Hunting High School

Chapter 21 In The Isolation Ward

The light rain started at four or five o'clock in the morning and continued to fall all day.

Zheng Qing was leaning on the hospital bed, looking at the misty scenery outside the window, listening to the sound of raindrops hitting the stone slabs, his eyes were half-closed and half-open, and his spirit was hazy.

This environment has made his thinking a little dull-of course, this dullness may also be due to drugs.

He couldn't even remember what day of the week it was.

Because of the wild monster accident last night, he and Lin Guo were sent to the school hospital by the professors before the patrol mission was completed. The school doctors on the night shift were also on the verge of a formidable enemy, and opened an isolation room for the two young wizards alone, and confiscated all the belongings of the two freshmen in strict accordance with those rigid dogmas.

Including Zheng Qing's gray cloth bag, black donkey's hooves, Linguo's small schoolbag, and all their clothes.

It is said that these things will be sent to professional laboratories for a series of safe processing according to relevant desensitization rules.

The black goat did not follow into the school hospital, but Thomas said that it would also be quarantined for a period of time under the arrangement of the janitors to prevent any accidents.

Zheng Qing leaned softly on the cushion behind him, dazed and motionless, like a patient with advanced Alzheimer's disease, with his mouth half-opened, allowing a trace of transparent saliva to slowly droop from the corner of the mouth.

It's not that he's too lazy to move, but that he can't move now.

In order to prevent him from being attacked by Monster Qi, the doctor on duty last night unceremoniously fed him all the preventive medicines—as long as they did not conflict in their properties.

So until now, his muscles have been a little limp, and he can't lift the slightest strength.

An elf in a white coat flapped its wings and landed on the young public fee student's shoulder, then raised the towel in his hand to help him wipe the drool from the corner of his mouth.

This made the young public finance student feel ashamed and indignant.

Fortunately, no one saw this scene.

He couldn't help expressing the highest respect and the most sincere greetings to the wizard who set the isolation policy from the bottom of his heart.


The door lock of the isolation ward was unscrewed.

Several wizards in loose white robes entered.

The elves who were in charge of caring for the patients rushed to the hospital bed, lifted the young payer, and straightened him up.

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes, trying to see the figure in front of him clearly.

"Don't bother!" A familiar voice sounded next to his ear: "Your eyes now look like a chameleon with a zombie curse..."

The speaker was Mrs. Bella, the head nurse of the school hospital.

In Zheng Qing's impression, this lady has always been unsmiling and very strict, and she didn't expect her to complain.

At the same time, he felt a piece of cold glass being stuffed into his mouth: "Drink it!"

The sweet liquid flowed down the mouth of the glass and into Zheng Qing's mouth.

The elves held up towels and kept wiping up the spilled liquid.

"Don't worry, you should be able to recover some of your mobility in a minute." Mrs. Bella's voice drifted to another corner of the ward.

Zheng Qing remembered that Lin Guo's hospital bed was there.

When Dr. Ma came to the hospital bed to review Zheng Qing, the young public fee student was already able to use his arms to support his upper body and do some simple activities.

This excited him so much that he couldn't help twisting left and right on the hospital bed.

"Be quiet, you haven't been discharged from the hospital yet..." Mrs. Bella looked at the young public fee student with a stern face, "If it weren't for your robe, I would never doubt that you are from the Star Academy New students. Come to the hospital every three days and lie down... I have never seen a Jiuyou student who does not care about his body so much!"

Zheng Qing laughed dryly, leaning obediently on the hospital bed.

"It's unavoidable that disasters are inevitable...some people are just unlucky." Dr. Ma stared at his blistered eyes and said weakly, "Lying in the hospital was not his original intention."

Zheng Qing smacked his lips, wondering if he should agree with Dr. Ma's explanation.

But he soon lost the right to speak.

Dr. Ma took out a flat transparent stone from the medicine box and stuffed it into Zheng Qing's mouth.

"Bite... bite tight." He ordered, then turned off the measuring instrument next to him, and kept recording the above data in his own book.

While writing, he exhorted in a rambling manner:

"Recently, pay attention to a light diet...Eating too much greasy food can easily cause the turbidity in the body to rise, and Monster Qi can easily develop and grow under the stimulation of turbidity."

"Of course, because you didn't really kill the wild monster, the Monster Qi attack was minimal... But this doesn't mean that you can eat unscrupulously. Whether you are sick or not, it is always good to eat lightly. "

"Also, be careful not to use your right eye too much... There is only some blood in it now, which should disappear soon. If you don't pay attention, you will get tired and use your eyes, which may lead to some unpredictable complications."

There was a whining sound in Zheng Qing's throat.

Dr. Ma nodded again and again, expressing his understanding: "Yes, yes... Most people have the same idea as you... Since magic is omnipotent, why not use magic to eliminate the blood in your eyes and dissolve the Monster Qi in your body?" Woolen cloth?"

Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly.

Dr. Ma changed the notepad in his arms to another arm, raised the writing brush in his left hand, and emphasized: "This is the difference between a real therapist and an ordinary wizard."

"We have never suggested using magic to deal with such lesions involving more delicate parts of our body...The human body is a very precise structure with little redundancy...and magic represents great uncertainty."

"Any behavior that uses magic to treat human injuries is short-sighted and has no concept of a doctor."

"So I suggest you wait quietly for this congestion to dissipate."

Zheng Qing bit the transparent stone, his Adam's apple moved, and he swallowed deeply.

When all the review work was over, Zheng Qing couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart, and threw out a question that had been brewing all day.

"What are the after-effects of hunting monsters? Why do we have to live in isolation wards?"

He always felt that other people were making a fuss over a molehill.

Or, other people have something that he didn't let him know.

"You don't know?" Dr. Ma looked a little surprised, but quickly understood: "Oh, I almost forgot, you are a freshman... Few freshman students would think about these issues... Simply put, wizards When hunting monsters, you will be attacked by Monster Qi, so you need to clean up the poison in your body regularly... If you don’t deal with it, these Monster Qi will cause the wizard to degenerate into a lich.”

What a creepy answer.

Thinking of those scarlet eyes and those greedy auras, Zheng Qing couldn't help shivering.

"But...there are so many witch hunters, every time they finish killing wild monsters, they will do this..." Zheng Qing stretched out his hand, gestured to his encounter with Lin Guo, his face full of helplessness: "Would they do this again? It won't be too much trouble."

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"Of course not." Dr. Ma sniffled and lifted his eyelids a little: "The wild monsters killed at the school hunting party are all familiar ones, and the school has carried out multiple 'disinfection' before releasing them into the hunting ground. As for Demons outside the school..."

Speaking of this, he paused, and explained in a mocking tone: "Do you think wizards who can hunt demons outside can be compared with you newbies who have not been in school for half a year? The potions they make up are enough Purified a dozen of Monster Qi."

Zheng Qing sighed deeply, and his shoulders slumped.

The doctor's words were a bit harsh, but the reason was also very clear.

In the final analysis, it is because I am a rookie.

"Can you bring me two books," Zheng Qing finally asked before the white robes left, "I've been lying in bed all day, I feel like I've become stupid..."

"It's too bad, I'm so stupid..." The little nurse next to me let out a series of silver bell-like laughter.

Even Mrs. Bella couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes pitifully.

"It's not necessary." Unexpectedly, Dr. Ma rejected Zheng Qing's request. He raised his wrist, looked at the time, and explained: "After six thirty, your quarantine will be revoked...but in all You cannot leave the hospital until the effect of the medicine wears off."

"Of course, after the quarantine is lifted, we will accept visit requests from some patients' relatives and friends... According to the applications we have received now..." The head nurse next to him said, flipped through the folder in hand, and shook his head: "You should do a good job. Prepare to be watched."

"By the time those visitors left, it should have been time to turn off the lights in the ward." The little nurse beside him complained without losing the opportunity: "That is to say, even if I give you two books, you don't have time to read them..."

"Then when can we leave the hospital?" Zheng Qing couldn't help asking.

"Tomorrow morning." Dr. Ma said, with a wicked expression on his face, which made his long horse face look even more hateful: "Don't worry, the hospital will not delay your first class on Monday... …it’s about being accountable to each student.”

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