Hunting High School

Chapter 16 Baa? Baa Baa Baa!

"Did you hear anything?"

In another patrolling area by the lake, a white-faced wizard with a black border on his robe stopped suspiciously and turned to look at the lake in the distance.

"What's the sound..." His companion, a chubby wizard was leaning on a cane, panting, and seemed to collapse on the ground at any time: "Where is there...wheezing... What sound..."

"It sounded like someone was throwing stones." The white-faced wizard scratched his head, and his tone was a little uncertain.

"Huh... Just kidding... Huchi... In the middle of the night, smashing stones by the lake... Huchi... Do you think that the murlocs are free and have nothing to do?" The fat wizard finally rested, and his speech became much smoother: "The voice Where?"

"It the east of the lake?"

"There is only a slope over there. On the slope is the promenade around the lake, and there is a fruit forest behind it. Every night, a group of lantern bugs rest there." The fat wizard is obviously very familiar with the environment around Linzhong Lake, and quickly analyzed Said: "Maybe it's just a certain drunk murloc going crazy... Someone from the night watch team is also there. Since there is no warning, don't worry too much..."

"There are two first-year freshmen arranged there," the white-faced wizard said in a slightly dissatisfied tone, "Old man Verne drank too much today, and he is probably snoring in the log cabin... As old students, we must pay attention to ourselves." point……"

"This is the No. 1 University, what can happen!" The fat wizard showed a bit of helplessness on his face.

As if aware of his companion's dissatisfaction, he hastily added: "Besides...the freshmen you just mentioned, if I remember correctly, one of them is the recipient of the Merlin Medal this year...Maybe they are practicing Thunder Curse .”

"Practice Thunder Curse at night?" The white-faced wizard frowned and listened for a long while with his ears sideways.

That strange voice never sounded again.

So, he was also a little uncertain.

"Anyway... it's an abnormal situation, let's record it." The white-faced wizard muttered, turned out the registration board of the patrol team, took out the timer and quill from his pocket, and tilted his head to look at it. Look at the companion next to him: "Did you bring the firefly?"

"Except for those old men from the school work committee, who would bring those bugs..." The fat wizard struggled to pull out a piece of talisman paper from his bag, murmured, shook it lightly, and complained endlessly: "It's terrible... every time a patrol It's all going to cost...there's nowhere to reimburse..."

The talisman paper was emitting green smoke, and it turned into an orange light ball in the blink of an eye.

"The time is now, twelve thirty-seven..." The white-faced wizard ignored his companion's complaints, but looked at his watch, and quickly recorded in the form: "There was a stone impact on the east side of Linzhong Lake. Voice……"

After writing this, his quill paused, and added a parenthesis, adding:

"(or a short thunderclap)...It seems that someone is practicing thunder spells, or the murlocs are active at night...There is no follow-up abnormal sound...There is no abnormal alarm from the campus guardian array...Temporary record for the record...Linzhong Lake Night Patrol xxx, time…, place….”

Similar scenes happened in different corners of the lake.

Almost all patrol members did not pay attention to the short but loud abnormal sound.

If the young wizard who was desperately by the lake knew what the other patrol members were thinking, he might spit out a mouthful of old blood three meters away.

But he can't spew blood now.

Lingo was still in a coma.

The black goat was also spinning around in a daze because of the previous violent impact.

The kappa monster is trying to pull out its legs and feet stuck in the grass nest, and will rush into the corridor a few meters away at any time.

Only he was the first to return to normal.

This is a good opportunity. The young public finance student cheered up, and the book in his hand was flipping, and there was no wind and it automatically said:

"Ge Zhitanxi..."

A clear incantation sounded by the lake.

It was the first spell he learned, and the one he was most proficient at in his practical lessons. On top of that, he had seen other people use this spell more than once to control certain wild beasts.

The green halo rolled and boiled between the pages of the book.

Thumb-thick vines shot out from the void in all directions, spreading along the kappa demon's neck, joints, and back, wrapping its upper body into a rice dumpling in the blink of an eye.

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Seeing that it wanted to open its mouth, Zheng Qing immediately directed several vines to wring out a thick cane stick, and stabbed it viciously into its mouth.

He learned this trick from Jiang Yu.

"Boom!" The wild monster used its legs and feet to break the grass nest that trapped it, jumped up, stared at the scarlet eyes, and rushed towards the corridor abruptly.

"Bang!" The big goat, which had slowed down a little, obviously wouldn't allow the wild monster to succeed easily. It lowered its head, kicked its hooves on the ground, and hit the wild monster again.

The kappa demon whose upper body was trapped was not as sensitive as before, and was hit hard in the waist and abdomen. His claws failed to grab the grass, and he rolled and smashed into the bushes next to him.

A few mouthfuls of dark black blood spewed out from its mouth and landed on the lawn.

The dark green grass was instantly stained with a layer of ink, and a faint white smoke evaporated, bringing a pungent burnt smell.

Zheng Qing frowned, slowed down his breathing, and tried hard to get rid of these disturbances.

This time, he wouldn't let the beast get away again.

Several vines broke through the ground, like a boa constrictor attacking, twisted around the two legs of the kappa demon, and then branched out into a few thinner vines, and blocked them along the gap between its waist and carapace. .

The young public finance student firmly remembered the essentials that class leader Jiang demonstrated to everyone when he learned the binding spell for the first time.

As long as there is a gap, it must be plugged in.

When all the gaps were blocked and the wild monster was bound into a ball by rattan, Zheng Qing discovered another embarrassing thing.

He needs to keep pressing the spell book and staring at the wild monster in front of him to maintain the power of the binding spell.

The kappa demon is already under his control, that's no problem, the criss-crossing vines firmly restrain the beast in place, except for a pair of eyes, it can't even open its mouth.

But he can't stand here until dawn!

Lin Guo is still in a coma, and there is no third person here, so how can others know what's going on here?

The halo on the dharma book flickers on and off, indicating the instability of the young wizard's spiritual world.

At this moment, Zheng Qing missed his group of elves very much.

Although they can't speak, it is no problem to send a letter.

Even if you bring Poseidon here, it's much better than standing here and waiting foolishly!

Thinking of Poseidon, the young public fee student suddenly realized that there was another sober creature at the scene——Linguo's big goat.

"Baa baa~!" He tried to shout while staring at the wild monster ball.

so silly.

The figure of the black goat froze.

"Baa..." Zheng Qing elongated his voice, trying to imitate the cry of a goat, trying to get the big man's attention.

The black goat turned his head slowly, staring at the young wizard expressionlessly.

"Come here, ah ...”? "Yu Guang, Zhengqing, saw the movement of the big goat, a heavy breath in his heart, a cheerful smile on his face, and the barking became more vigorous:" Oh ... Come here Just a moment... baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The cheeks of the black goat squirmed slowly, hesitating whether to jump up and bump the foolish young man to death.

But after thinking about it again and again, it finally has no impulse.

Zheng Qing watched the black goat strolling up to him, and became much happier.

"Meh...can you call someone over to help?"

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