Hunting High School

Chapter 140: The Witcher's Seed

Time always flies by when you are busy.

Especially when everyone is busy, the whole world seems to be accelerated.

When the hustle and bustle of the opening ceremony was still echoing in my ears, the calendar had quietly turned two pages and entered the weekend of the seventh week of school.

Different from the quiet environment on Saturday mornings on weekdays, the Saturday in Moonhunting is very lively from morning till night.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

The officials of the Student Union of Jiuyou College ran around the school, coordinating the different requirements of different hunting teams, different colleges, and even guests outside the school; They hope to get more sponsorships during this peak fundraising season; even Feiyuan outside Pavilion No. 3 has many freshmen who are sharpening their guns and practicing magic in the early mornings these few days.

But Zheng Qing did not fall into this national frenzy.

Since Su Shijun's maid was accidentally scared to tears on Thursday night, the public-funded students of Jiuyou College have rarely calmed down a lot. In addition to attending classes, Jian Tianwo studied magic classics in the dormitory, and even went to the library much less often.

Of course, he didn't explain to his roommates the reason for his 'low-key' - because he was worried that after knowing the truth, Xin Fatty would be the first to rush up, knock him out and drag him to the guests from Qingqiu to lead him. reward.

Zheng Qing only vaguely stated that Irina gave him some ancient talismans and needed help studying them.

Of course, this is not entirely an excuse.

The gypsy witch did give Zheng Qing some ugly talismans and asked him to help interpret them. It's just that those talismans are too difficult. Even with a solid foundation and the support of many books in the Shushan Museum, Zheng Qing's progress in deciphering is still very slow.

It's noon now.

Zheng Qing was resting on the desk, with a copy of Mankiw's "Structure Principles of Rune" spread out under his arm, and a stack of reference books related to rune in front of his head, such as "Ancient Talismans", "Ci Yuan", "Complete Talismans" and so on.

After returning from Feiyuan's morning class in the morning, he plunged into these piles of old papers, looking dizzy, but he still couldn't find any inspiration.


A slap was slapped heavily on Zheng Qing's arm.

The young public fee student wrinkled his nose in a daze, and vaguely smelled smoke.

"Fire?" He hummed, but didn't want to move.

"'Pure Heart Talisman', you asked me to take a picture of you every half hour." Xiao Xiao's voice sounded in his ears, but it seemed extremely ethereal and unreal as if it was thousands of miles away: " ...Studying ancient talismans is very exhausting... Don't you still have patrol missions at night... If you keep going on like this, aren't you afraid that you will fall asleep while patrolling at night and fall into the lake?"

Ancient Talismans...

night patrol...


Zheng Qing finally caught a trace of clarity in the chaos, struggled, and opened one eye.

Not far from the line of sight, on his forearm, a light yellow talisman paper was slowly emitting green smoke. Across the smoke, across the desk, Xiao Xiao was buried in his notebook, writing his never-ending notes.

The curtains on the balcony were half covered, and the late autumn sunlight fell on the desk through the window, adding a bit of lazy atmosphere to the whole room. The orange cats huddled together and snored in the sun. The elves hung on it in disarray and seemed to have fallen asleep.

It was quiet in the dormitory.

Except for the rustling sound of the quill pen in Xiao Xiao's hand, there is only the faint snoring sound.

The young public fee student took a deep breath, rubbed his face vigorously, and sat up with a snap.

This violent movement made the desk creak. Tuantuan's snoring stopped abruptly, it shook its beard, flicked its tail, and grinned threateningly.

"What about them? Haven't they come back?" Zheng Qing stroked the fat cat apologetically, and turned to look at the doctor.

"You really should take a good rest." Xiao Xiao finally stopped what he was doing, raised his head, and glanced at the public finance student opposite.

Then he took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes, shook his head and yawned, and said slowly: " asked this question an hour ago when you were awakened by the 'Pure Heart Talisman'..."

"Dylan came back at eight o'clock in the morning, and now he is probably having a sweet dream in the coffin."

"As for Xin Fatty, he went out at nine o'clock in the morning and hasn't come back yet...not even a paper crane has flown."

As he said that, Xiao Xiao took out his timer, looked at the time, and complained: "I even asked him to help bring lunch...Depending on the situation, I'm afraid we both will be hungry for a while..."

Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will arrive.

Suddenly there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside the door.

The bronze mirror hanging under the ceiling shook violently, casting a yellow halo in front of the courtyard.

The dormitory door was pushed open with a bang.

"Hey, be gentle." Zheng Qing stretched his arms, turned his head helplessly, and complained, "The house is going to be knocked down by you!"

At the same time, angry cries came from the desk, as well as the chaotic 'Xi Xi' sounds of the elves.

"Fog Grass!" Xin Fatty's angry voice came from the door: "It's been so long since the matter of Sha Shichong, when will you take down this broken mirror!"

He was dazzled by the bronze mirror again.

"When I installed the mirror, you praised 'it is the most sensitive Magical Item in the world'." A gloomy voice came from Dylan's tent—after all, being awakened from sleep is a A very bad experience.

Fatty laughed dryly and skipped the subject.

"Clang clang clang clang!" Fatty Xianbao usually took out a small paper bag from behind, held it up high, and shouted, "What do you think this is?!"

"Lunch?" Xiao Xiao was startled: "I've been hungry for a long time..."

The smile on Xin Fatty's face melted away like spring snow.

He scratched the back of his head, looked awkwardly at the two staring wizards in front of the desk, and said with a dry smile, "Ha, this, I forgot... I think you can ask the elves to help you buy lunch..."

"What a brilliant idea." Xiao Xiao snorted.

Green elves lacking magical ability are not suitable for working too far away from the host. Like going out to buy food. Because they are easily robbed by passing crows or squirrels.

"Food can be eaten at any time... I have something more exciting than eating here!" Xin Fatty spread his hands and stretched out to the center of the desk, showing his 'baby'.

Zheng Qing held his breath, tried his best to block the thick sweat coming from Fatty's body, and squinted at his palm.

Opening the small paper bag, there were two peanut-like things in Xin Fatty's palm.

"What is this?" The public fee student blinked.

Xiao Xiao still buried his head in his notebook, and Dylan was still hiding behind the curtain, seemingly falling asleep again. Neither of them responded to Fatty.

"Seed!" Xin Fatty mouthed cautiously, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Seed?" Zheng Qing glanced at him blankly, and twitched the corner of his mouth: "I know it's a seed, but the problem is, I don't know what kind of seed it is... What is this seed for? You plan to grow Medicinal herbs in the dormitory ?”

"Seed?" Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and raised his head.

"...I also seem to hear someone talking about 'seeds'." Dylan's yawning voice sounded from the tent, and soon the lid of his big coffin was flipped.

"Seeds, are they so attractive?" Zheng Qing fiddled with the two peanuts in Fatty's palm in surprise, and repeated his own question: "What kind of seeds are these..."

"Seeds are seeds." Xiao Xiao didn't know when he left the chair, floated over without a sound, and answered in a low voice.

"It's the seeds that can bloom and grow grass." Dylan also poked his head out from behind the tent.

Zheng Qing narrowed his eyes and looked at the three of them one by one, and asked in a strange tone: "Excuse me, who can tell me what kind of flower and plant grows from this seed?"

"Trumpet flower and projection grass." Dr. Xiao finally showed mercy and told the answer to the young public fee student who was about to go crazy: "...this is a magic with a very long history, which can condense a certain image and sound into one In the seeds, the wizards recall those fragments that have passed away..."

Zheng Qing came to a sudden.

Xin Fatty smiled, squeezed across the table, and brought a palm-sized flower pot with blue and white porcelain walls from the balcony.

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