Hunting High School

Chapter 242: Two Vice Principals

Zhuang Zhou said:

Everyone has no self, God and man have no merit, Saint has no name.

The nameless one is the beginning of heaven and earth.

There is another Suwen saying: Saints, living in the harmony of heaven and earth, follow the principles of the eight winds, are comfortable in the world, have no heart of hatred, do not want to leave the world, are obeyed, and do not want to look at the world. Don't work on things outside, don't worry about thinking inside, take leisure as your service, and take self-satisfaction as your merits, your body will not be worn out, and your spirit will not be scattered.

It means that Saint will conform to the nature and respond to people, and his behavior and preferences are no different from ordinary people, neither angry nor angry, neither anxious nor impatient, comfortable and happy, and leisurely.

Zheng Qing looked at the tall figure more than ten meters away, and these thoughts ran through his mind quickly.

Perhaps, the principal is not without a name.

"The name is nameless, but the reality is not nameless." The young public finance student couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

Xiao Xiao's eyes lit up next to him, he adjusted his glasses, took out his writing brush, and saved these words in his notebook.

From a positive comparison, the principals who walked down the ladder were not much taller than other professors.

But to the freshmen behind the corridor, these figures still seem so unattainable and out of reach.

The unnamed headmaster stood at the forefront.

Everyone stared at him intently.

Maybe the principal deliberately controlled his own aura, and Zheng Qing was finally able to see clearly—and then he couldn't help being a little disappointed.

The headmaster is not handsome in appearance, nor mighty in demeanor.

Although he was tall, he seemed to be a little fatter, and the black robe was draped over his body, making him look a little tight. It's just that the aura he has cultivated for a long time has covered up this point very well, so that the freshmen will subconsciously ignore these shortcomings in front of him.

His face is slightly dark, his forehead is wide and high, his long hair is neatly combed, and a simple bun is piled behind his head.

His eyes were bright, his lips were purple, and against his slightly dark face, he gave people a sense of grace and self-possession.

Zheng Qing felt that there was a big gap between the burly figure and the slightly domineering image of the wise and kind old man in his heart.

Whether it’s the books in the Shushan Library or the post outside the school, when it comes to the president of First University, he always looks like he is in harmony with the light, talking and laughing—because his image cannot be rubbed by ordinary magic, so Zheng Qing always thought that Principal Own would be a smiling and kind old man.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

But reality is reality after all.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but take a closer look at the most authoritative figure in First University.

Wuming has been the principal of First University for a long time.

It has been so long since the establishment of the school, apart from him, the First University has never had a second president—of course, according to different calculation methods, several colleges have different statements about the time of the establishment of the school, but according to the time recognized by all colleges Calculated, Wuming has served as the principal for more than sixty years.

Sixty years, one Jiazi.

In the world of white people, this period of time is enough for a person to change from blond hair to an old man.

But the nameless principal has always looked like this, and has never changed.

Some time before entering the school, Zheng Qing was very interested in various things about the First University, including the president of the First University, and he also read a lot of materials.

The more I look at it, the more tangled.

Regardless of all the materials, the principal does not have a name—all the materials will directly refer to him as 'principal' when discussing—only his history before he became the president of the First University is somewhat unclear and unclear .

What is certain is that he lived a long time before he was headmaster.

As for how long, Zheng Qing has never figured it out.

However, when he saw in a corner of a certain unofficial history book that the unnamed principal accepted 3,000 disciples two thousand years ago, he gave up on continuing to explore.

Treacherous and inhumane.

Compared with his qualifications, the specific Cultivation Base Magic power of the unknown principal is another mystery.

The reliable records about the headmaster in the history books are mostly about romance, flamboyance, and training of disciples. There has never been a story similar to Qin Huang killing the ancient monster in anger, and Augustus slaying a giant dragon with blood.

So many unofficial histories have it that the unnamed principal doesn't have any powerful magic power except for living longer.

It's just that no wizard has ever been able to verify these rumors.

Because before they face the unnamed principal, they still need to get past the senior wizards of the First University.

For example, the current two vice principals, Ms. Shi Hui and Master Ruoyu.

Since the founding of the school, almost all well-known conflicts about the First University have been resolved by the vice presidents.

Vice President Ruoyu is in charge of the school work committee.

Although he is called a master, he is not a monk with a bare head and a kasaya. Instead, the master was a short, wiry little old man.

No student knew why he was called a master, and many senior students maliciously speculated that maybe it was because the little old man was a master of pranksters—he was never liked by the students.

On weekdays, he always wears a thick black robe that almost reaches the soles of his feet. Most of his head is hidden behind the furry collar, only a pair of narrow, cockroach-like eyes are exposed.

The large and heavy leather shoes looked extraordinarily light under his feet. Leaning on a metal cane with a silver wolf head, he haunts every corner of the school like a ghost. He often stands quietly behind the classroom, silently staring at the students who violate the school rules and classroom discipline, and then let the school staff At the end of the month, the Commission sent a bright red punishment notice.

Compared with him, Ms. Shi Hui is more popular.

She is the Provost of First University and also chairs the Faculty Joint Conference.

Different from the school working committee, the members of the professor joint meeting are all in-service professors, lecturers, and teaching assistants. They are the most powerful mages in the school and the most stable pillars of the school. Their status is very detached. Except for teaching, research and experiments, the professors' joint meeting seldom interferes with the daily affairs of the school.

Therefore, for most of the students, Ms. Shi Hui is a powerful wizard who has been famous but not harmed, has lofty conduct, and is respectable.

The eyes of the young public finance student did not linger on Vice President Shi Hui for long.

But just looking at her briefly, he could tell that she was a capable woman.

Everyone will come to such a conclusion.

Whether it's her crisp short straight hair style, or her clean and tidy clothes, even her thin lips that are drawn into a thin line are so simple and direct, as if a line is organized and clustered according to a clear texture. .

Her reputation is also very good, and she has always been praised by young teaching assistants for her fairness, justice and decisiveness.

If Master Ruoyu is like a cockroach, the students don't know where it is, but they will be disgusted and frightened when they see it, and they can't get rid of it.

Then Ms. Shi Hui is like a short blade, simple, direct, sharp, unparalleled, clear and clear.

Unlike the unnamed principal, the vice-president of First University has changed several times.

Retiring vice presidents often wear an honorary title and continue to shine in the professors' joint meeting. Attend school festivities, write up job proposals, mentor young wizards in their lab work, and then take a nap during lengthy meetings.

For example, similar to today's opening ceremony.

Standing behind the three principals are some retired vice principals and deans of the college.

These sparse figures and other professors stood quietly behind the unnamed principal, making the already tall figure even more majestic.

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