Hunting High School

Chapter 281: Wubi Spring Water


A hand stretched out from the side, pressing on Xin Fatty's arm, stopping his next move.

"You rest first, I'll come this round." Zhang Jixin tightened the gloves on his hands, with an eager expression on his face: "Finally, there is a guy who looks very resistant..."

"Is there any problem?" Zheng Qing looked suspiciously at the figure of the red-faced wizard, and then at the giant monkey with a height of seven or eight meters a hundred meters away, who was roaring with chest pounding, and couldn't help reminding: " It is important to defeat the monkey, but it is more important for the hunting team to maintain its complete combat power."

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"Anyway, I'm also the main hunter, so I know how deep this is." Zhang Jixin took a deep breath, and a confident smile appeared on his face: "It's just a monkey. If I don't kill it, one Buddha will be born and two Buddhas will ascend to heaven!"

Zheng Qing weighed it up, and when he was hesitating, Xiao Xiao's urgent voice came from behind:

"Two kilometers to the southwest, there are a large number of Monster Qi source reactions, with an intensity range of 3-7, and they are approaching rapidly."

"Five kilometers away from the main seat, there are also faint magic fluctuations mixed with Monster Qi's reaction, the situation is unknown!"

“It is recommended to prepare in advance!”

Hearing this, Zheng Qing immediately made up his mind and quickly changed the previous arrangement: "Swordsman, explore the situation in the southwest direction. If possible, try to take them around a few times."

As he spoke, he took out four armored horse symbols from the gray cloth bag and threw them to Lan Que:

"This is the Speed ​​Talisman. When necessary, the priority is to disengage. Everything is based on your own safety."

Blue Bird took the Speed ​​Talisman, stuffed it into his bosom, nodded slightly, and disappeared on the hill.

Zheng Qing turned to look at Xin Fatty: "Fatty, you and I are the support, cover left and right... Elder, that monkey is yours now."

Xin Fatty had nothing to do, took out a box of potato chips from his arms again, and ate it.


At the foot of the hill, the monkey monster that had already transformed hit its chest heavily, roared angrily, and jumped up to the known position on the top of the hill.

Looking at that posture, I'm afraid that it only takes one more jump to jump onto everyone's heads.


Zhang Jixin took a deep breath again, kicked his feet, got short, and flew behind the monkey monster in a few steps. Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed the monkey demon's tail accurately, then grasped the ground with his five toes, exhaled and exerted force, and forcefully dragged the monkey demon who had just leaped into the air to the ground.


With the roar of the red-faced wizard, the giant monkey monster slammed heavily on the grass. Even with a distance of tens of meters, Zheng Qing could still clearly feel the faint trembling coming from under his feet.


The monkey monster lying on the ground let out a painful and brutal roar.

Holding the slingshot in his hand, Zheng Qing, who had already been prepared, loosened his fingers and smashed a 'soft leg curse' talisman on the monkey monster's forehead.

"Monkey Smash! Eat your grandpa with a punch!!"

Zhang Jixin took advantage of the moment when the monkey demon fell to the ground, his waist and legs were sore and weak, and he stepped on his body, stepping on dazzling steps, his fists thundering, chopping, hammering, smashing, or collapsing, a series of critical blows It hit the monkey monster's weakness.

Hearing the muffled voices of flesh and blood, Zheng Qing couldn't help raising his eyebrows in surprise—although he knew that the red-faced wizard was good at fists, he had never seen a scene where he was fully fired—in fact, looking at a man less than two Mi's little man is crushed on a six or seven-meter-high behemoth, and it is a very impactful scene.

The monkey monster ate Zheng Qing's spell, and was beaten up by Zhang Jixin. After screaming, he rolled away with his head in his arms, without any affection. Standing on it, Zhang Jixin didn't notice, and was almost crushed under the body by this giant beast.

After rolling to the edge of the charred woods, the monkey demon suddenly reached out and took out a handful of black ash from the woods, sprinkled it behind him, then shrank back and jumped into the smoky woods.

The red-faced wizard who was chasing after it was caught by the black ash, and instantly became ashamed, trapped in the 'smoke and dust curtain', unable to open his eyes.

"Damn! Didn't you say that wild monsters have low intelligence?!" Fatty couldn't help but swear by the side.

"That depends on the fundamentals." Zheng Qing was a little speechless: "Ordinary monkeys are not that stupid... just like that vine monster, which has a whole forest of territory, but it is softer than this monkey when it fights. "

While speaking, Zheng Qing had already used a binding spell again, pulling the bewildered red-faced wizard back from the smoke screen, and at the same time used a clear spring spell to wash Zhang Jixin's head:

"Water from the Wubi spring, to relieve your worries!"

A stream of clear spring water emerged from Zheng Qing's Dharma book, gurgling, and poured on Zhang Jixin's head, helping him to wash away the thick layer of black ash.

"Straight mother thief! How dare you cheat?! Let's see if labor and management will play you in eighteen tricks!" The red-faced wizard who finally opened his eyes cursed and took out a small wooden box from his arms, and flicked it open with his thumb. He reached out to grab the longan-sized crimson pill inside.

"It's not time to use this yet." Zheng Qing held down the lid of the small wooden box and shook his head at Zhang Jixin: "I dragged you back, not because I want you to go back and fight with it... Your physique is not suitable for this guy."

Xin Fatty obviously knew what to say now: "Elder, you're so cool! That monkey was almost crippled by the punch just now!"

Under the persuasion and comfort of the two teammates, Zhang Jixin finally stopped being so annoyed.

"Where did the monkey go?" He turned his face and looked towards the edge of the forest.

Not long ago, the traces left by the monkey demon rolling across the grass were still clearly visible. It's just that after the trace entered the forest, it turned a corner and disappeared into the depths of smoke and dust.

"It should have run away." Fatty Xin took out a handful of dry fried beans, chewed and chewed, and said vaguely: "Just after throwing a 'smoke bomb' behind, the beast retreated into the depths of the forest ...The captain won't let me chase after him."

"It's his fate!" The red-faced wizard wiped away the remaining water stains on his face, still a little bit aggrieved.

"Beating a monkey is a lot of nonsense! Don't you know the truth that villain died because of talking too much?" Xiao Xiao's slightly annoyed voice came from behind: "The news from the swordsman is a group of wolf demons! Tried to get rid of a wolf cub, and is now being chased by a group of female wolves and running desperately!"

Zheng Qing did not participate in the discussion among several companions.

He frowned and looked west.

A series of rolling hills straddled the grassland, obscuring his vision. According to the result of Xiao Xiao's divination not long ago, there seemed to be some messy magic power fluctuations in that direction, but it seemed very obscure.

This is the first hunting team that the forgiveness hunting team may encounter after entering this hunting ground.

He has to make a choice.

Whether to keep a safe distance away from that hunting team, or take the initiative to contact it and test the current situation.

"All ready!"

He finally made up his mind: "Collect the swordsman and head to the southwest...The wolves and monsters coming from that direction should be safer for the time being following their traces."

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