Hunting High School

Chapter Thirty-Nine: Forgiveness

"Knights is just a suffix."

"We need to get the scope first and then narrow it down further."

"Since everyone has no objections, then we can find a way to add a prefix to the knight order." Xiao Xiao flipped through the notebook in his hand and said quickly: "The more famous knight orders in history, such as the Teutonic order of Europa Knights, Knights Templar, Knights of the Good Church; Numidian Knights in North Africa; War Elephant Knights in the Ganges; Golden Knights in the Grassland...etc., the names of these knights all contain profound His cultural and blood origins have made dazzling achievements in many monster hunting battles in history."

"Since we have chosen the knight order, we should demand ourselves according to the knight's standards."

"Humility, honor, sacrifice, valor, mercy, honesty, justice, and faith."

"The question is... can we do it?"

Those words made the atmosphere in the dormitory tense.

Xiao Xiao didn't wait for other people's answers, but directly gave his own opinion:

"No, we can't."

"Not only can't...instead, we go very far...very far in opposition to these virtues."

"For example, I hold this thick notebook all day long, hoping to record everything I see... I want to learn all the knowledge. This is arrogance, overreaching, greed, and greed." Xiao Xiaoyi Throwing the notebook onto Xin Fatty's bed next to him, his tone was full of disgust: "But since I bear such a fate, I can only continue to be greedy."

A few elves who were stroking the orange cat screamed, flapped their wings, dragged the heavy notebook, and sent it back to the doctor.

The gloom on Xiao Xiao's face subsided a bit.

"Thank you." He thanked him sincerely.

The elves were very happy to receive the praise. They smiled and danced happily, and flew around in the air for a few times, and then Shi Shiran returned to the orange cat's back.

"What about you? I think everyone should be able to find their own sins." Xiao Xiao stroked the gold-plated seal on the cover of the notebook with his fingers, and glanced at the other people in the dormitory.

Everyone uneasily avoided his gaze.

Only a lazy reply came from the shadows under the curtain.

"Since you are greedy... then I am lazy." Dylan still buried himself in the coffin, which made his voice sound a little hollow: "A long life of 1,200 years, I am already full of the world. Tired of being bored, too lazy to go out, too lazy to read, too lazy to suck blood, too lazy to have hobbies, and even too lazy to live in this world.”

"Then why don't you die." Zheng Qing felt his forehead twitch and couldn't help but interjected.

"Because I'm already dead!" Dylan replied with a very cold joke.

Linguo laughed loudly twice.

Then he found that no one agreed, so he closed his mouth obediently.

To Zheng Qing's surprise, the third one to speak turned out to be the usually taciturn blue bird.

"The master once said that there is only a thin line between self-confidence and conceit, and there is no essential difference between conceit and arrogance. When I focus on my own path, I always ignore other people's feelings... This is wrong." Blue Bird It is rare to say a long paragraph, and finally sum up the sin of own with one word: "arrogance."

Zheng Qing frowned slightly.

He suddenly felt that the topic was off track, and everyone's speeches seemed to be tending to a familiar concept in his impression.

Before he could think of a word, Xin Fatty spoke cheerfully.

"It's really interesting, it's really interesting..." Fatty crossed his arms, reclined in the Own armchair, and smiled a little weirdly: "If I have any shortcomings, it's that I'm greedy... But you have to know, as a titan , The consumption of energy is always very large. My family has cultivated the habit of accumulating and replenishing energy all the time since I was a child. So far, sometimes I find that I can’t stop eating... This kind of It felt a little scary."

"And me!" Zhang Jixin broke his knuckles and said with joy: "My temper is rather irritable... No, it should be said that the tempers of my family are relatively irritable. My brother said it is hereditary, the more irritable the better... ...I don't quite understand the reason, but I think it should be that when a person is irritable and angry, the blood will flow faster, and the fists will be more powerful."

When Zhang Jixin finished his self-analysis, the dormitory fell into an eerie silence.

Lingo is still frowning and analyzing herself, trying to get closer to a suitable negative vocabulary. And Zheng Qing felt that he seemed to have grasped Xiao Xiao's thoughts.

"Greed, laziness, arrogance, gluttony, and rage." The young public finance student pointed at the figures in the dormitory, with a bad expression on his face: "I said doctor, there are eight of us in total, what are you going to do with the seven deadly sins?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger and analyzed: "You still have two titles left and jealous...but we still have three people, little monk, Linguo, and the way, you guys take up all the useful words. What should I do?! I also want to be lazy!"

"Sorry, you're slow to react." Dylan's gloomy laughter sounded from the coffin: "Acceptance, acquiescence..."

"Who says you don't have your title? I think 'Witch' is very suitable for you." Xin Fatty pouted and said solemnly: "Or you can strive for a double title...such as 'lazy and greedy'?"

"Hey, Fatty... what did you just say?" Zheng Qing narrowed his eyes, took out a few pieces of talisman paper from his gray cloth bag, and shook them threateningly: "Speak responsibly... If there is any deviation in the future, hum Humph."

"I have a basis." Fatty Xin avoided the pieces of Zheng Qing's talisman papers, and muttered in a low voice: "It's only been a month since school started, and you've been entangled with three girls... Isn't that Pervert, what is pervert..."

"Three?!" Zhang Jixin yelled loudly, "Let no one live! The drought died, the flood died... Also, why do I only know two?"

"I only know two..." Xiao Xiao also showed a bit of curiosity on his face: "When did he find another one?"

"Hey! Have you guys thought about your words!" Zheng Qing's complexion fell instantly: "What two, three... Brother, I don't have any now..."

"Aren't you in love with that gypsy witch?" Lin Guo suddenly turned her head and glanced at him curiously: "I heard from Li Meng that the two of you even gave each other gifts..."

"We didn't send gifts to each can believe the words of the little girl?" Zheng Qing emphasized, reluctantly agreeing: "Actually, we have no formal relationship...just a classmate with a good relationship."

"Oh, then you have another classmate with a good relationship, Jiang Yu." Xiao Xiao added: "You go out with her more times on weekends than can't deny that."

Zheng Qing was speechless.

"Who is the other one?" Xiao Xiao turned to look at Xin Fatty and urged, "Did he do something shameful behind our backs?"

"Ahem, the last one is a sure thing...all the old students in the student union know about it." Xin Fatty coughed dryly twice, and then explained slowly: "It's the vice chairman of the student union, Korma, a junior this year... A very, um, very powerful witch... I don't even know how Brother Qing got in touch with her."

The others looked at the young public finance student sitting by the bed in unison.

"Who is she?" Zheng Qing looked blank.

Seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, the others turned their attention to Xin Fatty.

"Absolutely not wrong!" Xin Fatty swears, patting his chest: "People in the editorial department of the school newspaper have spread the word that the vice chairman of the student union, Korma, has found a boyfriend this year, and he is a public-funded freshman in Jiuyou. ...Who is Jiuyou's first-year male public fee student?"

The eyes in the dormitory were once again focused on Zheng Qing.

"I'm wronged! I'm more wronged than Douer!" Zheng Qing patted the bed hard, arguing blushingly: "I at least know the first two... I don't know who the last one you mentioned is! "

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Seeing that the topic was about to slip into an unknown and chaotic zone, Xiao Xiao finally patted the table to end the interrogation.

"Let's find time to torture again at night." Dr. Xiao Da said a creepy word with a smile, and then added: "The most urgent thing now is to complete the club application form."

"Well, combined with the previous discussion... the name I gave to the club is 'Forgiveness Knights'."

"Actually, I didn't think of using the 'seven deadly sins', and in fact it can't be used...the school already has a society with this name, which is a long-established organization in Alpha College, so we can only think of a new word .”

"Forgiveness, forgiveness."

"Whoever has a word that can be practiced for a lifetime? It's forgiven! Don't do to others what you don't want."

"While we practice the virtues of chivalry, we must also practice the principle of not doing to others what you do not want to be done to yourself."

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