Hunting High School

Chapter 91 What Were You Talking About Just Now?

Because Downton reminded him that he could find suitable team members among these transfer students, after the spell class, Matthew did not leave immediately as usual, but came to the seats of several foreign students, trying to attract a qualified hunter .

"Can transfer students also participate in the Freshmen Hunting Fair?" A wizard with a mohawk haircut rubbed his temples, looking a little embarrassed.

"Of course there is no problem...any student at First University has equal rights."

"But we haven't been professionally trained in hunting demons..."

"It doesn't matter," the young vampire explained patiently and softly, "The newborn hunting will be held in the middle and late moon hunting, and there is still more than half a month before the official start...We have plenty of time to get used to it."

"Can I be the main hunter?" A petite transfer student raised his hand and asked enthusiastically.

"If it is suitable." Matthew smiled, and did not veto this possibility, but emphasized: "Any hunter with excellent qualifications can find a suitable position in my hunting team... Of course, our hunting team What is needed most now is a safari."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Irina.

While answering questions from other transfer students, Matthew's focus has been on the Gypsy Witch. In his opinion, among all the transfer students, only Elena is the one who best meets the requirements of his hunting team.

"It sounds very interesting." Yi Lianna blinked her big eyes, showing an expression of interest: "In other words, are you planning to form a freshmen hunting team to participate in the school hunting meeting?"

"It's a derivative event of the School Hunting Club, the Freshman Hunting Club...Although it's also part of the College Cup schedule, it's relatively low-risk, and it's very suitable for freshmen like us to participate." Perceived the attitude of the Gypsy Witch. Feeling loose, Matthew immediately lifted his spirits, and a smile couldn't help but squeeze out on his face.

Compared with the Tang family in central Shu, the Jiang family in Zhongshan and other aristocratic families, Elena's surname 'Jones' seems a little unknown, and it can even be said to be 'humble' - because there is no famous 'Jones' in the wizarding world family.

From this point of view, Elena is not the best candidate for Matthew's hunting team.

But on the other hand, as an international student sent by the Gypsy Witches with a long history, Irina naturally bears the traces of that ancient wizarding organization.

From this perspective, she should barely meet Sir Friedman's requirements.

Besides, she is a beautiful witch.

And beauty is a never-expiring passport at any time and anywhere.

Matthew was thinking to himself, with a decent smile on his face, and at the same time politely answered the questions of the other foreign students—of course, as an elegant nobleman under the moon, he would never say anything rude. discriminatory speech.

"It does sound interesting." Elena repeated her opinion, and finally showed a sorry expression: "Just a few days ago, the professor of the 'Medieval Magical Architecture' class asked us to write a paper analyzing the 'Barlocke style architecture'... ...You know, there are very few such buildings near First University. So I need to find related materials recently, and I probably don’t have time to participate in the freshman hunting meeting.”

As she spoke, her beautiful eyebrows were knitted together, and a troubled expression appeared on her delicate face.

Matthew Karen was originally depressed after hearing Elena's refusal.

But as the gypsy witch made it clear why she had to refuse, the young vampire nearly danced for joy on the spot.

"It's not a problem, Miss." Matthew said with an excited expression in his eyes, a blush floating on his pale cheeks, "There is no problem at all."

The gypsy witch looked at him in surprise.

"There are many Barlocke-style buildings in Alpha Castle." Matthew waved his arms a little excitedly, pointing in the direction of the castle, and added: "My cousin, Sir Friedman, his lounge is Barlocke style...especially the terrace of the lounge, which is carved out of a single piece of pure white marble and has seventy-two gorgeous columns, which is the purest and most orthodox Barlocke style."

"Seventy-two columns?!" Elena covered her mouth, her eyes gleaming with joy: "I remember this terrace was mentioned in the class of 'Medieval Magic Architecture' is really used by goblins. Did you grind your fingers little by little?"

A surge of joy filled Matthew's chest.

He hadn't expected the terrace to be so famous.

"Maybe." The young vampire tried his best to maintain his last restraint, and at the same time, he lost no time in inviting the Gypsy witch: "I believe that if you visit that lounge in person, you will have a new perspective... That terrace is for your dissertation."

"I heard that Sir Friedman is a very strict senior... Will he allow strangers to visit?" Irina seemed a little eager to try, but she was still a little uneasy.

"If you're a 'Karen Hunt' safari, then you don't belong to strangers." Mr. Vampire blinked his eyes and showed a sly smile.

Seemingly aware of the witch's confusion, he immediately explained: "The Karen hunting team is the name of the hunting team I just's very simple and easy to remember."

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"It's really simple." Yi Lianna smiled, but her expression was still a little hesitant: "It's just that I've never been on a hunting ground, and I don't know what a hunter is going to do."

"It doesn't matter, Jazz's 3A hunting team will help us with pre-match training in the near future... Maybe there will be official members of the Hemophilia hunting team coming to guide." Matthew showed a satisfied smile on his face: " Then it's settled..."

"What's agreed?" An abrupt voice broke into the conversation between the two.

Matthew turned his head displeased, and saw a familiar face.

"Ah... Student Zheng, good day." The vampire greeted coldly, turned his head and bowed slightly to the gypsy witch and said goodbye: "Then, I will wait for your paper crane."

After finishing speaking, he raised his chin and walked past Zheng Qing without looking sideways.

Like a proud little rooster.

The young public fee student resisted the urge to smash that pretty face with his fist.

Be restrained, not impulsive.

Impulse is the devil.

Be a gentleman.

Especially in front of ladies.

The young public fee student was thinking brokenly in his heart, took two deep breaths, turned to look at Elena, with a bright smile on his face: "What were you talking about, so happy!!"

"It's just a little homework problem. I'll ask him for help." The gypsy witch seemed to be completely unaware of the low pressure between the two wizards. Instead, she happily took out the dilapidated notebook from her bag and opened a few pages. Pointing to the mysterious talisman, he lowered his voice and said excitedly, "I'll find it soon."

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