Hunting High School

Chapter 157: Hip, Hip

"Wolf, follow the dog, have a good voice, and be cruel."

"Postscript, from the foot, the sound of ba, the meaning of trampling here."

"Carrying, multiplying also means then, and."

"踬 and 疐 are synonymous and homophonic, or they are said to fall, or they are said to be trampled."

"These four magic words are the foundation of this spell, and they are also the key to accurately grasping the true meaning."

"According to the literal translation of the rune rules, this spell means that when the ferocious monster stepped forward, it stepped on its own beard, and when it stepped back, it tripped over its tail."

"Of course, in actual practice, using this magic can't make the monster fall into a standard somersault like a few textbooks... It's a puppet technique, not a chaos spell."

The last sentence of the professor's explanation is quite interesting, but it has no corresponding effect.

When encountering this kind of situation on weekdays, everyone will laugh aloud twice, expressing that they got to the key points in the professor's words; but today, most people are staring at the blackboard intently, lest their negligence will affect the later study, who will Do you have the spirit to cheer?

Finding no one to support him, Lao Yao could only cough twice, and continued to teach himself:

"Chaos, chaos, as the name suggests, means disorganization, disorder, restlessness."

"When targeting a single monster, this spell can only make it lose its sense of direction and balance to a certain extent. In severe cases, it will have the effect of panic and restlessness—when you are being chased by a monster, or When hunting a monster, this little distraction is even more precious."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"But this alone does not allow the Chaos Curse to have the status of 'one of the three auxiliary spells'. In fact, whether it is the 'Five-tone Five-Color Curse' or the 'Excessive Curse', they can interfere with demons to a wider extent action."

"The most effective target for the Chaos Curse is the wild monsters."

"Everyone knows what a wild monster is!" The professor grabbed the pipe and tapped on the desk, looking around with searching eyes.

Everyone nodded quickly.

Zheng Qing is no exception.

From the time he came into contact with the wizarding world until now, he has encountered three monsters in total: a pig demon that transformed from Fatty after being infected; a beautiful lich that can speak human language; and a kappa demon that appeared inexplicably by the lake .

According to the general classification rules, the pig demon and the kappa demon can be classified as wild monsters—their animal nature is stronger than reason, or it can be said that they have no ability to think at all except instinct.

"The vast majority of wild monsters are social creatures, and there are very few wild monsters that act alone." At this point, Lao Yao glanced at Zheng Qing vaguely, and then continued to explain:

"Because any wild monster will unconsciously infect the creatures around it. On the one hand, it is for predatory, instinctively; At the same time, with the help of many similar auras, it transforms Monster Qi, making its bloodline go one step further and becoming the Wild Monster King."

"For every formed group of wild monsters, there must be a wild monster king."

"Wild monsters are a group of monsters with weak mental defenses, and can easily be affected by magic such as fatigue spells and chaos spells. But the wild monster king is different. On the contrary, because Monster Qi has gone further, the spirit of the wild monster king has become very Condensed, they already have the preliminary thinking ability, and correspondingly, their resistance to various magics has been significantly improved."

"Most of the time, the wild monster king will use mind control to control the actions of the entire monster group. This is an advantage and a disadvantage."

"The advantage is that this kind of control can make the monster group move like a finger, and the attack is like the wind; but the disadvantage is that if the wizards interfere with the command of the wild monster king, they can easily disrupt the actions of the entire monster group."

"The Chaos Curse can have such a disturbing effect."

"When a hunting team encounters a group of wild monsters, throwing a bunch of chaos spells can effectively disrupt the wild king's control over the group of monsters, making them dizzy and out of shape-some powerful wizards use This spell can also make wild monsters kill each other—at this time, the hunting team will have enough time to react."

"Whether it's planning to fight, planning to shift strategy, or just watching from the sidelines, the captain of the hunting team can get a lot of time to think and prepare."

"So, on the hunting grounds, the Chaos Spell is a very useful auxiliary spell."

"Especially when you meet a group of wild monsters."

Zheng Qing gripped the brush tightly and moved it like flying.

The feeling of drowsiness earlier disappeared with the professor's lecture.

For him now, there is nothing more important than being able to improve the combat effectiveness of the hunting team - the young public finance student even once complained in his heart that the number one beauty in the wizarding world did not come sooner or later, but it happened to be in Lao Yao Come up with such an important mantra lesson.

Of course, he can only think about this kind of thought in his heart, and he is determined not to say it out loud.

"I've said it before."

"The Chaos Spell is a closed spell. This means that you don't need to consider those delicate structures and complicated grammar when constructing the spell."

"Just follow the steps and copy the standard mantras into the Dharma book."

"Of course, similar to the 'Fatigue Curse', this kind of spell has higher requirements on your 'comprehension' ability. You must not only be able to understand the original meaning of each rune, but also use rich divergent thinking to integrate this The expansion of the 'artistic conception'."

"If you simply cast magic according to the original intention of the spell, you will waste a lot of magic power, and you will only make your prey stumble a few times."

"But if you really understand the meaning of each rune, you can easily affect the prey from the spiritual level. For example, make them spin around in place, become confused, or perform a few backflips and dance a wild ballet... this It's all doable."

"After this spell has been practiced to a high-level Realm, you can even combine it with 'pointing a deer into a horse' to artificially construct an illusory scene, a set of illusory theories—of course, this kind of Realm is too lofty, so you don't need to think about it for the time being." so much."

"Comprehension can only be pondered slowly and experienced by yourself."

"This is not a problem that can be solved by adding a few ingenious structures to the incantations in the scriptures, or using just the right tone when chanting incantations."

"As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, and cleverness can lead to immortality. Only complete proficiency can help you continue to understand the true meaning of magic..."

Lao Yao's in-depth lectures made everyone in the hall mesmerized.

Until his lecture was interrupted by a strange voice.

"Knock, click, click..."

This is the sound of high heels walking.

Zheng Qing couldn't help turning his head, looking towards the classroom door

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