Hunting High School

Chapter 168 Blessing Bottle

After Li Meng yelled, she turned her head to look at the big beauty on the podium, blinked, and her tone immediately became much more obedient: "Idol! Our monitor actually wants to ask, who is your spouse..."

This question appears to be very straightforward.

There was a murmur of approval in the classroom.

The corners of Su Shijun's mouth curled up slightly, and he brushed his long hair around his ear, and asked calmly, " this your fifth question?"

Li Meng immediately stayed where she was.

Although this question is very interesting, it makes people feel unwilling to waste two opportunities to ask questions on one question. Thinking of this, the little witch couldn't help but glared at Downton angrily again.

Before she could think of an answer, Jiang Yu pulled her back to her seat and stood up by herself.

"Hello Senator Su."

"I am the female representative of Tianwen Class 08-1, Jiang Yu."

"About the fifth opportunity to ask is also a question selected after we collected the votes." As he spoke, Jiang Yu raised a piece of letter paper in his hand and asked directly: "Not long ago, there were some related reports saying that you have I have own children... But the news in the newspaper is true and false, which makes everyone confused."

"We really hope to get some more specific information, such as the identity of the child's father, the child's name, age, and who he is currently in care of, etc..."

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"Is this a question?" Su Shijun interrupted Jiang Yu's question, showing a somewhat surprised expression.

She had reason to be surprised.

Regardless of whether Jiang Yu just raised a series of questions instead of just one; the hidden information behind the few questions she raised alone is enough to make people vigilant.

For a young wizard, both name and age are very confidential information. This kind of taboo is especially obvious when it involves a great wizard from a famous family.

For thousands of years, the scourge of witchcraft has not only harmed people in the Baiding world, but also changed people's faces in the world of wizards.

Su Shijun didn't believe that Jiang Yu, who was also from a wealthy family, would not be aware of the taboo.

"It's not a problem, it's just a concern." Jiang Yu smiled confidently, and slowly took out a big glass bottle from the Kun bag.

Inside the bottle, colorful paper cranes are circling and circling gracefully around the glass bottle wall, forming a colorful funnel-shaped whirlwind.

This is a blessing bottle.

Each paper crane in the bottle embodies the most sincere blessing of a witch - the malicious curse will only sink to the bottom of the bottle, unable to support the graceful flying of the paper crane.

"...Everyone wants to send you the best wishes, but our blessings need a carrier." As he spoke, Jiang Yu showed the cap of the glass bottle.

On the lid, a small brass nameplate gleamed in the sun.

The nameplate is now empty.

Zheng Qing knows that only by leaving his name on the nameplate can the corresponding blessings be sent to the proper place.

This gift was not light or heavy, but it was very thoughtful, and it well expressed the kindness of the young wizards of the First University to Su Shijun.

Su Shijun stared at the glass bottle, a bright smile slowly bloomed on his face.

She was already very dazzling, but at this moment, she seemed to have robbed the sun of the brilliance, and the whole classroom was filled with dazzling colors, whether it was the many young wizards sitting in the hall, or the school workers who were in charge of cleaning. The elf, or the stick figure on the white paper behind the door, were all intoxicated by her smile at the same time, unable to extricate themselves.

This time, it was Su Shijun who took the initiative to help the young wizards get rid of the charm effect.

"A very good idea, a very good rhetoric." She praised sincerely, her voice was like a clear spring, refreshing, intoxicating but sober.

After a short pause, Su Shijun slowly said: "Although your questions seem a little too much...but seeing how hardworking everyone is, I can answer some small questions properly."

There was an excited but suppressed cheer in the classroom.

Although Xin Fatty was sealed by the talisman paper, it did not affect his eyes. He took out a few shorthand quills and a stack of thick manuscript paper, covering the entire desk, and was ready to rely on the words revealed by Miss Su at any time. Write a few colorful articles.

"The father of the child, I will not reveal his name..."

As soon as Su Shijun said these words, the audience sighed in disappointment.

in my expectation.

"However," Su Damei added with a smile when the subject changed, "I can tell everyone that he is in the First University..."

"Boom!" A violent impact sounded from the back row of the classroom.

Zheng Qing didn't look back, but he could guess that some excited guy knocked on the desk.

It hurts just as it sounds.

It's just that this 'accident' that could attract the attention of most of the classroom in the past did not attract a single concerned look today. Because almost everyone was excited by Su Shijun's words just now, and felt proud.

"I knew it!" Duan Xiaojian's sharp voice sounded from the back row of the classroom: "Only our First University can find this kind of young talent..."

"Cousin!! Shall we ask someone to sort it out... Find that Hun Dan and beat him to death!" Li Meng shouted excitedly while tugging at Jiang Yu's robe, completely ignoring Su Ya's green eyes at the desk.

"Who could it be... Hilda? It's too rascal, and he has a marriage contract; Thomas, it is said that he has an affair with a banshee, so naturally it is impossible; Zhang Yu, it is possible, but it seems that he has not It doesn't look like someone with such a blessing." Dr. Xiao Da flipped through his heavy notebook quickly, chanting words, not even paying attention to the ink stains on his face.

Zheng Qing glanced carefully, and saw hundreds of names in the doctor's notebook.

"Maybe you can write an analysis report on this list... I believe that neither the school newspaper nor our Miss Li Meng will spare a few handfuls of jade coins and spend a lot of money to buy them." Notice.

Xiao Xiao squinted at him.

"Knowledge, is it for sale?" The doctor almost looked at him with his nostrils.

Before Zheng Qing could refute back, Su Shijun spoke again on the podium.

"The child's name..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, the atmosphere in the classroom that was already faintly boiling suddenly cooled down. Even one or two guys who were not long-eyed and still whispering and whispering quickly followed in Xin Fatty's footsteps and enjoyed it for free. A few suppressors.

Zheng Qing smacked his lips, feeling a little regretful.

It was the first time he discovered that there were so many local tyrants in the class, and he felt that it was a bit of a disadvantage to easily hand over the distribution rights of the talismans to the vagabonds.

Of course, this thought was just a whirl in his mind, and he immediately put it behind him.

He hates trouble by nature - if he needs to find customers himself, bargain every time because of selling a few talismans, or even face the possibility of defaulting on payment or lowering the price due to friendship, he would rather give up the business.

"The child's name will be kept secret for the time being...but he has a baby name - Neptune."

"As for where the child is now, I will naturally not tell you. But I can say very clearly that the child has always been with his father."

"They're both fine...I've seen them when I come to school."

"Thanks for your concern, thank you for your concern~!"

Su Shijun did not wait too long for the response from the audience, but ended this round of answers very quickly with a few polite words.

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