Hunting High School

Chapter 178: Reporter Xin’S Concept Of News

"Wow... I actually became a 'Famous Merlin Medal Winner'!"

"What does this 'tricky' question mean? Do you think I'm not troublesome enough?"

"And this, this 'shaman surnamed Duan', is it Duan Xiaojian?...Then who is this anonymous wizard from Alpha Academy? When did you do the interview..."

Holding the newspaper, Zheng Qing read with relish the account written by Xin Fatty, yelling from time to time, expressing his own views and positions.

It is not the first time for young public finance students to have such an experience as an individual, being able to fall into a certain report in black and white, and become "other people" in the eyes of others.

But this does not prevent him from changing his perspective and watching the report from the standpoint of a third party.

It must be admitted that Fatty's boasted "spring and autumn brushwork" is really good.

At the very least, Zheng Qing didn't read Fatty's two 'underdrawn' questions from the article, but read the answers to those two questions in the article.

However, as I read it, the young public finance student always felt that this text was a bit inconsistent.

"Why do I feel that your article is a bit... out of touch with the actual situation?" Zheng Qing looked at the report in the newspaper, looked at it for a long time, and finally put forward some own opinions.

"Out of touch?" Sim Fatty cried like a cat whose tail has been stepped on: "Sir! This is a very serious accusation! For a person who is determined to become a great reporter, there is no better sentence than yours." More hurtful words!"

Apparently, he was so dissatisfied with the accusation of the public fee student that he used honorifics in his words.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Zheng Qing shrugged, and replied in a very serious tone with a very insincere tone: "If the sentence just now made you feel uncomfortable, I will take it back immediately and apologize to you...but I just said it The facts I saw."

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" don't need to apologize to me," Fatty said with a stern face, "You need to point out the so-called 'divorced' in my article...otherwise I will take what you said as a What a provocation!"

"Even if he is provocative, what can you do?" Dr. Xiao Da interjected abruptly, with a delicate expression: "You know, when you signed the contract in the vagabond bar, I stood by the side..."

This reminder is just right.

Fatty immediately stood there, speechless.

At the beginning of the school year, when Class Astronomy 08-1 held a gathering in the homeless bar, Zheng Qing and several partners each chose a talisman under the advice of the homeless wizard. Since the drunk Xin Fatty and Zhang Jixin were unable to fulfill their payment obligations, at the suggestion of Dr. Xiao Da and with the "consent" of the three parties, Zheng Qing signed a magic contract with them.

A private employment agreement valid for one year, commonly known as a 'deed of sale'.

Although a few people occasionally joked about it, due to the natural innocence of the public funder, he did not force the two wizards to do things such as striptease in public, or act as thugs for off-campus clubs to make money.

The true effectiveness of this magic contract was gradually forgotten under the tacit understanding of a few people.

Until today, the doctor teased this matter again.

Seeing Fatty, whose face was turning white and turning blue, and whose breathing was slowly becoming short of breath, the young public fee student felt bad, quickly smiled, and changed the topic back: "Don't get excited, don't get excited... Let's talk about the matter, let's see this A report, okay!"

The blue color on Fatty's face slowly faded away.

This made the public servants slander endlessly—the blue titan that can only be transformed into an 'inner piece' as agreed upon, how can there be a tendency to become a green titan if there is a disagreement.

But now is not the time to complain.

Spreading out the newspaper in his hand, looking at the light balls flickering above his head, Zheng Qing pointed to a few paragraphs above with seriousness, and raised his own question: "I'm not picky, you are also at the scene, you can listen to me Is there anything wrong with what you said..."

"First of all, the biggest problem is the time sequence."

"Look, in the article you wrote, she first answered the fifth question, then turned back to the third question, then the fourth, and finally the first and second... completely out of touch The situation!"

"You…" Fatty seemed to have something to say.

"Listen first!" Zheng Qing quickly interrupted him, and continued to add: "Secondly, there's also... about Su Ya's wording—"Precise style, serious speaking. Although short in stature, but Strong air'—are you serious?"

"Among the four short sentences describing her, apart from the fact that 'short stature' is realistic, what else has anything to do with that little girl who loves to cry!"

"If the above details are not important, there is still here!" The young public finance student waved his arms vigorously, stopping Fatty from opening his mouth again, and continued to express his own opinion: "On the issue of Su Shijun's child!"

Hearing Zheng Qing's question, Fatty immediately fell silent.

He looked up at Xiao Xiao, just in time to see the doctor shaking his head calmly.

"...If I remember correctly, Madam Senator has only a few words about the child, and all we can get is his baby name, where he is now, etc."

"But look at your report... tsk tsk, long speeches, various analyses, groundless speculation based on various connections... If anything goes wrong in the future, you will be responsible, do you understand?!"

Fatty opened his mouth, and finally sighed: "You should be grateful to me...for not digging deeper into the name 'Nepton'. If this article is written by someone else, I'm afraid it will lead to more information. In that case, your There may be more trouble."

"What?" The young public finance student looked puzzled.

"Is Poseidon a male fox or a female fox?" Xiao Xiao suddenly interjected and asked, with a look of curiosity on his face.

"What, what, what?" Zheng Qing became more and more confused.

" naive as a boy." Fatty muttered in a low voice, shaking his head.

"Can you speak human language?!" The public fee student became more and more displeased - he always felt that the two guys in front of him seemed to have malicious intentions, and there was something in their words.

"I mean... let's enjoy this painting of Hunting Sam first." Fatty dragged the payer to a huge oil painting not far from them, pointing and eloquent Absolutely said:

"This is the famous Super Hunter series, the first edition in 1939, the original picture."

"The author of this series, Maur Cormax, created a series of classic shapes of wizards and demons in his own works."

"For example, this painting shows the classic camp of Sam Hunt."

"Clark the main hunter, Stark left, Stephen right, Peter the hunter, Natasha the hunter, and the eternal enemy, the Lich King... In fact, I would rather see Dr. Bruce in this painting , he is one of my favorite hunters, just my Uncle, he seems to have a little distant relationship with my family."

Xin Fatty sighed regretfully.

Thinking of Fatty's other First Stage identity, Zheng Qing couldn't help but nodded, deeply agreeing.

"Of course, that's not the point." Fatty regained his energy, continued to gesture, and said, "Pay attention to Clark's heroic square chin, justice cape, and perfect inverted triangle figure."

"As for the Lich King, the size of his head is always out of proportion to his body, with scarlet eyes and skinny and sharp fingers."

"What is most fascinating and alluring about this painting is that it depicts an astonishingly realistic scene in such an unreal way."

"Absurdity breeds truth."

"Just like any news, when it is published in the newspapers, it will always be exaggerated, distorted, and beyond recognition. The truth is contained in it."

"It's always been like this in this world."

"We can no more deny truth in a news report than we can deny truth in this painting."

Listening to Fatty's defense, Zheng Qing was speechless for a moment.

"Okay, okay! What you said is really great!" A sudden voice sounded next to him, appreciating Fatty's insights: "As expected of being the chief writer of today's issue, this insight is really amazing!"

The young public fee student immediately turned his head and looked dissatisfied at the stranger who interrupted his train of thought.

In other words, this stranger who is not a stranger.

Andrew Taylor of Alpha Academy.

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