just you," Zheng Qing finally couldn't hold back anymore, looked around nervously, and whispered, "Even I don't believe it myself."

"It's also... Life is always full of surprises." The witch let out a series of laughter like silver bells, and opened the door first and walked in.

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head, and took another look at the plaque on the front of the store.

On the fluttering silk cloth, the three characters Lvxifang are looming.

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