Hunting High School

Chapter Six Mr. Wu

Professor Zheng hurriedly jumped up and went to the health station next to the community to call for a doctor.

When he came back with the doctor, he was surprised to see that the little grandson had regained consciousness and was sitting in front of Mr. Wu with a cute face. And Mr. Wu pinched and beat him on the head and body with a serious face.

"Does sir know what's wrong with my grandson?" Professor Zheng was keenly aware of something, with an excited expression on his face.

Mr. Wu was silent for a long time before explaining slowly.

According to him, Zheng Qing was born with a lack of vitality and blood, but his spirit was strong, which caused the Yin & Yang imbalance, and the upward rush of Yin Qi caused headaches. Originally, reciting books and practicing calligraphy every day consumed Zheng Qing's energy well, but reading and practicing calligraphy consumed Zheng Qing's energy and blood even more. Two by two are subtracted, so Zheng Qing's situation is getting worse and worse.

"Is there a way to remedy it?"

"There is a natural loss of vitality and blood, which cannot be made up for by acquired medicine stones."

"That is to say, there are other ways?"

Mr. Wu was silent.

"Please, sir, save me." Professor Zheng got up, dragged Zheng Qing to his knees, and bowed himself at the same time.

Mr. Wu sighed: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop."

To help Professor Zheng up, Mr. Wu made an agreement with him for three chapters.

The first is that it cannot be said; the second is that the law should not be passed on to outsiders; the third is that it is for the belly and not for the eyes.

The first one cannot be said, which means that Professor Zheng cannot tell about his own treatment. Mr. Wu said very solemnly that there are some things that cannot be effectively said.

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The second rule is not to spread it to outsiders, which means that the treatment of diseases involves secrets, and members of the Zheng family should not inquire about it at will. Moreover, according to Mr. Wu's cryptic statement, he inherited a Taoist sect, if Zheng Qing wants to make up for the lack of innate, he needs to worship under the own sect and obey his own precepts.

The third one is for the belly but not for the eyes. Mr. Wu said that he was treating Zheng Qing just because he met him, so he wanted peace of mind and didn't want to be disturbed by other patients. For the sake of the heart, not for the name. If the treatment has some effect, the Zheng family will attract other patients to disturb him, so he can only leave early.

After saying the three requirements, Mr. Wu fell silent.

Professor Zheng was still pondering, but Zheng Qing had already clapped his head seven or eight times regardless, calling "teacher" incessantly.

Professor Zheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry and pulled him up. After asking, he found out that Mr. Wu's massage just now was very effective. It seems that Zheng Qing hasn't felt that refreshing for a long time. So after hearing that Mr. Wu had a cure for his headache, he kowtowed immediately.

So the old man could only smile wryly and nod in agreement.

In this way, in the middle of summer when he was eight years old, Zheng Qing worshiped Mr. Wu as his teacher.

Mr. Wu has a wide range of knowledge, including astronomy, geography, and encyclopedias of history. Whenever a customer who comes to the bookstore starts a conversation, he can always talk along the topic for a long time. If the customer is a charming girl, Mr. Wu will not hesitate to smile and glib, Teased those little girls to tremble.

Mr. Wu's hobbies are also very extensive. Playing and singing, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, even various ball games, and even tedious chores in bookstores, it seems that all aspects of people's life can arouse his strong interest. So much so that Professor Zheng said with emotion, Mr. Wu, a real person.

Most importantly, Mr. Wu's methods of treating diseases are indeed superb.

Since accepting him as his teacher, Zheng Qing's headache has not recurred for a day.

This made Professor Zheng Lao and Zheng Qing's parents extremely grateful. But because Mr. Wu insisted on not wanting Shu Xiu, the Zheng family could only send some gifts during the festivals to express their gratitude.

Mr. Wu's treatment method is very strange. He didn't do acupuncture and massage for Zheng Qing all day long, nor did he concoct Jinshi decoction for Zheng Qing. Instead, it followed Professor Zheng's usual practice: practice calligraphy!

It's just that what Zheng Qing practiced was not the 3,000 Chinese characters commonly found in books, but a dilapidated talisman.

The talisman post has a total of 324 pages, with four runes per page, totaling 1,296 talismans. The structure of each character is extremely complicated, and there are often subtle changes between strokes, which makes it more difficult for Zheng Qing to practice.

Mr. Wu seemed still dissatisfied, so he found a soft pen specially for Zheng Qing, and asked Zheng Qing to learn a rune every day. Everyone who practices calligraphy knows that hard pen characters are easy to write, but soft pen characters are difficult to write. Although this soft little pen relieved Zheng Qing's physical fatigue, it increased his mental exhaustion several times.

These runes are not learned every day. Under the request of Mr. Wu, there was one silence every day, one small test every five days, and one big test every ten days.

Mr. Wu said that if you can't pass the ten-day exam, you don't need to come again.

When Zheng Qing thought of the torment of the headache, he was terrified, so he naturally became serious about practicing calligraphy.

In this way, more than three years later, when Zheng Qing was twelve years old, he had practiced more than one thousand runes of Fu Tie thoroughly. And his headache has not recurred for three years.

For more than three years, the longer Zheng Qing stayed with Mr. Wu, the more anomalies were discovered.

For example, Mr. Wu seems to have never eaten.

Mr. Wu cooks good food, which is delicious in color and fragrance, but Zheng Qing and the raccoon in the bookstore often enjoy the food. Zheng Qing has never seen Mr. Wu eat it.

For another example, the yellow raccoon in the store is also very weird. When Zheng Qing was ten years old, this yellow raccoon came from nowhere, got into the study and ran around, refusing to come out. The husband didn't chase away any more, and the cat settled down majestically. After a long time, Zheng Qing always felt that it had become a ghost. More than once, he saw the tabby cat dig out the key from the attic, stand up straight, grab the key with its paws, open the door to get the dried fish. And this cat never avoided it, instead it often waved its paw to greet him.

The most important thing is that once Zheng Qing saw Mr. Wu waving at the own teapot, and the teapot, which was ten meters away from him, floated into his hand unsteadily.

The more you know, the more awed you become, and the more respectful Zheng Qing treats Mr. Wu.

There is always this or that daydream in the bottom of the boy's heart. So these abnormalities slowly accumulated in his heart, and gradually became familiar with them, so that he became accustomed to them and didn't take them seriously.

Until his twelfth birthday, Mr. Wu said he would give Zheng Qing a present.

It was a foggy morning. Mr. Wu took Zheng Qing's hand and told him to hold on tight. Zheng Qing grabbed Mr. Wu's big hand nervously. After leaving the bookstore, I walked a few steps and entered the garden of the community.

On both sides of the path in the garden are holly trees more than one meter high, which have been trimmed neatly by the gardeners. Turning left and right along the path, passing through a circular arch, the surrounding fog seems to dissipate in an instant.

He was still thinking that the arch seemed never to have been seen in the garden. Unexpectedly, Mr. Wu left him, and cupped fist greeted a skinny old man walking towards him.

Zheng Qing looked around, and saw a quiet old street in front of him.

At the entrance of the small street, there is an archway supported by two bare stone pillars, and the plaque on it is written with three large characters of "Hui Zi Ji" with vigorous strokes.

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