Hunting High School

Chapter 253 The Temptation Of The Council And The School's Attitude

When Nicholas was writing a letter to his mother curled up in the dim dormitory, in another corner of First University, there was also a group of people who were thinking about how to write a reply letter.

It was also a room devoid of light.

It's just that, compared with Nicholas's compact dormitory, this room is incomparably taller in terms of scale and grandeur.

Although the stars in the void in all directions have been extinguished one after another, the dragon-shaped chandelier hovering above the oval desk has lit up several long whiskers.

The pale yellow light mixed with the faint blue light from the dragon's two big eyeballs poured on the delicate Clivia in the center of the conference table, coating them with a mysterious and unpredictable light film.

The conference table was bare.

No materials, no notebooks, no fruit bowls, no snacks, no drinks.

Even those flower sperm who usually stayed on the orchid leaves and took a nap were carried out of the venue by the elves in gray uniforms.

Except for the six figures sitting around the conference table, there was no seventh panting guy in the entire conference room.

This is the office building of Jiuyou Academy, Room 101.

It is also the largest conference room in Jiuyou College.

The two vice presidents of the First University sat at both ends of the conference table, and the deans of the four colleges sat in a row on both sides of the conference table.

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On the left are Jiuyou Academy and Star Academy.

On the right are Alpha Academy and Atlas Academy.

Lao Yao bit his black pipe, folded his arms, and stared at a Clivia plant in the middle of the table, frowning into a big pimple; sitting next to him, the dean of Starry Sky Academy was holding a short knife, Wipe the blade with a blue silk cloth.

Professor Emma was sitting opposite Lao Yao, holding a stack of papers in her hand, and was reading silently under the faint light above her head; beside her, the dean of Atlas College was sitting upright with his eyes closed, between his fingers Twist a string of pea-sized Bodhi beads.

Ruoyu's metal crutch was leaning against the table, and he was huddled in the dark robe, taking advantage of the deep space behind him, like a shadow.

Vice-principal Shi Hui rested his chin in both hands, and his eyes slowly slid across the faces of each participant. After a long time, he finally spoke softly and said:

"For this letter from the parliament next month, let's make a statement first."

As soon as the words fell, Lao Yao grabbed his own pipe and slammed it on the conference table.

"It's unreasonable! It's really unreasonable!" He stared, and the pipe in his hand thumped loudly: "This is taking advantage of the fire! It's blackmail! If we agree to their request, the perpetrators will have no heirs?!"

"Although I don't agree with Lao Yao's vulgar expression, I agree with him." Professor Emma immediately expressed his own opinion: "We should not only reject this letter from the parliament next month, but also find a way to dispel it." Their dangerous thinking. The original intention of the establishment of the First University was to control those dangerous spells... If we let those guys outside try unscrupulously, I am afraid that not only the Witch League, but even the world will be in turmoil again."

"Difficult, difficult, difficult." The dean of Atlas Academy finally raised his eyelids, revealing a pair of gray eyes: "If I remember correctly, a few months ago, the Dark Blue Castle of the Ghost Clan was just banned. A dimensional fluctuation laboratory... This is only what we discovered. There are a total of five senators in the parliament under the month, that is to say, there are five powerful forces like the ghost clan. Who can guarantee that they will not conduct these in private? What about experiments? Or, who knows, how many studies and small-scale experiments they have conducted in private?"

"If you don't obey, just fight. After a few hits, you will be obedient." The dean of Starry Sky Academy expressed his opinion concisely: "The team of Starry Sky Academy can be dispatched at any time."

"Simple and rude," Professor Emma curled her lips and glanced at Lao Yao: "There is no technical content."

"The problem is that we don't have the extra power to carry out some kind of strong 'guidance' outside the school," the dean of Atlas College sighed deeply: "It is precisely because we need their power that we will This letter from them bothered me."

The meeting room suddenly fell into silence.

This is indeed a big problem.

Because the resurgence of the Silent Forest came earlier this year, the estimated risks have also risen sharply, including most of the school workers in the school working committee, all senior students, some teaching assistants, and lecturers. The middle and low-end forces of the school need to advance Arrangements and corresponding precautions have resulted in a serious shortage of manpower for the ongoing 'project' in the black prison.

This is also the reason why the school issued a 'recruitment order' to the council next month.

But obviously, some old people in the council under the moon are keenly aware of the school's difficulties, and in their reply, they euphemistically mentioned that the council wants to conduct some small experiments that "do not harm the world" in certain "desolate places", hoping to Receive support from First University.

These rhetoric have almost bluntly told the vice presidents and deans of First University that next month the council wants to own the 'forbidden curse'.

At the end of the letter, the Parliament under the Moon worriedly mentioned that if it could not obtain the protection of those powerful spells, the Council would have to leave 'more' manpower to ensure its own safety.

This is also the reason why Lao Yao believes that the Yuexia Council is blackmailing.

Of course, in Professor Emma's view, this may also be some kind of temptation by other forces within the Ummon League. After all, for the First University, the rhetoric of lacking high-end combat power is as ridiculous as the lack of a few old nanmu coffins in the O'Brien family.

In the eyes of many demons, the presence of the principal of the First University in the school is a huge deterrent. Enough to make them think twice before setting foot in school.

Since the monster dared to attack the First University, there is only one explanation.


The silence in the conference room continued.

Vice Principal Shi Hui's eyes fell on the shadow opposite.

For a long time, there was no movement.

Master Ruoyu remained silent all the time, like a stubborn stone, without saying a word.

The atmosphere between the venues is a bit delicate.

Lao Yao raised his pipe, breaking the slightly awkward atmosphere.

"Excuse me," he laughed, and asked his own question: "I want to ask, how much strength are we still short of after half a year? I remember that the school has recalled many senior wizards from the New World... "

"The basic power is still there." Vice-principal Shi Hui glanced at Lao Yao's pipe, and his tone was very flat: "It's just that the high-end power is a little lacking...According to the school's previous suggestion, at least five senior members need to be sent by the council next month. Wizard-level combat power for perimeter defense."

"Peripheral defense." Lao Yao nodded, chewing these words, and put the pipe into his mouth again.

"Indeed, these reinforcements will not be allowed to enter the inner city of the Black Prison. In fact, we only need them to appear at a certain time in the future." Principal Shi took the trouble to add: "According to the information provided by the Divination Institute Report, when that project is completed, there is a high possibility that the monsters will launch a large-scale attack."

The breathing in the conference room suddenly became heavy.

The "extreme possibility" of the Divination Research Institute basically means that it will definitely happen. The last time there was a major conflict between wizards and goblins seems to have been fifty years ago.

Rivers of blood and heavy casualties are not enough to describe its cruelty.

The complexions of the deans are much uglier.

Of course, except for the dean of Starry Sky Academy - he had an undisguised smile of satisfaction on his face.

"The five great wizards... are equivalent to all their senators." Professor Emma nodded and said with a serious expression: "No wonder they dare to offer such a price."

"Hmph." The dean of Star Academy snorted coldly: "When did the ancient contract become a price that can be negotiated at will?! If the council refuses to fulfill their obligations next month, we can also ignore our own responsibilities."

"No one should refuse to fulfill their obligations." The dean of Atlas shook his head again and again: "We just need some high-end combat power... If the parliament sends some underage brats next month, or if it goes too far, they will directly order the What can we say about the young people who go to our schools and go to war?"

The atmosphere in the conference room stagnated.

The dean of Star Academy was obviously speechless.

"Then, let's take everyone's opinions into account." Vice President Shi Hui knocked on the conference table with his fingers, and concluded: "The principle of the non-proliferation of forbidden spells in First University is consistent and firm. No one or any force should challenge this principle." One principle."

"Secondly, the contract between the next month's council and First University is Sacred's. It must be abided by."

"Finally," she raised her head and looked at the always quiet figure on the opposite side of the conference table: "On the basis of the above two principles, we can talk about anything... The condition is that the school needs the five upper members of the next month's council to decide time and place.”

"I just want to add one more thing," Master Ruoyu finally said the first sentence in the meeting tonight, his voice was low and hoarse: "The school's hunting team is prepared for demons... not to be used in the Civil War of the Wizarding Union."

"That's what the principal meant." Vice-principal Shi Hui raised the corner of his mouth slightly, with a satisfied expression on his face: "As long as the next month's parliament abides by the ancient covenant, First University will always open its doors for them."

"Then, I will strengthen the communication and coordination with the next month's council, hoping to achieve a win-win result." Vice-principal Ruoyu lowered his head and sighed deeply: "May Merlin bless you."

The dragon-shaped chandelier above the conference table flickered.

The radiance floating downwards was gradually withdrawn like ropes and pulled into the dragon's body.

Several figures flashed slightly.

Then quietly disappeared into this empty conference room.

The lights went out.

In the pitch-black void, only those two big blue eyeballs were left, waiting for the next bright light in the dead silence.

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