Hunting High School

Chapter 270 Escaping, Burning Its Blossoms

The short-term blindness caused by the self-explosion of the light bugs faded away quickly.

The dark woods, the dappled sunlight, and the surrounding densely drooping air roots reappeared in the young wizard's sight.

"Doctor, take my place." Before the effect of the tomb of the goat finally disappeared, Zheng Qing seemed to remember something, and softly ordered: "I need to add a few spells."

"Understood." With a tortoise shell on his head, Xiao Xiao exchanged places with Zheng Qing.

The attackers hiding in the depths of the woods obviously noticed the small flaws in the defensive array, and launched an attack without hesitation.


A thick, python-like shadow suddenly shot out from the shadows, passed heavily through the slightly illusory figures of the wizards, and slanted into the soft humus layer under the feet.

Realizing that the attack hadn't worked, the shadow didn't give the young hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team a chance to react, and retreated abruptly without any hesitation, bringing up a bunch of dead branches and broken leaves and falling slowly in the mottled sunlight.

"Be careful to keep the formation stable, don't panic, we are still under the protection period of the doctor's spell." Zhang Jixin yelled loudly, cheering up his companions on the other two nodes of the triangle defense formation.

But Xiao Xiao immediately pointed out another problem.

"The effect of 'The head of the sheep's tomb, the three stars are in the cave' can last for one to two minutes. When the spell expires, it may cause a certain degree of interference to the triangular defense formation." He said in a hoarse voice, in a rapid voice: "Based on the attacker's reaction just now, it has a 90-plus chance of catching this vulnerability ... We need a remedy."

"Merlin, do you still have this spell in your spell book? Let's do it again!" Xin Fatty's voice lacking confidence sounded from the other side.

Rather than confronting an unknown monster in reality, Fatty would rather hide in the safety of the illusionary space.

"This spell is very uncommon. I tried many times, but I only managed to transcribe this one." Xiao Xiao shook his head slightly and vetoed it: "It was just a boring practice at first, but I didn't expect to use it so soon..."

"Even if there is still this spell in the doctor's book, I don't recommend continuing to use it." Zhang Jixin emphasized in a solemn tone: "Can we still hide in this spell for a lifetime? You know, now Hunting just began!"

"Damn hunting game." Fatty couldn't help snorting: "Since that puppet... Your Highness appeared, do you think our previous tactical plans still have any meaning?"

This sentence really hit Zhang Jixin's deathbed - all the judgments he made were based on a regular hunting match. In the face of the current situation that has been somewhat out of control, it is indeed doubtful how accurate his judgment is.

"The specific tactical design may not be applicable...but the idea of ​​the tactical design is not wrong." Zheng Qing's voice sounded in time, interrupting the dispute between several players: "Elder is right, we can't sit and wait in the defensive formation. "

"In nature, the attacks of most predators all pay attention to one blow, that is, the three-axe effect-many monsters are also like this. They only have a few moves back and forth. If they fail to succeed with one blow at the beginning, it will be difficult for them later. Come up with new tricks. After all, predation in nature is not a war chess deduction, and no one will hide something behind after the opening-this time, it is time for us to fight back."

"The so-called defensive counterattack means this."

"We already know the opponent's attack method, it's nothing more than a creature that hides deep and can only whip around with a big whip...Compared to us, its way of playing with the whip is really much rougher .”

After saying these words, the team members who spoke suddenly let out low laughter.

"Binding Curse." Xiao Xiao nodded.

"Bingo!" Zheng Qing was still holding the Dharma book, copying the mantra quickly, but it didn't affect his dual-purpose, and gave Xiao Xiao a big encouragement: "If this question is raised by Lao Yao, the doctor will definitely be rewarded The credit... is the Binding Curse, the first spell we learned."

Xin Fatty obviously did not understand the meaning of the question.

"However, it is so fast, how can we catch it?!" Fatty's tone was full of doubts: "Even if we make a big net, it can pass through the mesh..."

"What would you do if someone used a binding spell on you?" Zheng Qing retorted.

Fatty was at a loss for words.

"Cut off the bound vines, escape from the shackles of the vines, or use a whip to fight it." Xiao Xiao put forward his own point of view.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"The blue bird is not here. According to the current situation, it is a good choice to draw." Zheng Qing made the final decision, and confirmed the battle plan of the forgiveness hunting team in a minute.

In tension, time always flows slowly, but consciousness turns quickly.

When Zheng Qing finished transcribing the spell and raised his head again, outside the defensive formation, the other three had already commanded dozens of vines to build a broken line of defense, and it was an exhilarating battle against some long snake-like monsters emerging from the depths of the forest. Happy.

As previously speculated, the attack method of the attacker hidden in the dark is indeed very monotonous. There seemed to be no other way of attack than to whip and poke with those thick whips.

"It feels a little different from ordinary monsters." The captain of the forgiveness hunting team couldn't help frowning.

Whether it's the faint Monster Qi from the attackers, or their quiet and dull attack methods, they are far from ordinary monsters - this gives him a strange sense of familiarity, as if he has seen it somewhere.

"Vine demon!" Xiao Xiao hurriedly explained in front of him: "There should be a vine demon in the forest! They disguised themselves as the aerial roots of banyan trees and attacked from all around...fuck! Help Fatty!"

Without his reminding, Zheng Qing has already noticed Xin Fatty's bad situation.

Compared with others present, Fatty's mastery of spells was much weaker - he was better at potion mixing and some rough fighting methods, rather than commanding the cane to hit a hanging knot - which made him face The vine demon was the first to lose when it attacked.

"Cut off these souls!"

Fatty flails his arms and wobbles as if dancing. Under his feet, several thick vines crawled and twisted, coiled up along his two legs, wrapped a bow around his belly, and bound him firmly in place.

On the top of his head, several strange air roots are vaguely forming a net, approaching the top of his head slowly.

"They're stronger than steel!" Fatty yelled, turning a little blue.

Zheng Qing noticed that the blue veins in his hands were bulging, and he was pulling hard on the vines swimming between his waist and legs, but the vines were unmoved, and instead became tighter.

Perhaps the vine monster is used to slowly strangling its prey before eating. But for wizards, this method of death is not friendly at all.

Facing what happened to Fatty, the captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team hesitated a little - it could be seen that Fatty's situation was far from as bad as it seemed, and he could even maintain a normal physical condition.

Should the vine demon be tighter and let the quiet blue titan appear, or should we keep the noisy Fatty and let him chatter and babble in the team?

After hesitating for a few seconds, he finally decided to leave the noisy Fatty behind.

Considering the follow-up battle plan, it is very important to keep Fatty with enough energy. Besides, the blue titan was quieter, but a lot of times he was a bit too quiet. During the previous training, he often ignored the hunting team's tactical arrangements.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated:

"Run away and burn the flowers!"

Zheng Qing pressed the Dharma book with one hand, looked at Fatty, and calmly recited a spell that he had just copied.

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