Hunting High School

Chapter 69: Deng Xiaojian's Cousin

Zheng Qing chewed on the tall and thin wizard's name, and there was a groove in his heart that he didn't know whether to vomit or not.

Spit it, it seems that you don't have much respect for people.

But he didn't vomit quickly, he pressed it in his heart, and panicked.

Deng Xiaojian didn't notice the confusion on the young wizard's face. His face was a bit sallow, his eyebrows were slender, and he was combed neatly in a bun, but he had a machete hanging on his waist, which looked a bit nondescript.

However, when Zheng Qing noticed the blue robe of Star Academy under his cloak, the feeling of disobedience in his heart was immediately relieved.

For the academy that prefers fists to dharma books, Taoist priests carry machetes in their waists, which doesn't seem to be an unacceptable combination.

"Hello, senior Xiaojian." Lin Guo sullenly greeted the tall and thin wizard respectfully. Apparently, he noticed the black border on the strange wizard's blue court robe - which meant that he was a sophomore senior.

When Deng Xiaojian heard the name of the little wizard, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Zheng Qing helped the forehead.

What the hell is Xiaojian-senpai called! It's easier to call Senior Deng than Senior Senior! Was Lingo's brain eaten off by a zombie?

Before he could figure out how to adjust the atmosphere, a series of 'squeaky' laughter came from behind him.

Yes, it was laughter.

After raising it for so long, he is very clear about the temperament of his little fox. Even if he didn't look back, the young public fee student could guess that the fox was probably laughing on top of the goat now.

He turned his head, as expected.

Poseidon's front paws were holding the black goat's horns, his big fluffy tail was raised high, his eyes were squinted, and his whole body trembled when he laughed.

The black goat's mouth also stopped squirming, and looked at the strange wizard not far away with a weird expression, with clear doubts in his eyes: Who would call such an outrageous name!

"That's the first time I heard a fox call it that way." Deng Xiaojian smiled dryly, and relieved himself.

He would never get angry with the two little animals.

"It's still young and hasn't seen the world... I'm laughing at you." Zheng Qing hurriedly explained, but found that every time he said the word 'jian', the corner of Deng Xiaojian's mouth twitched.

This makes young public finance students more and more at a loss. He simply turned around, grabbed the little fox by its fur, stuffed it into his bosom, and blocked its mouth with the hem of his robe to stop its impolite behavior.

"That's why I always hate introducing myself." Deng Xiaojian successfully relieved the stiff atmosphere in the room with a slightly self-deprecating sentence.

"I also hate introducing myself." Lin Guo said sincerely from the side.

"If you don't mind, you can call me 'Deng Zi' like my friends." Deng Xiaojian scratched his chin with a helpless expression: "If possible, I hope to meet in the future, and don't call me by my name in public. Easy Cause unnecessary trouble. Out of the ten fights I fought in the starry sky, seven or eight fights were caused by my name..."

Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly while listening to his rambling words, while stroking Poseidon's big tail, looking at the strange senior in front of him, a little unsure of his intentions.

Maybe just stop by to say hello?

This possibility is very strong, the young public fee student thought to himself. Since he was awarded the Order of Merlin, he can always be greeted by strange wizards on campus—many of them will bring their notebooks and ask for their autographs.

"...Today our hunting team trained at night. Just now, Lanzi said that there are two freshman patrol students here, so I guessed it was you." As he spoke, he behaved very casually: "As expected."

Zheng Qing smiled cooperatively, his eyes lingered around the tall and thin wizard for a while, and finally couldn't help it, and reminded in a low voice: "If you don't bring your notebook, you can go back to the library and look for me... Everyone knows where I sit... …I've never signed a knife."

"Signature? What signature..." Deng Xiaojian looked puzzled, and then suddenly said: "Do you think I came to ask you for an autograph... Hahahahaha..."

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Laughter broke the tranquility of the lake.

Several other members of the hunting team who were resting not far away looked here curiously.

The birds sleeping soundly on the branches were awakened by the laughter, opened their mouths angrily, and complained loudly.

By the lake, a kappa who had just climbed ashore was startled by the sudden noise, slipped his feet, and rolled back to Linzhong Lake, creating circles of thick and shallow water waves.

"I'm sorry..." Watching Zheng Qing's face gradually turn purple, Deng Xiaojian finally restrained his laughter, waved his hand apologetically, and added, "I really just came to say hello and get to know you."

Zheng Qing kept a dark face and didn't answer.

He was still in extreme embarrassment, and his mind was full of thoughts on how to slide into the bottom of Linzhong Lake calmly, and use the icy lake water to extinguish the heat all over his body.

"He can't join other clubs either." Lin Guo said suddenly, maintaining the last bit of dignity of the young public finance student: "We have formed a new knight order...he is the leader of our knight order."

"Knights?" Deng Xiaojian narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, nodded, and showed an approving smile: "Very good... I didn't come to drag you into the club—in fact, you are not suitable for joining Star Academy community."

Thinking of those bloody rumors in the practice class, Zheng Qing nodded involuntarily.

"I met you because my cousin Deng Xiaoxian, you know, he asked me to help take care of you at school. Some time ago, our hunting team has been busy with training, and you are also busy, so I haven't seen you for a long time. Make time to meet up."

"Deng Xiaoxian?" Hearing this somewhat familiar name, Zheng Qing didn't realize it for a while.

Deng Xiaojian obviously noticed the confusion on his face.

"It's thin and tall...the guy with a lock of long hair on his forehead, who owns a pharmacy at home...he said he and you are neighbors." Deng Xiaojian gestured, looking a little strange: "Don't you two know each other..."

"Oh, Pan Lu'er!" Zheng Qing yelled immediately, and then reacted, hastily apologized: "I'm sorry...I used to call him nicknames before, but you just mentioned his name, but you haven't reacted yet."

"...Pan Luer..." Deng Xiaojian looked at Zheng Qing with a strange expression: "Is that why you call him?"

"It's all nicknames." Knowing that he was an acquaintance and relative, Zheng Qing's attitude became warmer, and the embarrassment on his face subsided unconsciously: "Pan Lu'er always calls me 'Mr. Little'... "

This is purely putting gold on your face.

But Deng Xiaojian obviously didn't know the twists and turns. He recalled his grumpy cousin, and looked at the young man with a clean smile in front of him, and suddenly he was a little uncertain about the attitude to use when talking.

"Why is his surname Deng, but his cousin's surname is Pan?" Lin Guo obviously didn't understand the mystery, and wriggled his fingers in confusion: "The cousin should have the same surname as the family, so is your big brother adopted... ..."

Deng Xiaojian opened his mouth, not knowing how to explain the origin of his cousin's nickname to this underage little wizard.

Zheng Qing is very skilled in dealing with this kind of thing.

He immediately changed the subject and diverted the topic to other directions: "Isn't it dangerous for you to train at night? I have been wondering why the school allows such unsafe things just now. If we encounter the troubles of our patrol last time ..."

"You mean that little wild monster?" Deng Xiaojian raised his eyebrows, pressed his right hand on the handle of the knife at his waist, and smiled slightly: "I have read the report, and your performance is very good."

"But it's definitely not as good as yours." Lin Guo's attention was diverted, and he added sullenly: "Your hunting team will definitely be able to tear up that wild monster in ten seconds without a trace Pollution...and I'll bet not one of your hunting party faints."

Deng Xiaojian smiled reservedly, and did not comment on the little wizard's words.

"Children, don't learn to bet." Zheng Qing stuffed Poseidon into Linguo's arms, stroked his hair, and comforted him: "You just don't have experience...don't keep that matter in your heart .It's not that serious."

Lingo's expression was still a little frustrated.

Poseidon stood up, put his front legs on the little wizard's shoulders, stuck out his little pink tongue, and licked his cheek.

Lingo's expression finally eased a lot.

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