Hunting High School

Chapter 277 Phantom Talisman

"I'm sorry... I really can't take it anymore!"

Zhang Jixin was lying on the grass, beating the ground hard, and tears were about to flow out of laughter: "Wow ha ha ha, this rabbit is so cheap! Fatty, it must be the embodiment of your inner spirit... or Say, you were poked by that vine demon just now, and your psychological shadow was revealed?"

With a dark face, Xin Fatty got up from the ground angrily, grabbed the talisman paper hanging from his arm, and stared at the red-faced wizard.

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This is the 'Phantom Talisman' prepared by Zheng Qing for forgiveness hunters.

This kind of talisman can effectively interfere with the monster's sense of sight, hearing, and smell. At the same time, it simulates the surrounding environment to form a hiding area with a radius of about ten meters. Due to the complicated functions, the phantom body talisman has a serious disadvantage-the user must remain still for the talisman to take effect. Any behavior such as speaking, casting spells, or even farting will cause the talisman to fail.

Of course, tearing the talisman paper off his body like Xin Fatty did will also cause the talisman to fail.

Faced with Zhang Jixin's ridicule, Fatty held back for a long time, but he still couldn't refute what Zhang Jixin said just now, and finally he could only counterattack from another aspect angrily: "Hmph, I'm not professional at all, and I actually exposed my deeds... What are you bragging about?" Started hunting at the age of five. Whose hunter would be so stupid to startle the snake?!"

"Really not." Zhang Jixin nodded, and replied with a serious face: "But I have never been stabbed in the back by a cane... Hahahahaha!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help laughing again.

Fatty's face turned blue from his words.

In the end it was Zheng Qing who ended the feud between the two.

"You almost wasted my Phantom Talisman." The captain of the forgiveness hunting team looked at his main hunter with a straight face.

In Zheng Qing's arrangement, Xin Fatty controls the 'Fu Rabbit' to tease the bull demon, and Zhang Jixin acts as Fatty's observer; Xiao Xiao is in charge of controlling the trap and the surrounding rune array, Lanque is on guard outside the 'battlefield', and he himself Coordinating and commanding in the center.

According to the original plan, the hunting team had to wait for the 'Fu Rabbit' to seduce the bull demon into the pre-designed trap and be trapped by the magic in the trap, and wait for Zheng Qing's order before the others could reveal themselves.

Apparently, the apologetic master hunter revealed his whereabouts without waiting for the order.

"My fault, my fault!" Zhang Jixin had already got up from the grass, and at this moment repeatedly cupped fist to apologize, but the remaining smile on his face dispelled his sincerity of apology a lot: "...but it didn't Affect the original plan, right. Although the rabbit failed, didn't the bull run into our trap on its own initiative?"

As he spoke, he pointed.

Under the hill, the bull demon has fallen into a golden rune phantom at some point. There are hundreds of vines of different thicknesses all around, burrowing around along its limbs, tail, and even nostrils.

While the hunters were talking, the monster had already been tied into a rice dumpling.

"We are lucky, and your violation of hunting discipline is two different things." Zheng Qing sighed, stretched out a finger and tapped himself on the head: "If you follow the opinion of that 'Mr. Shadow', I should be shot dead now You, with the discipline of the team."

"It sounds scary." Zhang Jixin finally restrained the smile on his face.

"Because the facts are bad." Zheng Qing said.

"I accept the punishment." Zhang Jixin raised his hand alone, expressing his obedience to all punishments from the captain, but at the same time he also praised: "Speaking of which, although the rabbit commanded by Fatty missed, thanks to your "anti-Five Elements Eight Trigrams array', the coverage area is large, otherwise we will not be able to complete our plan with just the smashed rabbit that was pumped."

Pleading guilty with a good attitude and praising himself vigorously - this made Zheng Qing's anger drop a lot.

"You don't realize the seriousness of the problem." Zheng Qing shook his head and added: "Although we discussed the double-headed system at the beginning of the team's establishment, it was only for real hunting competitions... As far as the current I hope that within the hunting team, we can use more unified opinions to face various situations that may happen at any time later."

"It's not a joke, it's not a competition."

"The lives of each of us are at stake."

"In fact, what puzzles me the most is that until now you always give me a feeling of indifference and casualness... This is very dangerous, very dangerous."

Zhang Jixin and Xin Fatty exchanged secret glances, but finally said nothing.

However, another listener next to him obviously had his own opinion on the conversation between several people.

"Can we discuss this serious topic later?" Not far away, Xiao Xiao, who had been controlling the talisman array in the grass, finally couldn't help but growl: "That beast will break free immediately! Your Dharma book What? What about the spell?! Do you want to wait for it to break through the talisman array and kill you with one tail?!"

A gust of wind blew across the hill, spreading Xiao Xiao's roar far away.

At the same time, there was the roar of the bull demon.

Even though there are hundreds of vines bound by the talisman array, this three-meter-high, armored and horned monster is still extremely arrogant, arching around the corners of his head, knocking out cracks in those golden runes, The entire talisman array was on the verge of collapsing.

"As expected of a guy whose strength is close to ten." Xin Fatty admired, opened the own method book, and looked at Zheng Qing.

"I'll come to the first paragraph this time." Zhang Jixin also held the Dharma book, his expression became serious.

"No hurry, wait first, and then consume its energy." Zheng Qing held the book in one hand, while staring at the bull demon in the talisman: "Try to save the magic can save two rounds of the 'Xiao Mi Curse' ’, absolutely don’t use more than one.”

As he spoke, he pressed the Dharma book with his right hand, and softly chanted, "Ge Zhitan Xi, give it to this demon!"

In the talisman formation, more than a dozen vines broke through the ground, taking over from those companions who had been broken by the bull demon before, and continued to tie them up.

"The talisman array can last for thirty seconds!" Xiao Xiao roared beside him.

"'Mimi Curse' prepare!" Zheng Qing immediately interfaced: "The plan remains the same, after the Mimi Curse, I will still receive the Soft Leg Curse for two rounds... Make sure that the cow demon is completely incapable of resisting, and then chop off its head! I don't want anyone to be injured because of such a little wild monster...Swordsman? Did you hear me!"

"Understood!" Blue Bird showed her figure not far away and raised her hand.

It looks like he's been wearing the Phantom Talisman.


It was like the sound of glass breaking, or the sound of melting ice.

Everyone in the forgiveness hunting team looked at the bull demon at the same time.

I saw the runes of the 'anti-Five Elements Eight Trigrams array' around it shatter one after another in the sound of 'bang bang'. The bull demon, who was already entangled by vines and was already weak, seemed to have been stimulant after hearing these noises. He raised his head and roared, his whole body swelled up twice, and burst the binding curse vines in one breath.


The sound of concentrated breaking of a large number of plant fibers exploded like firecrackers.

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