Hunting High School

Chapter 206: The Real Enemy

Minor World.

In the southwest valley.

"I really want to sit in the stands now, drink soda and listen to music, and watch the people below panting and running around, covered in blood."

Luke, who is also the Hunter of Hearts Q left assistant codenamed Moon Face, raised his head and glanced at the white clouds floating in the sky, as well as the faintly flashing shadows behind those white clouds, stood up, took off the stain on his hands, The blood-stained disposable silkworm leather gloves sighed deeply.

"I have finished collecting here." He turned his head and shouted at the others.

He's talking about the Queen's cleanup.

As a very consuming activity, it is difficult to maintain the long-term interest of wizards if the promotion of hunting monsters is based on continuous active investment. That is to say, only the steady stream of benefits brought by the prey is the greatest guarantee for the continuation of the hunting activities to this day. In comparison, the profits that can be obtained by organizing hunting competitions are not valued by real wizards.

Just like the blood, flesh, and souls of wizards, they are excellent delicacies and top-notch tonics for monsters.

The eyeballs, heart, and demonized organs of demons are also the best experimental materials for wizards.

Over a long period of time, wizards have summed up countless ways to use these trophies. For example, the ink blended with demon blood can better preserve the effect of the rune spell; the fertilizer mixed with demon bone powder can greatly promote the growth of magic plants; and those blood-red eyes and strong heart are even more powerful for divination magic, offerings, etc. The "Black Devil method" that was widely criticized, such as ritual magic, has been completely cleaned up, and has become a compulsory content in the curriculum of the senior students of First University.

Of course, in the hunting competition, the hunters can only select part of the organization of the monsters as their own trophies. The rest will be collected by the hunting committee as their income.

In view of the pollution of demon flesh and blood and the cumbersomeness of skeleton removal, eyeballs and hearts have become hunters' favorite trophies. Even now, most hunting competitions even use the number of eyes and hearts obtained by the hunting team as the only criterion for calculating points.

Luke stuffed the blood-stained silk gloves into the garbage bag and shook the glass bottle in his hand.

The viscous liquid in the bottle made a gurgling sound, and the demon eyes soaked in the liquid looked like tumbling hawthorns, which looked very delicious, which made him inexplicably a little bit hungry.

He suppressed this strange thought, and turned to look at You Bi of the hunting team: "Prongs... I bet, those guys above must have been shocked by the captain's fighting power just now."

This is the first time she has appeared in public since Captain Breakthrough. The wizard is convinced that today's battle will be another symbol of the rise of Heart Q.

The wizard, known as the Prong, did not collect the same loot as other hunters.

He was sitting cross-legged on the edge of a huge red rock, holding a branch, patiently fiddling with a small pile of firewood in front of him, and carefully inspecting the beeping, popping and bursting demon bones in the fire.

"Anyway... As the captain, the previous tactics are not advisable." Zhan Shichen muttered, frowning, as if he was a little confused about the result of the divination.

Luke glanced at Queen Joan, who was sitting on the back of the elk not far away—after the hunting team cleared up the group of wild monsters, that head ran back with a sloppy head and continued to serve as legs obediently.

In Luke's opinion, this is a very wise choice. After all, there are red-eyed hunting teams and monster groups everywhere now, and if the four elephants eating grass act alone, it will be difficult to survive until the next sun rises.

"You can stop her now!" The left assistant hunter showed a subtle smile, looked at the wizard in front of the fire, and whispered: "You can definitely say that the result of divination is very bad, we need to go north as soon as possible... I think, As long as we take down the monster group with intensity 3 in the north, today's hunting match is almost done."

"That's because you ignored our booty." Another tall and thin wizard walked over quickly and complained, "I've never seen such a rough method...that poor goat, the brains are spraying." One meter away! She strangled an eyeball of the Wild Demon King, and I feel that at least a group of monsters with an intensity of 5 or higher is needed to be sure of winning."

With that said, he handed over the glass bottle in his hand to the left auxiliary hunter.

Luke took the glass bottle, and sure enough, there was only one huge eyeball soaked in the liquid, which formed a sharp contrast with the other petite eyeballs.

"It's's a pity." He sighed and stuffed the glass bottle into his pocket.

"How can a... pointed fork make... a fire in broad daylight?" A short and fat wizard ran over staggeringly, and handed in the spoils he had collected, while stuttering and whispering: "I can see this fire from far away. smoke..."

"Maybe he forgot to check his equipment yesterday and left the crystal ball and tarot cards in the dormitory." The tall and thin wizard smiled nonchalantly.

"Big, Padfoot! This joke is not funny!" The short fat wizard blushed anxiously: "Perhaps when we were chatting, there were already a circle of wild monsters around!"

"Isn't that just right! It saves us the trouble of looking for them everywhere!" The wizard known as Padfoot snapped his fingers, with a disdainful smile on his lips.

You Bi who was next to him seemed to be deaf to the conversation of his companions, and he was still staring intently at the burnt and burst bone fragments in front of him, with a frowning look on his face.

"Is there a problem?" The left assistant hunter squatted down and moved his head over.

As one of the outstanding students of Jiuyou Academy, although he is not very good at divination, he is not completely good at divination. It's just that he is not very good at grasping the direction of the fine lines on the bone slice.

The fire in front of the prongs has been gradually extinguished, and the cracks along the chiseled holes on the gray-white bone slices are becoming more and more clear in the black ashes.

A huge gap lay in the middle of the crack, like an ugly scar.

Even if he is not good at analyzing the direction of the lines, Luke can still see the danger on the bone fragments.

"What is your divination?" He couldn't help asking.

Different divination goals correspond to different divination results. Maybe Zhan Shichen was just looking at the situation of the wild monsters around him who had their hearts gouged out after they went to The Underworld, he comforted himself like this.

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"Very bad, very bad." The fortune-teller shook his head and rubbed his messy hair: "The result of the fortune-telling is terrible."

Luke laughed dryly.

Although a few minutes ago, he had encouraged Prongs to use such rhetoric to reverse his own captain's adventurous plan, but it is obvious that Prongs's rhetoric now comes from the heart.

"What's bad?"

"Is it the result of the hunting match, or our next opponent?"

The other two hunters couldn't help asking.

"The divination shows that if we continue to go south, the captain will encounter great risks... The risk comes from our real enemy." The fortune-teller scratched his hair and thought hard: "According to the traces on the bone fragments, this 'real enemy' is not a demon... ...but on the hunting grounds, what could be our real enemy but the goblin?"

Luke and Annie Laike couldn't help but look at each other.



The two people shouted this conclusion almost at the same time—although the statements were different, the essence was the same.

For Queen Joan from Jiuyou Academy, being able to be called her opponent and being dubbed a 'true enemy', in this hunting ground, apart from those demons, maybe only the one from Alpha Academy Head zombie.

"Go north." Luke immediately made up his mind.

Actually is not that he is afraid of the wizard of Alpha Academy - this is a hunting competition held by the school, even if the zombie is cruel, he will not risk the world to do too much - but he thinks that the hunting ground is precious can't be spent fighting other hunting parties.

Hunting is the most important thing.

"Go lie to the captain and say that Moonface has figured out that there is a large group of monsters in the north." Luke turned his head to look at Annie Bu Laike: "You are the best eloquent among us..."

"I always feel that this is not a compliment." The corners of Annie's mouth twitched, and she turned to walk towards the hill.

"I can hear you talking." The witch sitting on the elk's back tilted her head and shouted loudly: "Please don't be in the wind when you lie to me next time..."

The 'Padfoot' who just took a step stopped immediately, spread his hands, and signaled that he was innocent.

Behind him, Luke's face darkened immediately.

He subconsciously glanced at the fortune-teller: "When you do your fortune-telling, don't you build a safety barrier?!"

"Are you blind?! Are there any spells and formations around you that you can't see!" Zhan Shichen couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Besides, you are right next to me, why should I waste those magic powers!"

Before the left assistant hunter continued to complain, the witch on the elk's back not far away had already stood up.

"It's such a happy decision!" She kicked the 'prongs' on the elk's head, raised the long knife in her hand, and swung forward: "Then let's continue going south!...Prongs, no divination Already, prepare the book and spells, let us kill all the enemies blocking our way!!"

Zuo Fu of Heart Q couldn't help feeling dizzy when he heard his captain's passionate declaration.

"I haven't cut anyone with a magic book yet." You Bi also stood up from the ground, kicked the soil to completely destroy the remaining ashes in front of him, laughing.

"This is an exaggerated rhetorical technique." Annie Bu Laike explained solemnly.

"Aren't you going to stop her?" Several veins popped up on Luke's forehead.

"Can you stop it?" Zhan Shichen pointed to the elk that was kicking its hooves and was about to run, with a helpless expression on his face: "If you can catch up to that beast, you can try it... But be careful, don't be hacked by the captain's big knife die."

"I won't burn paper money for you." Annie Bu Laike also quickly added.

Luke looked up, looked at the elk that ran away, sighed deeply again, and took out a few amulets from his backpack.

"Tie it up, tie it up." He anxiously stuffed a few talismans into the arms of his companions: "Since you can't stop them, then hurry up and catch up... Anyway, don't be taken advantage of by that zombie."

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