Hunting High School

Chapter 160 Inside And Outside The Door

"Cough cough cough!"

Severe coughing sounded heavily behind Su Shijun and her little maid.

Su Ya turned her head and saw a familiar face.

A few days ago, she saw this little old man with a sallow complexion in front of an office deep in the office building. He was still pressing her head with his rough, smoke-filled hand.

The sallow-faced wizard Su Ya warned wrinkled his nose, and reached out and tugged at the corner of the lady's robe.

Su Shijun finally turned around helplessly.

"Leaving a little shadow on the portrait is a relatively advanced magic skill... but for you who have become a great wizard, it should not be difficult." Lao Yao stuffed the pipe into his pocket and added with a smile: "And, I remember that you Qingqiu should have a more subtle method..."

"I just want to know how I can tear off a little bit of your shadow and stuff it into the portrait without your consent." Su Shijun made no secret of his own malice: "Ninth Auntie's birthday is coming soon, I think it would be a good gift ..."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Lao Yao immediately coughed again.

After a long while, he slowly stopped coughing, pulled his face, looked at the witch who was behaving erratically, and taught him a lesson: "You want to hang people on the wall casually? It's not something a lady should do to speak ill of people behind her back." Things to do……"

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"Being a lady? And then being abandoned by a heartless man?!" Su Shijun raised his head and snorted disdainfully: "Besides... eavesdropping on others behind the scenes is not what a gentleman would do."

Immediately, there was a burst of echoing laughter among the portraits hanging on both sides of the corridor.

Even the old wizards who had just been ridiculed by Su Shijun couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

"Cough cough cough..." Lao Yao coughed violently again.

"Smoking less if you cough." Su Shijun pouted, glanced at the pipe sticking out of the professor's pocket, and said, "Of course, if you sell me that pipe, you may live a few more years... …I mean, you might be able to hang it on the wall a few days later."

Lao Yao immediately stretched out his hand and pushed the exposed pipe deeper into his pocket.

"Don't worry about it." The professor sternly looked at the newly appointed senator of the next month's parliament, frowning slightly: "Hmm... very interesting glasses, which can come with a mental energy field that passively interferes with fluctuations... this is The craftsmanship of the Green family..."

"How can the vulgar gadgets of the Green family catch our lady's eyes... These glasses are the latest model of Mu Zhuanniang! It's worth hundreds of jade coins!" Su Ya immediately jumped out and retorted loudly, her little chin raised sharply. The nose is still high.

This remark immediately angered a certain onlooker.

Before Lao Yao could speak, a portrait hanging on the corridor wall not far away yelled, "How vulgar are the things in Green's house?! Little girl, you need to make it clear..."

While talking, the bearded old man in the hanging portrait stepped over several photo frames one after another, squeezed into a portrait facing Su Ya, and spittled and shouted: "...The things in our old Green's house have always been exquisite craftsmanship, The texture is exquisite, how can it be vulgar?!"

"Rough talk, vulgar manner... What kind of exquisite alchemy product can you make?" A graceful and luxurious lady sat at the wine table with a portrait opposite, and said unceremoniously sarcasm: "...all of you here, who I don’t know that our Ornament Lady is the ancestor who made these exquisite ornaments...Green? Where did the blacksmith come from!"

After all, the lady lowered her head, looked at Su Ya, and smiled all over her face: "Little girl has good eyesight, I will ask the children in the store to give you a discount later..."

The bearded old wizard on the opposite side immediately shouted angrily.

The two sides each tangled up a bunch of hanging statues that had nothing to do, and started a verbal battle over who was more exquisite and exquisite in the products of Green's Grocery Store and Mu Shiniang.

Professor Yao looked at the noisy and chaotic hanging statues all around, felt a headache and sighed again and again.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Su Shijun dragged the little maid, tiptoed, and quietly squeezed in through the crack of the door of classroom 601 next door.



When the high-heeled shoes sounded in the corridor, the students who had been immersed in the wonderful lecture of the professor of Charms were awakened immediately.

Zheng Qing’s reaction was quick, but Xin Fatty sat up straight earlier than him.

"High heel!"

Fatty turned his head, gesticulating with his mouth, his eyes widened and his face was full of excitement.

This made the young public welfare student quite contemptuous - it's not like he hasn't heard the sound of high heels walking, as for it!

But if you listen carefully, the crisp sound made by the string of high-heeled shoes hitting the ground is like a numb drumbeat, which makes you feel itchy. magic tricks.

It's past eleven o'clock in the morning.

It was the end of the morning class.

During this period of time on weekdays, the entire teaching building is in a very quiet environment, and the only headless horsemen who might make noise will obediently sit at the corner of the stairs before the bell rings, motionless.

Therefore, when the abnormal noise came from the corridor, the young wizards guessed the owner of the high heels almost at the same time.

Seeing the subdued commotion in the audience, Professor Yao who was standing in front of the blackboard sighed heavily.

Even if there are individual 'scholars' who can continue to listen, it is clear that the efficiency of the entire class has dropped to a very low level.

"I'm going to get some books, you just sit where you are and don't move around." Old Yao knocked on the desk with his fingers, warned, turned around and opened the door and went out.

As soon as his figure disappeared at the door, the classroom immediately boiled.

"The goddess is here!!!" Duan Xiaojian wailed and howled in the back row of the classroom, causing a chaotic applause from all around.

"Hearing the sound of her walking, my heart is about to break..." Xin Fatty looked fascinated, as if she was holding a heart.

His statement made everyone around retch.

"Cousin, where's your blush! Lend me quickly... and the small mirror, hurry up! My complexion seems a little pale!" Li Meng groaned as she touched her slightly baby-fat face, throwing herself into Jiang Yu's arms , fumbling around.

"The mirror isn't there!" Jiang Yu screamed, pushing Cousin Own hard.

Of course, Li Meng was not the only student who showed nervousness - Matthew Karen, who was sitting by the window, stood up at some point and was meticulously arranging his own clothes, adjusting the angle of cuff buttons and the position of his belt over and over again.

"Ahem, please be quiet, everyone... Remember what the professor said before." The class monitor, Downton, stood up and did his part to maintain order: "...We should leave a good impression on Councilor Su, not a messy one. .”

There is a reason for what he said.

The originally noisy voice in the classroom suddenly subsided a little.

Even so, it didn't stop the students from whispering to each other, digging out all kinds of blank new Dharma books or other strange souvenirs from the drawers, and exchanging ideas on how to get Su Shijun's signature.

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