Hunting High School

Chapter 35 Green's Grocery Store


Beta Town Pedestrian Street.

Green's Grocery.

After lunch, Zheng Qing did not return to the dormitory to rest immediately, but dragged Dr. Xiao Da through a dark corridor to the pedestrian street.

The young public-funded student was terrified of what happened in the morning charm class.

He deeply realized that in order to really improve the efficiency of future classes, it is very necessary to prepare a few commonly used shorthand quills.

Green's Grocery Store is located between Shuang Tang Kee and Hooker Brothers Watch Shop, and is also very close to the entrance and exit of the corridor leading to the campus. Shuang Tang Ji is the shop that sells sugar figurines. When Zheng Qing just passed by, he couldn’t help but bought another little sugar figurine that danced taps—this childish behavior was silently despised by Dr. Xiao Da.

At noon, especially during normal school hours, there are not many pedestrians on the pedestrian street.

But Green's grocery store was full of people and bustling.

When Zhang Jixin recommended this shop to Zheng Qing, he swore that he could buy the fastest quill in Phuket Island here.

"My brother told me, absolutely right!" Said the red-faced wizard.

The truth is pretty much the same.

From the time of squeezing into the store entrance to the sales counter, less than ten meters away, Zheng Qing has seen four or five groups of young wizards leave the store with various goods, including various teaching aids, Experimental equipment, common herbs, pens, inks, papers and inkstones, etc.

"Some people bought it, and many people bought it... This is a good sign." Zheng Qing nodded, looked around seriously, and whispered to his companion beside him, "It proves that the goods here are really good."

Xiao Xiao hugged the notebook, rolled his eyes lazily, and snorted: "Idiot."

The young public finance student has long been accustomed to the sarcasm and sarcasm of the big doctor, which will not affect him looking around to see the strange joy.

The goods sold in Green's grocery store are very rich.

The tall shelves stretched from the bottom of the floor to the ceiling - it can be seen that this shop has also magically expanded the room a lot - piled full of goods.

A stack of five standard talismans, neatly tied with red thread, was stacked on the shelf, and a large card was hung beside it, with the words 'not for sale' written in bold characters.

Similarly, there are ten sets of silkworm leather gloves and hundreds of sheets of colorful crane paper, all of which are on the shelves at the same height, and it can be seen that the sales volume of these products is the largest. The young wizards who entered the shop seemed to know the rules of the boss. They did not bargain or pick and choose. They picked up the packaged goods, dropped the metal coins in their hands, and slipped away. The whole rhythm was extremely smooth.

The goods on the high shelves are more troublesome.

The guests will never step on a high ladder, or sit on the soft Persian flying carpet, and wobble to the high place to check the goods.

The grocery store has a horde of elves for that. They were wearing green gauze skirts, clutching long kraft paper manifests, and flying around in mid-air.

Guests can tear off the kraft paper manifests floating in front of them at any time, and refer to the product data listed above. If necessary, just call the elves to take the goods down.

"What do you two gentlemen need?" Noticing the young red robes looking around in the store, the witch with a pointed hat behind the sales counter greeted kindly: ""Three-year Simulation of the Fifth Grade Exam" "Interpretation of Wang Daxiong's Complete Set of Textbooks" "Sprint Full Score", "Gold List Title", etc., as well as exercise books privately published by professors of Jiuyou College, class notes of previous Jiuyou chief students...Green's grocery store has everything."

Zheng Qing listened to those horrifying nouns, with a stiff expression on his face, he forced a smile and said, "No hurry, no hurry... I don't need it yet... I just want to buy some quill pens."

"Oh, quill." The salesperson who failed to catch a big fish was obviously a little disappointed, but soon she cheered up and recommended enthusiastically: "Then what kind of quill do you want? I can ask you Recommend several classic versions..."

As she said that, she stretched out her hand and pulled a green peacock who was pacing slowly on the sales counter, and forcibly tore off the peacock's tail screen.

All kinds of quills are stacked together to form a colorful and beautiful tail screen.

The green peacock lying on the sales table seemed to notice the shocked expressions on the faces of the two young wizards in front of him, raised his neck involuntarily, and quacked twice proudly.

The saleswoman wearing a pointed hat slapped the green peacock's head back on the table, and recommended it with a smile on her face: "Look at this ... it's made of the red feather of the jackdaw, which naturally has a refreshing effect. , you don’t need to worry about dozing off in class when you hold it in your hand...and this one, made of Robin goose feathers, dipped in ink once, can last a whole day!"

Xiao Xiao suddenly stretched out his hand, pointed to a huge cyan quill in the center of the green peacock's tail screen, and asked suspiciously: "What about this one? Why do I look like Luan Bird's tail feathers?! They should belong to the Wizards Union, which prohibits hunting. A magical creature."

"Very correct! This is indeed a quill made of Qingluan's tail feather." The witch glanced at the little wizard in surprise, and then emphasized: "But this feather came from a Qingluan that died unexpectedly... If you If necessary, Green Grocery Store can provide complete qualification certification materials for the relevant process."

"No, it's not necessary, thank you." Xiao Xiao quickly withdrew his hand and picked up his own notebook again.

Zheng Qing cleared his throat, and added dryly: "Actually... I just need a few shorthand quills... for taking notes in class."

This demand once again hit the young witch behind the sales counter.

Her disappointment was beyond words, and Zheng Qing almost couldn't help but took out his wallet to buy the quill with Qingluan's tail feather.

Fortunately, he touched his shriveled purse in time to dispel this urge.

"Shorthand quills, a bundle of six, not only for sale." The young witch brought up a small tree from the stage and placed it in front of the guests.

Zheng Qing thought for a moment that what she took out was a Christmas tree.

Fortunately, he soon realized that what was hanging on the branches and branches was not the needles of pine and cypress, but bundles of quills tied together with five-color thread.

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"There are different styles of shorthand pens can try it first." The saleswoman pushed over a piece of white paper and a small box of ink, nodded politely, and said, "After you make your choice, hand over the money to them." That's it."

As she spoke, she pointed to an elf sitting on the top of the tree.

The little elf agreed, fluttered its wings, and held up the long kraft paper manifest in its hand, showing the two young wizards its own authority.

The saleswoman tugged at the brim of her pointed hat, smiled apologetically, and turned to greet other customers.

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