Hunting High School

Chapter 272 Coupling Symbol

The two-minute break was fleeting.

Zheng Qing opened his eyes almost as soon as the stopwatch jumped to the last frame, and restrained his posture.

He turned his head to look at the other companions, and frowned slightly: "Didn't I tell you to take a good rest? On the battlefield, two or three minutes of rest time is a very precious resource and must not be wasted."

Inside the defensive cover, Xiao Xiao was burying his head in taking notes, while Zhang Jixin and Xin Fatty were watching the wooden spears and whips roaring and flying outside without blinking their eyelids.

Almost no one took his orders seriously.

"Who can take a nap in this environment!" Xin Fatty stared at the crumbling golden shield in front of him, with a nervous tone in his tone.

Zheng Qing sighed in disappointment.

After all, they are not experienced veterans, and there is always a feeling of restraint with them.

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized something, couldn't help being startled, and shook his head vigorously.

For a few minutes, he wasn't even sure who he was—the shadow struggling to survive in the second-dimensional world, or the student studying carefree on the university campus.

This feeling is very similar to the sequelae of drinking the transformation potion, but the illusion is clearer and more disturbing.

"What about the next plan?" Xiao Xiao's voice interrupted Zheng Zheng Qing's meditation.

The captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team raised his head, and his eyes have regained clarity: "You should all know the spell 'Uncle Zai Yau'!"

"Uncle in the serval?" Fatty scratched his head and laughed a few times: "It's indeed a good spell against plant monsters...but I only know the first paragraph."

"I know two steps!" Zhang Jixin straightened his back and glanced at Fatty with vigor.

"All." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses expressionlessly, and immediately ordered the two scumbags in front of him to shut their mouths obediently.

"I remember where it was said that this spell is a spell that must be learned and tested in high schools for wizards, right? How did Fatty master one stage? How did Elder only know two?" Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"If you're just going to college, mastering two paragraphs will meet the requirements of the syllabus." Xiao Xiao explained next to him: "As for Fatty, I guess he has special treatment because of his special blood."

Even in the entire wizarding world, the blue titan is a very rare bloodline. It is naturally not difficult to understand that the First University has adopted some preferential measures when enrolling students.

"I'm blue blood and I'm proud! You red blood scum, kneel and lick it next to you!" Xin Fatty patted his belly and laughed wildly twice.

"It's really a just and equal place." Zheng Qing shook his head silently, ignored Fatty's convulsion performance, but took out three Dharma books from the gray cloth bag and distributed them.

Fatty touched the thick and puffy texture, and couldn't help shaking the spine of the book: "Where did you buy this inferior Dharma book? It feels too soft, and it's not suitable for boys at all!"

"This is the standard method book issued by the school to public students. The capacity is not large, but it is neat." Zheng Qing snorted softly: "I just copied three 'Uncle in the Tau', you have less than a minute It’s time to review the mantra.”

"Originally, I planned to use stacking spells. Each of you cast it once to superimpose the effects of the three spells, so that even if you can't destroy the vine demon, you can definitely make it retreat."

"but now……"

"Use the chain spell." Xiao Xiao interrupted suddenly, and suggested: "Fatty knows the first part, so let him use the first part with all his strength; Elder uses the second part with all his strength, and then I use the third part... You can use the chain spell The spell controls the final effect."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing paused and nodded: "It's a way, but you need to be more tacit. I didn't prepare the chain spell, but there is a linking talisman, which should be able to achieve the same effect..."

Before the words finished, there was a sudden shout from outside the forest: "Whirlwind Continuous Slash—Thirty-Nine Forms!"


Accompanied by dozens of dazzling Sword Rays, the vision of the four people was filled with broken vines flying all over the sky, as well as many air roots of banyan trees that were collaterally injured.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Jin Kemu, the vine demon hiding in the depths of the forest seemed to be frightened by the splashing Qi of Gengjin, and once again hid with its tail between its legs.

"Blue bird?!" The hunters of the forgiveness hunting team stood up in surprise.

"Quick battle!" The figure running from a distance did not stop at all, but warned in a hurried tone: "The big guy in the north is actively approaching us! Solve the battle here as soon as possible!"

It was rare for the blue bird to say such a big sentence in a loud voice, but everyone was not surprised at all when they heard it, only frightened.

Xiao Xiao took a deep breath, and dug up the previous divination results: "Two miles to the north, there is Monster Qi, strength 7, independent individual."

"It's really a big guy." Zheng Qing snapped his fingers and took away the crumbling Five Elements Eight Trigrams array.

"Swordsman, do you know 'Uncle Zai Yau'?" He didn't continue to inquire about the situation of the other demon, but took out another Dharma book and waved it at the blue bird.

Blue Bird hesitated, nodded, but shook his head firmly.

From the hood behind his head, the sable poked its head out, squeaking and waving its claws at Zheng Qing.

"A pure swordsman." Zheng Qing sighed slightly annoyed.

Outside of every mainstream world, there are always some non-mainstream existences.

Just like the white man society, intercourse between men and women, and heterosexual intercourse are the mainstream; but since ancient times, there have always been some individuals who are obsessed with broken sleeves and the goodness of dragons and yang, walking outside the mainstream society.

In the world of wizards, sword cultivators exist like this. In this era when Dharma books dominate the mainstream, sword cultivators still insist on the so-called "Doo of the Sword" old-fashionedly and stubbornly. Their Dharma books are the swords in their hands, and their spells only have one sword move. Their pursuit is not a great wizard, but a sword. St.

Therefore, even if Blue Bird knows the spell 'Uncle Zai Yau', it is impossible for him to throw down his own sword and use the traditional wizard's book.

"A swordsman, traveled thousands of miles to Buji Island, and entered a wizarding university! What kind of spirit is this?! What kind of pursuit is this!" Fatty couldn't help but start talking again when the vine demon retreated .

"You can come to school as a blue titan, why can't others come?! It's one reason or another!" Zhang Jixin interrupted him impatiently: "Look at your 'uncle Zai Zai', you are the only one in control of everyone Worst ever!"

The words behind Fatty were immediately choked back.

He glanced at the cold light of the blue bird's upside-down hand, opened the book resentfully, and began to mutter and recall the main points of the first spell.

Beside him, Zheng Qing was digging out his red Phoenix paulownia wooden box from the gray cloth bag, looking for the 'connection talisman' at the bottom of the box - this kind of talisman is not very useful, and is basically only used in combination magic.

He remembered drawing a few in his spare time.

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