Hunting High School

Chapter 251: Nicholas' Letter

According to the usual practice, the party after the opening ceremony will last until late at night.

The dormitory manager Ni Wuye will also be extra merciful on this day, delaying the closing time until the early morning, allowing newcomers to spend a night on the day of welcoming them.

Nicholas has attended the opening ceremony for the third time.

From the nervousness and anxiety for the first time, to the embarrassment and bewilderment for the second time, and this time, he stood beside these young faces with erratic eyes and a somewhat dazed expression.

In fact, this was the first time he stood in the team of Jiuyou College to participate in the opening ceremony.

The first time he participated in the opening ceremony, he stood in the team of Alpha Academy next to him; the second time he participated in the opening ceremony, he stood in the team of Starry Sky Academy not far away.

He even clearly remembered that he earned a month's life fee in the handicap opened by the old students of the Star Academy last year, a heavy golden bean.

Unlike most of the students in Astronomy 08-1, Nicholas did not stay in Jiuyou College for two grades—although he sometimes explained this to others to increase everyone’s recognition of him—more accurate The description is that he stayed in First University twice.

It's just that the first two times were in other colleges.

In 2006, he entered First University for the first time and was admitted by Alpha College. As a young man who was personally bestowed by the werewolf King Oswar, his Talent was easily recognized by the roster of the First University; however, as a mixed werewolf, he would never be able to gain respect in the Alpha Academy.

After yet another shit-mouthed guy insulting his mother at a college dinner, Nicholas finally explodes - he transforms into a frenzy amidst the girls screaming, and lashes out with his paws before the professor arrives The boy gave a pause and knocked out his white teeth.

It's exasperating, but also stupid.

The school's responsibility determination report came out soon, because his actions were of a certain 'defensive' nature, and because the wizard had not suffered any 'irreversible' damage, so the school would not directly order him to withdraw from school, but obviously , He is not fit to stay in Alpha Academy anymore.

So in 2007, with a warning letter and a simple bag on his back, he walked into another college of the First University—Starry Sky College.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Maybe the school professors are on the right track. As a young wizard with a combative bloodline, and as a wizard who was warned by the school for being brave and ruthless, Nicholas should be very comfortable with the atmosphere of Star Academy.

The results, however, were astonishing.

Throughout the entire school year, the most frequently used words by the professors at the Star Academy in their comments on Nicholas were 'cowardly', 'lack of courage' and 'no sense of fighting'. Such a state obviously cannot enter the higher first-level starry sky trial field.

In the year-end summary at the end of the semester, Nicholas confessed to the professors that he had to take care of his own Little Sister, and that he couldn't die in any stupid battle until she was an adult-and in his opinion, most of the students in the Star Academy Fighting is worthless, or stupid.

This kind of rhetoric completely conflicts with the school-running philosophy of Starry Sky Academy.

After fierce disputes, the professors finally accepted Nicholas' defense, and at the same time realized that the act of manually adjusting the school roster was not in line with the original intention of the First University when it was established.

It is impossible to return to Alpha Academy, and it is impossible to return in this life.

After careful consideration, Jiuyou Academy invited this old student who had repeated grades twice to allow him to retake the freshman credits.

The premise is that his code of conduct must meet the requirements of Jiuyou Academy.

That is, the test scores must meet the standard.

For Nicholas, it was very difficult. Unlike the authentic Jiuyou students, he seldom entered the library—it seemed that only when he entered the university campus for the first time, out of curiosity about First University, he visited several libraries of the school.

However, he had no other choice.

As if dreaming.

The great ambitions and ambitions of two years ago have gradually disappeared with repeated renovations. Those oaths that are still echoing in my ears now look back more like a joke, a kind of raving, a piece of fantasy that will never be touched.

A girl's scream echoed in the first hall, waking up Nicholas who had just been distracted.

The skinny wizard looked up at the screaming crowd, smiled, and shook his head.

It was a kraken floating in mid-air, emitting black smoke and waving its tentacles. It was just a trick used by wizards to scare witches.

"Aren't you going to the party? Why are you standing here alone?" Zheng Qing walked over with a glass of wine, and suddenly smiled narrowly: "I saw Liu Feifei reading the story on the mural over the sixth pillar. "

"I'm getting old and mentally weak." Nicholas' eyes trembled, and the corners of his mouth curled down, showing a sad smile: "Don't worry... I think it would be a good choice to go back and rest early."

Zheng Qing laughed and clinked wine glasses with this funny old student: "I never knew where you lived...I mean, you don't seem to live in a dormitory?"

"You won't be interested in the exclusive apartment for juniors." Nicholas shrugged and looked into the distance: "Student Xin is waving over there, is he calling you?"

Zheng Qing turned his head, and sure enough, Xin Fatty was holding the orange cat, waving it left and right, as if he was still shouting something.

"Then I'll go there first?" Zheng Qing raised his glass apologetically.

"Have a good time." Nicholas also raised his glass and bumped with his public-funded students.

After the green bee drank into the glass, Lao Sheng raised his hand and handed the empty wine glass to a Smurf hovering above his head.

The Smurf flapped his wings gracefully, and after giving him a plum, he flew away with the empty wine glass.

Nicholas threw the plum into his mouth, chewed it, glanced at the noisy first hall again, raised his hood, and left quietly.

Didn't even say goodbye to Liu Feifei.

His mind is a little messed up now.

He felt that he needed to return to an environment where he could regain his calm.

In other words, he needs a way to calm himself down again.

Like writing a letter.


After returning to the exclusive student dormitory, it was still early.

Nicholas opened the drawer in the center of the desk, and took out a piece of white letter paper, a bottle of black ink, and a gray quill.

He didn't turn on the light, after all, the sunlight outside the window can last for a while.

Jumping on the bed and sitting cross-legged, Nicholas spread the letter on his knees under the sunshine from the window.

He unscrewed the cap of the ink bottle and stuffed the quill into it.


The quill happily drank the ink

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