Hunting High School

Chapter 59: A Dream Beyond Reality

The sun was setting.

The orange color rubs warmly on a sudden mountain mouth.

At the head of the mountain pass, a lonely courtyard stands there.

On one side of the yard is a dirt road facing the cliff, with green leaves hanging on the wall made of branches, and several peach trees in the yard send their abundant fruits across the wall to the side of the road.

On the other side of the yard, there is a steep slope.

On the edge of the slope, there stood a thick walnut tree, a young man studying, a leisurely old man, and a fat ox.

The cattle squinted and chewed the hay comfortably.

The old man was leaning on a deck chair, holding a bong, staring at the young man reading a book not far away with his cloudy eyes.

The young man has a fair complexion, a pair of dark and bright eyes, and holds a Taoist scripture in his hand. His expression is focused but has a leisurely and contented temperament.

a long time.

Until the orange color slowly dissipated, a cool evening breeze blew.

The young man finally rubbed his sore eyes, put down the book and stood up, kicked and rubbed against the scalper, reclined on the scalper's heavy back, and stretched in satisfaction.

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The old man knocked the soot in the barrel of the gun, let out a long breath, and said:

"How is your reading?"

"I know all the words, but I don't quite understand the meaning." The young man leaned on the back of the bull and replied melancholy.

"It's good to know the characters, it's good to know the characters." The old man pondered for a moment, and said with a sigh: "Knowing the characters is enough... Tomorrow, start reading by yourself. If you read the book a hundred times, its meaning will come out. I gradually understood."

"Ah?" The young man sat up in shock and asked in surprise, "What about you, sir?"

"Me? I'm going to build a road." The old man narrowed his eyes and turned to look at the winding mountain road on the other side of the cliff.

"Isn't the road repaired? How else should it be repaired?" The young man scratched his head.

"Cultivate along the road, and build it further." The old man raised the pipe in his hand and pointed to the depths of the mountain: "Now this road has only been built from the foot of the mountain to the mouth of the mountain, and has not yet entered the mountain. The mountain is so dangerous, there is no road. Road, it’s inconvenient for everyone.”

"Then I can repair it together!" The young man looked disapproving: "You are building the road ahead, and I will help you see things...Old Huang is carrying a stone on his back."

The scalper under him snorted disdainfully.

"Hahaha!" The old man smiled happily: "The road is long and obstructive, the road is long and are still young, don't be so anxious! This road is too far away, I have to explore first to see if I can It's done."

"is it far?"

"Far, very far... very far."

"Does it have to be fixed?"

"The road is long and long, and I will search up and down."

"It sounds difficult."

"The road is obstructed and long, but if you walk, it will come soon." The old man smiled and knocked on the dry smoke pot in his hand: "It's difficult, difficult, and the road is the most mysterious. If you don't walk, don't talk."

"Why are you in such a hurry." The young man seemed a little uneasy: "We can wait until there are more people on the mountain pass before repairing the road."

"You also said that you are hurrying... hurry, hurry, and walk with your tail up. If the mountain pass is full of people, you can't even lift your tail." The old man smiled humorously.

The young man didn't know if he understood the meaning, but scratched his head, smirked, and leaned over to pull the scalper's tail.

The ox gave him a sideways glance, his tail remained motionless, and his mouth was still chewing unhurriedly.

Above their heads, the lush walnut trees laughed and laughed in the night wind.

The old man smiled and laughed, suddenly his expression froze, he stood up with effort, and looked down the slope with his head.

"What's wrong?" The young man jumped up and supported the old man, following his gaze.

A bare piece of loess, really monotonous.

"Aren't you going to build the road with me?" The old man turned his head and showed a narrow smile: "Then you go and lead the way first, and see if you can recognize the way home."

As he spoke, his skinny arms trembled slightly.

The young man staggered and rolled down the steep slope.


In the empty world, only this long scream was left.



Early mornings in northern summer are often shrouded in thin mist.

Especially in the forest park near the river, the fog is thicker.

On one side of the riverside runway in Fenhe Park is a quiet river, and on the other side is a lush willow forest.

Willows are planted on artificially piled hills, which have been neatly repaired by the greening department. The fog went down the slope, and the higher it went, the thicker it seemed, which was very strange.

Suddenly, a black cat screamed, broke through the thick fog, and rolled down the small slope.

From the perspective of morning exercisers on the track, this is a very normal thing. Maybe it was cats, cats and dogs fighting in the woods. The black cat was defeated and kicked down the hillside.

Therefore, the black cat that rolled down the edge of the runway did not receive much attention.

The black cat lay on the slope for a while, stretched its paws, kicked its legs, shook its head and tail, as if it was covered with fleas.

After a long time, it staggered to its feet and ran to the distance along the plastic runway by the lake.

Perhaps because of the gradual movement of the body, the black cat's running posture became more and more flexible, and its speed gradually accelerated.

Until it met a familiar figure on the way.

A middle school student with an armband strapped to his arm.

The black cat's running steps stopped abruptly.

If middle school students pay attention to the expression of this black cat at this moment, they will definitely find the shock and confusion in its human eyes.

However, no ifs.

The young students were immersed in the cheerful mobile phone music, and did not immediately notice that there was a black cat covered with dark clouds and snow beside them.

It's just that as time goes by, as the black cat repeatedly appears in his sight, even the dullest person will be aroused from the bottom of his heart.

With curiosity, there will naturally be corresponding actions.

In this way, a middle school student with excellent character and learning was abducted by a black cat while running in the morning.



The black cat sent the middle school students into the ocher-yellow six-story building. After looking at the surrounding scenery nostalgicly, it turned around and jumped into the lush bushes not far away.

But when it passed through the bushes, it found that it was almost evening, and it somehow returned to the willow forest on the slope of the lakeside runway.

By this time the fog had cleared.

The originally thin clouds in the sky slowly burned up.

burn up.

The billowing fire cloud burns from the western sky, getting more and more blazing, and the burning is getting closer.

From orange, to tangerine, to crimson, to fiery red, and then slowly to bright red.

The bright red color fills the field of vision, and the sky and the earth are empty, except for this heavy bright red, there is no other color, a murmur that seems to be very familiar, but still very vague, slowly sounds, gradually becomes noisy, until it fills the entire space, filling its All senses.

The tiny figure of the black cat stood in the endless flames, gradually twisting and deforming.

As if melting away in this deep burning.

The dull thunder rolled from a distance.

Faster and louder.

Until the end, rumbling thunder resounded throughout the entire world, and the burning world also continued to collapse and destroy with the thunder.

The figure of the black cat disappeared completely.

Where it last stayed, lay a sleeping young man.


With the last blast of thunder, the sleeping young man was finally awakened.


In the dormitory, the sleeping Zheng Qing suddenly opened his eyes.

A scarlet trace appeared in his eyes, and then quietly faded away.

He muttered a few words and slowly closed his eyes.

Turned over and fell back into a deep sleep.

Under the moonlight, short black hair was spreading quietly between his arms.

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