Hunting High School

Chapter 50 Haotian Sunrise

"Is it true what they say?"


Zheng Qing turned around mechanically, with a stiff smile on his face, his brain started spinning crazily a few minutes ago.

He prayed to the gods and Buddhas for the hundredth time in his heart, hoping that someone could save him from this embarrassing atmosphere. The young public fee student even prayed to the stick figure behind the door in his heart—even if it screamed!

But there was silence in the classroom.

Even the cleaning elves stood on tiptoe and wrapped their wings tightly around their bodies, as if they were afraid of disturbing the two young wizards in the corner.

"Is it true what they say?" Elena repeated the own question.

She held the pile of reference books in one hand, and grabbed Own's long hair with the other hand, twisting and twisting, twisting the ends of the hair into circles one after another.

"You really say my name every day?" The gypsy witch asked with a smile, "You say my name... are you casting a curse on me?"

"Hey, huh?" Zheng Qing smirked for a moment, then froze, and waved his hands in a hurry: "No, absolutely not!"

"No..." Yi Lianna's mouth curled up, revealing a half-smile expression: "It's not true."

"No, it's not." Zheng Qing shook his head again, wanting to deny some of the witch's wrong feelings, but also wanting her to know something. of."

"Right?" Elena suddenly realized: "So, you are casting a curse on me?"

"No, that's definitely not what it means." Facing the messy explanation, Zheng Qing was almost desperate. The blood kept rushing to the top of his head, and the young public fee student felt that Own's brain was boiling: "I mean, what they want to express is right...but I didn't put a curse on you, absolutely not...I just I muttered about it in my spare time."

After these words, Zheng Qing finally felt that he had cleared up some clues.

He was slightly relieved.

"I really didn't put a curse on you." The boy emphasized again.


"Those guys love to make a fuss."

"That's it."

"Yes, hehe."

The conversation finally seemed to be lighter.

Zheng Qing felt a sense of relief.

But as the two shut their mouths in unison, the classroom fell into an uneasy silence again.

"You just mentioned that you're going to a meeting of the Social Federation..." Yi Lianna raised her head and asked.

"The talisman you asked me to analyze..." Almost at the same time, Zheng Qing also tried to break the silence in the room with another question.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

The atmosphere became much more relaxed.

"You speak first." Zheng Qing's complexion finally returned to normal, and his tone became much smoother: "Girls first."

Elena smiled and did not refuse.

"I'm a little interested in the topic you discussed before." The gypsy witch tilted her head, her big eyes blinking, showing a hint of curiosity: "Are you forming a new society?"

"Yes, the Knights of Forgiveness!" This topic obviously aroused Zheng Qing's expression. He enthusiastically introduced the origin of the name of the new society, its members, and the reasons for its formation to the witch, eloquently.

It wasn't until the witch frowned and carefully changed the reference book she held in her arms to another arm that the young public finance student reluctantly concluded: "...In short, we will try our best to build it into a first-class boutique club in First University !"

"It's amazing!" Yi Lianna praised, and then asked hesitantly: "... So, you plan to participate in this year's school hunting meeting? But I remember that only hunting teams that have been ranked in the school can participate... "

"The rookie competition," Zheng Qing corrected, shaking his fingers, "it's a peripheral spin-off event of the school hunting club... It belongs to the hunting competition for the freshmen of First University. It's completely different from the regular hunting competition for the old students... Appearing in the rookie competition The monsters are all mature monsters mass-produced in the laboratory, and the risk is very low."

"That's it," Elena obviously breathed a sigh of relief. She patted her bulging chest, showing a trace of relief: "No matter what, safety first... well, the thing I mentioned to you before class, if you have time, we can go to the pedestrian street of Beta Town on Sunday afternoon, There are a lot of nice little shops there."

The topic became a little abrupt.

The young public finance student was stunned for a moment before following the rhythm of the witch.

"No problem!" He quickly replied, "I'm always free on weekends."

"Like sleeping in the school hospital?" The gypsy witch tilted her head and gave him a playful look.

This made Zheng Qing somewhat embarrassed.

"That was an accident." He defended in a low voice, and then immediately asked: "So specific..."

"Old time, old place." The witch snapped her fingers and confirmed: "We can study that talisman in the library for a while, and then go to the pedestrian street for dinner in the afternoon..."

"Okay, okay..." Zheng Qing nodded again and again, without any objection.

"So, it's settled like this?" Yi Lianna put the slipped shawl on her shoulders again, hugged the reference book in her arms a little tighter, turned around, and said hesitantly: "Then, I first..."

"Oh." Zheng Qing replied blankly, feeling a sense of loss in his heart.

"Oh." Elena finally turned around and walked out slowly, step by step.

Soon he walked to the door of the classroom.

The distance between the two is already as far as a classroom.

"Hi, Elaine." Zheng Qing suddenly felt a rush of blood rushing to the top of his head, feeling that if he didn't say anything else, he would definitely be suffocated, so he let go and shouted: "You don't mind if I call you that! "

Elena turned her head, a big smile on her face.

"It's okay," she yelled, "that's what my friends call me!"

"Do you want to..." Zheng Qing raised his hand, his mind was blank.

He hasn't figured out what to do yet, he just wants to talk to her again.

"What are you thinking?" Elena had turned around again. She put those reference books on the desks in the first row, propped up the table with both hands, and leaned over to look towards the back row of the classroom.

"I mean, do you want to..." Zheng Qing once again managed to make Own blush.

His head was buzzing.

He didn't have much quick wit in the first place, so he wasn't suitable for such brain-burning things.

Elena raised her head, bit her lip, and her high-heeled boots stomped on the marble floor, making a thumping sound like a war drum.

"I don't know, I mean, do you know..." Looking into her big bright eyes, Zheng Qing seemed to smell the rich fragrance in the air again, and his mind became more and more confused.

"What?" Elena seemed a little discouraged.

"That, that is, I mean, hehe." Zheng Qing already had the urge to commit suicide.

"Heh..." Yi Lianna held her forehead and smiled helplessly.

"Yes, it's the school hunting party... Moon hunting, isn't there a dancing party?" Zheng Qing was sweating profusely and stammered, "Do you want to..."

"Okay!" Yi Lianna let out a heavy breath, her brows and eyes curved, and she said with a smile: "That's the deal!"

"Ah?" Zheng Qing's brain suddenly froze.

Although he vaguely knew what he had just said, he was completely unaware of the witch's reaction just now.

"Zhang Jixin has already said it before..." Yi Lianna shrugged and made a grimace: "Since I haven't been booked out yet... then according to the principle of first come first served..."

Zheng Qing grinned and smiled silently.

He felt the blood on the top of his head start to flow back, making it a little confusing to distinguish the difference between the feeling of happiness and the feeling of dizziness.

As if the whole person is about to fly.

"I'll contact you later!" Yi Lianna picked up the reference books on the desk again, turned around, and swayed her big wine-red waves chicly.

"Oh." Zheng Qing stared blankly at her receding back.

The witch seemed to have sensed something, and turned around again, showing a bright smile. She raised her right hand, stretched out her thumb and little finger, made a paper crane gesture, and opened her mouth at the same time to say something.

The young public fee student nodded vigorously, his heart was filled with excitement and excitement, he raised his hand and waved vigorously.

Until her back disappeared in the corner of the distance.

Turning around and leaving, Zheng Qing felt the joy in his heart, and Irina's hoarse voice kept echoing in his ears, making him feel that he had to do something.

Turning over the book on the desk, recalling the content of Lao Yao's class, he whispered softly:

"Haotian is called Ming, and you will be the king. Haotian is called Dan, and you will travel!"

Dark red flames lingered, and two figures emerged from the flames following the spell.

One is dressed in white long clothes, with long horns and a high crown on his head, his whole face is hidden under the wide brim of the hat, his hands are folded in the sleeves, and an ancient book and a writing brush are floating in front of him. The other was dressed in black bunt, with a black horse face mask hanging on his face, a thick black iron chain wrapped around his neck, and a short walking knife in his hand.

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Zheng Qing looked at the two phantoms, and slowly stretched out his hands.

"Crack!" Like the sound of bubbles bursting, the two phantoms disappeared into the open space in the blink of an eye.

"Is this my Yuan Chen?" The joy in Zheng Qing's heart seemed to disappear with this spell, which made him feel very uncomfortable: "It's really not flattering."

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