Hunting High School

Chapter 152: Double Examination

The regular meeting after the regular meeting lasted until ten o'clock in the evening.

According to Deng Xiaojian's request, Zheng Qing distributed examination papers to each hunter to test their mastery of their positions. The test questions mainly include what choices the hunter should make in different situations, the dictation of practical magic in the hunting ground, the judgment of different foul behaviors, and some illustrations and explanations of the positions of the battle formations.

There is an additional question at the end of the test paper, asking the hunters to answer what they should do when they see a hunting team plundering another hunting team's trophies within a "reasonable range" in the hunting ground.

As expected, except for Dr. Xiao Da who was able to handle the entire test paper because he knew everything, and Zhang Jixin who was able to barely pass because of the influence of his family, everyone else answered in a mess—including a certain captain who handed out and collected the papers.

Zheng Qing sadly found that, apart from multiple-choice questions and true-and-true questions, and magic dictation, he could rely on the spells he usually learned to make up the numbers.

Even Mr. Vampire Werewolf, who claims to have "lived 1,300 years and has seen everything", did not show a more profound or meticulous way of thinking than a middle school student.

"It's not fair!"

When the exam lasted for more than half an hour, Dylan finally couldn't hold back the irritability in his heart, dropped the quill, and shouted dissatisfiedly: "We are not students of Jiuyou College, so there is no reason to do the papers with you... This is completely A rote exam-oriented education! It can't reflect our true level of magic at all!"

"I'm from Star Academy!"

"Only practice is the only way to test the truth!"

Lin Guo and Xin Fatty nodded their heads quickly, wishing to smash the paper in front of them to pieces.

Even the usually indifferent Blue Bird nodded slightly, as if agreeing with Mr. Vampire Werewolf very much.

"I can understand the attitude of the three of them, but you are a student of Jiuyou College!" Zheng Qing glanced at Xin Fatty, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Can you show some respect to Jiuyou students..."

"Face?" Xin Fatty touched his plump cheeks in doubt, and asked in surprise, "Is my face not big enough?"

The young public fee student was speechless for a moment.

"The test paper is only the first part of the assessment, and there will be practical content in the follow-up." After Xiao Xiao handed the test paper full of answers to Zheng Qing, he silently pointed to the back row of the classroom: "Everyone has their own practice assessment part."

Dylan raised his eyebrows, threw the half-empty paper in front of Zheng Qing, and strode towards the back row of the classroom.

Zheng Qing sighed, flipped through the many blank test papers in his hand, raised his head and looked around.

"If you don't write the answer in the first time, then hand in the paper back." He added in a melancholy tone: "Deng Zi—our coaching classmate—has said before that timing on the hunting ground It's fleeting, and neither the prey nor the opponent will give you too much reaction time. If you don't think of the correct answer at the first time, you still haven't mastered the relevant knowledge points... This approach is still different from our real exam. Little difference."

Xin Fatty, who was still struggling, was relieved when he heard Zheng Qing's words, and quickly threw the paper in front of Zheng Qing.

"Actually, I still know a lot of's just that I can't remember it for a while." Fatty looked at Zheng Qing sincerely and said.

This time, even Lingo couldn't stand it anymore.

"Know what you know, pretend to know what you don't know, don't be ashamed." The little wizard scratched his face and stuck out his tongue.

Fatty coughed loudly twice, took three steps at a time, rushed to the back of the classroom, and shouted at the same time: "There is still a practice test? Why didn't I know... I have been in the classroom before, when are you going to prepare for the practice test?" content?"

"While you are eating." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, expressionless.

Although it is a practical assessment, to be precise, it can only be regarded as a "partial" practical assessment.

In front of the young wizards, there was only a rabbit with a broken leg, a stack of talisman papers with unknown uses, and a complete set of talisman paper and pen materials.

"I need to draw the 'Jiama Talisman' and the 'Suppression Talisman' within the specified time." Zheng Qing lowered his head, read the requirements in the document word by word, and said slowly:

"Xiao Xiao needs to predict the luck of our spell class tomorrow."

"As for Dylan and Blue Bird... you two still have to do the questions." Zheng Qing raised his head, gave Dylan a sympathetic look, and added, "These papers are in the form of some common monsters, and you need to write them silently." Basic Habits and Weaknesses."

The vampire werewolf turned pale, took the test paper without saying a word, and sat back in the front seat silently.

"It's enough for the main hunter to be in charge of supervision. You don't have specific practice assessment content for the time being."

"The most important task is Zuo Fu," Zheng Qing said, turning his head to look at Xin Fatty: "According to the coach's request... Zuo Fu not only needs to be a meat shield, but also needs to master a certain degree of healing."

As he spoke, he pointed to the rabbit lying in the cage and reminded:

"This injured need to operate on it to remove the broken bones, suture the wound, apply a splint, prepare the required medicine, and then apply it."

"If the rabbit survives until the next training camp, it will be considered qualified."

The rabbit in the cage collapsed weakly, with its hind legs slanted aside at a strange angle. There were obvious signs of beast bites at the fracture, and there seemed to be only a thin trace of flesh between the two broken legs. .

Fatty opened his mouth wide and made a whoo-ho sound in his throat.

After a while, he finally said, "This is a rabbit!"

"I know it's a rabbit." Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows: "Do you want me to help you prepare a wizard with a broken leg?"

"You have so much confidence in me?!" Xin Fatty gestured, seemingly incoherent: "It's a rabbit!! A warm-blooded animal! The rabbit in the Chinese zodiac!! If my treatment fails, the school work committee will ... No, the people with the three-pronged sword will kick open the door of our dormitory tomorrow!"

"The Three-pronged Sword is not in charge of civil disputes between ordinary wizards and animals." Xiao Xiao comforted him from the side, "Besides, it's just a broken leg... Would you put it to death?"

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As if hearing this unfriendly judgment, the rabbit that was lying in the cage suddenly raised its head, and its ears stood up.

The little red eyes were full of vigilance.

"Where did you get this guy..." Fatty finally gave up and put on silk gloves.

"In the pet garden." Zheng Qing replied briskly: "Deng Zi said that a certain pet in the pet garden hurt this wild rabbit... The guard in the garden is the senior cadre named Zhan Yuchen from the student union of our college. I want to judge the hunting team and want to solve this problem privately. It’s just a small trouble, and it happens that our hunting team needs to practice, so Deng Zi will leave it to me.”

"Solve the trouble?" Fatty repeated subtly.

"Just treat yourself before reporting to the school work committee, so that you can reduce the points deducted!" Zheng Qing squinted, glanced at Fatty, and snorted: "I always think you have some bold ideas just now..."

Xin Fatty sighed heavily.

"If I commit second-level murder, you must be responsible..." He muttered, and began to pull out shiny knives and bottles of potions from the tool bag, and placed them in front of the rabbit.

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