Hunting High School

Chapter 50 Recurring Head Disease

Zheng Qing has always felt that he was born with a flag: if he feels that something will definitely not happen, then it is very likely to happen.

Later, he learned that this flag has a term called Murphy's Law.

On today's journey, the effect of this law was brought into full play.

On the school plane that he felt was extremely safe, a banshee with scarlet eyes popped out; he felt that the vast sea of ​​people were just passers-by, but one by one classmates in the same class appeared in front of him.

Zheng Qing closed her eyes hard and rubbed her forehead to relieve the throbbing pain in the top of her head.

The sequelae of the headache have not completely dissipated, but the pain is under control. The old problem that he hadn't committed for more than ten years suddenly reappeared, casting a shadow over his originally gloomy mood.

He took out two yellow paper talismans from the gray cloth bag and slapped them on both temples.

Green smoke slowly rose from the paper talisman.

Cool sensations welled up from his temples, soothing his battered mind.

Opening his eyes, a girl holding a cobra with a pointed chin was standing nervously in front of them.

It was she who interrupted the awkward atmosphere just now.

"Excuse me!" The girl bowed vigorously, her face flushed, "I accidentally overheard your conversation, so I couldn't help but come over to say hello. I'm also a freshman in Class 08-1 of Astronomy of Jiuyou College, please Give me a lot of advice!"

After speaking, she bowed again.

The cobra in her arms drooped its head, half of its body was hanging on the hostess' neck, and it was spitting out the letter weakly.

"Snake!" Li Meng screamed, jumped quickly, and hid behind several boys.

Pigeon Xiaobai also cooed, fluttering its wings indiscriminately, making Poseidon in Zheng Qing's arms restless.

"How old is she?" Zhang Jixin whispered in Zheng Qing's ear, pointing back to Li Meng quietly.

"Twelve years old." Zheng Qing also lowered her voice: "Don't mention her age in front of her, she prefers to be called a college student."

The red-faced boy curled his lips and nodded, with an expression that I understand.

"Xiaolong is very good, he doesn't bite!" The girl with a pointed chin waved her hands nervously, and handed the thick cobra in her arms to several people.

The tiny wound on the cobra's cheek was no longer visible. As if feeling the idea of ​​the owner asking him to say hello, it raised its head, spit out a bright red letter, and hissed at several people with its dark eyes.

This time, even Zheng Qing couldn't help taking a small step back.

Then he felt a little offended by backing away. So, staring at the cobra, he tried to take a step forward, returned to the original position, and comforted: "Excuse me, what's the name? Your pet is okay."

"My name is Liu Feifei, and everyone can call me Feifei." The girl with a pointed chin happily hugged the cobra back into her arms: "It's just that the little dragon has suffered a lot of damage and will feel weak for a long time. I don't know if the school has any suitable pets." Doctors."

The cobra's neck seemed to lose its bones suddenly, and it was paralyzed in Liu Feifei's arms again, with its tongue hanging out of its lips and motionless.

This treacherous reptile is almost like a little fox. Zheng Qing couldn't help but slander.

"Why do you keep a snake!" Li Meng poked his head out from behind Zheng Qing, and asked nervously, "For most wizards, this is not a very friendly partner."

"When I got it, it was still an egg. My grandma told me it was a dragon's egg." Liu Feifei showed a frustrated expression, and explained in a low voice: "It turned out to be a small snake when it hatched. I think It was too late to replace it, and the little snake regarded me as its companion. Grandma Tai said, this is fate, let me take good care of it.”

It's all fate. Zheng Qing thought silently, and looked up and looked around.

As time passed, the atmosphere in the restaurant gradually stabilized.

The black-robed wizard at the door greeted the freshmen who survived the catastrophe to sign the roster. Those who have signed can leave the restaurant and return to their own seats in the cabin.

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A smiling flight attendant stood next to the roster, giving each freshman who signed a small red gift box.

Xiao Xiao didn't attend the small party of several classmates, but went straight to sign. However, he didn't leave immediately after signing, but returned to them with the small paper box.

The small red paper box is bare, without any pattern, and the workmanship is a bit rough.

"What's inside?" Zheng Qing looked curiously.

"A piece of mint, a piece of dark chocolate, and a piece of meditation talisman." Xiao Xiao picked up the piece of yellow paper talisman with his fingertips, carefully looked at the lines on it, and shook his head: "It's just some small comforting gifts, probably They rushed to make it. The cinnabar on the meditation amulet is not dry yet."

"The dining table at the door has re-supplied food. Do you need anything?" Zhang Jixin also came back after signing. Holding a glass of water, he poked the dining table not far away with his thumb: "Then There are also free drinks on the side, coffee, milk, ice water, everything."

"I want to drink Green Bee!" Li Meng walked away.

"No alcoholic beverages." Zhang Jixin hastily added behind her.

Li Meng turned around in frustration, and went to the door to sign.

Zheng Qing couldn't help laughing.

"Student, it is forbidden to use open fire talismans on the special plane. If you have special needs, you can ask our flight attendants." A flight attendant in a navy blue uniform walked to Zheng Qing and gently persuaded him.

Zheng Qing smiled awkwardly, tore off the smoking talisman stuck to his temple, crumpled it into a small ball, and threw it into the trash bag carried by the flight attendant.

The cool feeling dissipated, and the severe headache came back again.

He couldn't help frowning. Clasping Own's scalp tightly with his hands, he rubbed vigorously, trying to relieve the sudden sharp pain.

"Did you get hit by Monster Qi?" The flight attendant asked nervously: "There is no professional doctor on the plane, we need to land before we can arrange for you to see a doctor. We only have some medicine for airsickness."

"No, no, no. It's just a little headache. It has nothing to do with that banshee." Zheng Qing pressed his temples, rubbed them lightly, and tried to make his expression more natural: "Do you have anything refreshing to make your mind feel refreshed?" thing."

The flight attendant ran to the lounge to search, but finally found only a small box of cooling oil.

Zheng Qing smiled wryly, and took the small red round box.

Zhang Jixin watched him apply a layer of cooling oil on his temples, and asked in surprise: "You were really bumped by Monster Qi? It's okay! There are very few wizards nowadays who have such a sensitive physique like you."

Zheng Qing's right hand froze, and he gritted his teeth and said viciously: "This is an old problem, not the reason of that monster!"

"It's okay," Xiao Xiao explained consolingly: "It's very common for Bai Ding to faint instantly after being rushed by Monster Qi. We are not much better than Bai Ding, not to mention that you are too close to that banshee, and some sequelae are unavoidable. .”

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes, there was no interface, he just extended the massage range of his right hand to the entire cheek.

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