Hunting High School

Chapter 56: A Brief Welcome Ceremony

Behind the majestic Huamen is an even more majestic auditorium.

Zheng Qing held his breath and looked around.

This is a huge auditorium.

It is difficult to describe it with specific concepts, Zheng Qing can only feel that this auditorium is very large.

The center of the auditorium is empty without any buildings.

The iron-gray floor looks solid and beautiful, giving people a sense of peace of mind. A series of criss-crossing silver-white lines are embedded on the floor, dotted with hollow characters one by one, forming a mysterious and magnificent pattern.

This pattern looks like a formation, Zheng Qing scrutinized it carefully.

The sky above the auditorium is black, as lonely as the night sky. Big clusters of light floated slowly along the mysterious trajectory, bringing gentle starlight to the entire hall. The misty and fairy sounds that come from nowhere are mixed in it, which sets off the Transcendent and refined atmosphere here.

Hundreds of dark giant pillars stand around the hall, and on each giant pillar there is a lifelike and ferocious giant beast.

Between the giant pillars, there is a gray stone fence.

On the wall behind the fence, there are occasionally one or two arches with different characteristics. These arches sit there quietly, and the mottled traces on the doors tell of their long history and rich experience.

On the walls between the arches, there are some huge scrolls painted.

Zheng Qing followed the flow of people, turned right at the entrance, strolled along the corridor, and looked at the murals that were intertwined.

They describe the history of wizards.

Most of these murals on the first floor are the history of the relationship between wizards and Bai Ding:

Starting from the savages who drink blood, wizards understand the world and save all things;

Later, the Baiding world continued to develop, and their attitudes towards wizards were also different:

Or panic, avoid like snakes and scorpions, and face each other in anger;

Or admire, respect it like a god, bow down and worship it;

Or curious, ask and answer, leisurely.

In the back, the wizard is hidden, confused and ups and downs, which makes people sigh; in the meantime, there are great wizards who cast spells to save the common people, fight fierce beasts, and resist the mighty power of nature. The magnificent history is endless and fascinating.

After a circle, the mural disappeared at the stairway leading to the second floor.

Zheng Qing poked his head into the deep stairwell, and a cold breath passed in front of him.

He shivered and quickly retracted his head.

The freshmen who finished viewing the murals gathered in a circle and stood in the corridor on the first floor between the pillars. Zheng Qing found that the freshmen of the four colleges had been mixed together at this time, and there was no clear distinction before.

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The only red robes beside him were Xiao Xiao and Li Meng.

Old students in senior grades appeared in the corridors on the second, third and higher floors at some point. They stood quietly behind the guardrail, looking respectfully towards the center of the hall.

"Freshmen, freshmen gather in the center of the hall." A loud voice sounded in the auditorium.

The tall wizard with silver hair and shawl was standing silently in the middle of the lobby holding the Own Dharma book.

A chubby black-robed wizard stood beside him, flipping through the book of Own in sweat, repeating in a loud voice: "Freshmen, freshmen, gather in front of me! You don't need to line up according to the academy! Just come together and get together!" Can!"

The freshmen walked into the lobby hesitantly.

The condescending gazes of the old students and the silent gaze of the silver-haired wizard were full of pressure, which made them a little embarrassed.

The large light clusters at the top of the lobby seem to sense the mysterious call and converge toward the center along various trajectories.

The light clusters gathered more and more, and the center of the auditorium seemed to be immersed in daylight.

The freshmen stood trembling in the daylight.

The entire lobby was silent.

The silver-haired old man spoke slowly:

"You can call me Professor Charles. In view of the special circumstances that occurred today, you are allowed to exempt from more ceremonies. The opening ceremony of the new students will be postponed. Later, your supervisor will be notified. You can simply visit the campus and rest as soon as possible .”

He paused, his eyes gliding over the freshmen in front of him, as if waiting for different opinions.

There was silence in the auditorium, and Zheng Qing felt that several people around him even held their breath.

The old man nodded kindly and continued:

"Next, I make the following requirements for your behavior at school."

"First of all, the school prohibits all forms of violence, whether it is or thought. Therefore, you'd better master more ways to solve problems other than violent conflicts. No matter who it is, pulling out the law book at others means School warnings and credits."

"Secondly, your boarding school has been properly arranged. Other Life general knowledge schools will arrange second-year old students to give you corresponding guidance. Later, the old students will take you to learn more about the school."

Professor Charles stretched out his index finger and nodded to the senior students on the second floor.

"Finally, you must understand that the beginning of your college career means the beginning of your independent existence. I hope that everyone can be responsible for their own behavior and maintain the school, college and your own honor. The school already knows what happened on the special plane today Yes, I personally highly appreciate the excellent performance of the freshmen in the restaurant."

As he said that, Professor Charles glanced over the freshmen again, while deliberately pausing a few times.

Zheng Qing felt that Xiao Xiao who was next to him seemed to be trying hard to straighten his chest and straighten his expression, but his short stature made his effort a lot less attractive.

He couldn't help laughing secretly.

Professor Charles nodded slightly, and continued to speak slowly:

"Your animal companions, the school has special venues. I don't want to hear professors or school staff complaining about them breaking into classrooms, dormitories, and even laboratories without permission."

"Your life necessities, there are old students who will lead you to implement them one by one. I also don't want any new students who don't know how to use their own identity card after school starts."

"There is a road in the mountain of books, and there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning."

"From here, start your own independent, glorious, and arduous university life!"

After the brief explanation, Professor Charles drifted away, leaving only the chubby wizard to accompany the group of bewildered new students.

"This Professor Charles looks very powerful." Zheng Qing whispered to Xiao Xiao.

"The First Vice-Chairman of the Joint Conference of Professors of the First University, the Vice-Principal of the Alpha Academy, and the Great Wizard Charles." Xiao Xiao frowned, thinking: "But according to the general procedure, this welcome party for freshmen should be held by the two vice-principals." One of them will preside over it."

"Didn't the poodle on the plane say that there is something important going on at the First University recently?" Li Meng waved her hand indifferently: "Maybe those big shots are all busy with big things."

Xiao smiled thoughtfully.

Zheng Qing raised his head, and the old students on the three or four floors around the lobby left one after another following Professor Charles' departure. They argued quietly but fiercely, got into the arches in the corridor, and disappeared.

Some old students on the second floor walked down the stairs and came to the freshmen group in the lobby. Zheng Qing understands that they should be the 'Freshman Guidance' mentioned by Professor Charles just now.

The freshmen fell into the buzzing noise again.

The chubby black-robed wizard flipped through the roster and assigned tasks loudly.

Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao were assigned to an old student with a ponytail.

Li Meng was taken away by a tall girl.

Before leaving, she rubbed Poseidon reluctantly for a long time, and put a light blue vest on him—this made the originally naive fox look stupid.

Zheng Qing decided to take off the vest on Poseidon immediately after the girl disappeared from sight.

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