Hunting High School

Chapter 52: The Amish

"What is public order and good customs?"

Lin Guo's curious voice sounded in the dormitory.

No one answered his question.

Even Xiao Xiao hesitated, rubbing his notebook, but didn't make a sound.

With a dark face, Zheng Qing silently opened the detailed rules and regulations attached to the letter, and carefully discerned the meaning between the lines. But after studying for a long time, I still can't get the point.

"The name of the association...public order and good customs..." Zhang Jixin muttered, reading the words on the small card over and over again, puzzled: "I never knew that 'forgiveness' or 'Knights' also involved public order and good customs."

"It definitely has nothing to do with the 'Knights'." Xin Fatty affirmed: "I remember that there are several clubs with the suffix of the Knights in the school... such as the Guardian Knights in Atlas, and the Cossack Knights in the Star Academy , Aren’t these all Knights?”

"'Forgiveness' shouldn't be a problem." Zhang Jixin speculated wildly: "Could it be because 'forgiveness' is the purview of the gods, so it conflicts with the belief of Atlas?"

"Did the person reviewing the report make a mistake and sent us a wrong letter?" Lin Guo muttered in a low voice.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested, Xiao Xiao suddenly raised his head, showing a bit of understanding.

Zheng Qing was keenly aware of the abnormality of the doctor, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Why, do you think the people from the Association of Associations made a mistake?"

"No, no," Xiao Xiao shook his head and said hesitantly, "Maybe it's just a coincidence... When I went to the office to get the receipt today, the person who handed the envelope to me was a student from Atlas College... He had a beard, but he was wearing a black top hat and a sackcloth robe ... I guess he was an Amish, maybe he edited our review report."

"Amish?! If it is them, there is indeed such a possibility... You know, they are all fanatical and stubborn wizards." Zhang Jixin seemed to have a sudden realization, and turned to look at Xin Fatty: "It's your compatriots. Eh, what do you think?"

"The highlanders are not pure Germans." Xin Fatty corrected, "No one from the lowland riverside would like their accent."

"Oh, I almost forgot this." Zhang Jixin smiled apologetically: "You are from the Rhine."

"You mean that he tampered with the conclusions?" Zheng Qing was a little unbelievable: "This is an official document of the school... What good does he do?!"

"Benefits? Don't try to use normal logic to figure out the thinking of a fanatic." Xin Fatty's tone was a little sharp: "As an extreme conservative sect that will continue to split because of the width of the hat brim, the color of the wand, and the material of the broomstick, if its It is entirely possible for a certain believer to impulsively do something irrational because of the name of our society."

Zheng Qing is still confused.

He had to turn his head to look at Dr. Xiao Da again.

"The Amish are a group of Protestant Anabaptist Mennonites who originally belonged to the Germanic Highlanders... a very closed and conservative community. You can understand them as standard die-hard wizards."

Xiao Xiao opened his notebook and patiently explained:

"The officially baptized Amish are not allowed to smoke, drink, or enjoy themselves. They do not participate in the development of new worlds, and do not accept modern magic theories including dimension theory... Most of the underage wizards in this group even would refuse to attend elementary or intermediate magical education."

"Most of the time, they wear coarse black robes and top hats with wide brims, and make a living mixing ancient potions in those fixed magic towers."

"'Get out of them, separate from them, don't touch anything unclean, and I'll take you in'...Don't let the world around you shape you."

"Can you believe their wizards still use wands?"

Zheng Qing shrugged and spread his hands.

He really couldn't imagine such a thing—or rather, he had no idea about it.

"In other words, we don't need to reconvene to discuss the new community name." The young public finance student heaved a sigh of relief. He was no longer interested in discussing the life habits of the Amish, and turned his attention back to It fell on the card in the return receipt from the Federation of Societies: "The audit report said that we can file a reconsideration within seven natural days... This is an opportunity."

"This is not an opportunity, this is the only way out." Xiao Xiao emphasized: "We don't have time to wait for a month and resubmit a new club application, so this reconsideration is the key to whether we can successfully squeeze into this school hunting meeting." The only way out."

"I still don't understand." Lingo's voice seemed a little frustrated: "He...that Amish man, why did he modify our review report?"

"This is just a guess. Although the credibility is high, no conclusion has been drawn." Xin Fatty corrected the mistakes in Linguo's statement, and then explained: "As for the reason for the revision, he has already stated very clearly in the report It's a violation of public order and good customs."

"To understand the Amish, you need to know their 'fear of pride' and their 'admiration of humility'," Xiao Xiao casually flipped through his own notebook, shaking his head: "Compared with personal will, they are more inclined to Obedience to God's will...which means that any offense to God's authority will be subject to their 'non-violence, non-cooperation'."

"It sounds like a very moderate group." Zheng Qing smacked the meaning, looked at the wax seal on the kraft paper envelope with great interest, and muttered, "It's just a more traditional culture."

"Tradition? No, no, it's not tradition, it's more like sensationalism." Xiao Xiao clasped his own notebook, adjusted his glasses, and commented sharply: "In the past, they insisted on tradition because the society was too loose, and tradition maintained The stability of society. Now that society has broad and solid means of holding together, they cling to tradition just to differentiate themselves."

"Fortunately, little master Shi Yuan is not here today... We don't have people from Atlas here." Zhang Jixin showed a look of horror: "Otherwise, your words will easily lead to bloody conflicts between the two colleges..."

"It's a bit esoteric, and I can't keep up with the rhythm." Zheng Qing squeezed onto Xin Fatty's bed, scratched Tuantuan's chin, listened to its purring, and showed a satisfied expression.

"In a community of social attributes, every individual is unique..." Xiao Xiao tried to continue explaining this topic, but his long speech was interrupted at the very beginning.

"Then what do you think of the name '猫の团'?" Zheng Qing suddenly held up the ball, ignoring the impatient eyes of the orange cat, and looked at everyone with a serious face: "If we fail the reconsideration, the name of the new association will be this How about it?"

"We can't keep up with your words!" Xin Fatty couldn't help roaring, grabbed the fat cat in Zheng Qing's hand, and threw it on top of own's head: "If the reconsideration fails, what else do we have to form a new club?" significance?!"

"I think no matter what you do, you can't give up halfway...Since the school doesn't allow you to use 'human groups', it shouldn't matter if we use 'cat groups'." Zheng Qing sighed and added in a serious manner: "For example, blue Tits is a blue cat, Fatty you can be Garfield..."

"Maybe you should drag that gypsy witch in so that you can have a Persian cat." Zhang Jixin didn't wait for Zheng Qing to find him a suitable 'cat breed', and quickly interrupted the young public fee student's imaginings, and turned to Looking at Fatty, he said, "But this is an opportunity for you."

"Opportunity?" Xin Fatty rubbed the fat cat in his arms, with a blank face: "I didn't think about being a cat?"

"It's not Garfield." Zhang Jixin's already flushed face turned purple: "I mean that Amish man, if he really made trouble, you can write a news article again."

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"I doubt this very much." Xin Fatty leaned weakly on the bed, and snorted: "The first rule of the editorial department of the school newspaper is not to publish any manuscripts that affect the unity of the campus... I don't even need the editor-in-chief to read it, I can do it myself Kill this article."

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