Hunting High School

Chapter 62: The Tug Of War With The Murlocs

It wasn't until he got ashore and rested for a few minutes that the paleness on Xiao Xiao's face gradually faded.

"You can try to sit a few more times in the future, maybe you can develop some immunity to seasickness." Nicholas looked at him with some concern: "At First University, not being able to take a boat is a bad problem."

Xiao Xiao snorted and didn't speak.

"Monster!" A voice terrified not far away.

Zheng Qing heard the reputation and saw a monster slowly revealing its ferocious face on the surface of Linzhong Lake more than ten meters away.

That monster has a fish head and a human body, its chest and abdomen are covered with blue-black scales, and there are sharp fins standing between the top of its head and its spine. Its limbs are short, but it looks strong and powerful. It has three toes on its hands and feet, and there is a thin layer of fleshy membrane between the toes.

At this moment, it is staring at the students on the shore with a pair of pale dead fish eyes. Its fish mouth is slightly open, and its sharp teeth look hideous and terrifying in the darkening sky.

"Murloc!" The boy in front of Nicholas screamed, his voice distorted.

Zheng Qing came to a sudden.

This is the murloc!

Thomas once helped him borrow a copy of The Encyclopedia of the Wizarding World from the school library. Zheng Qing remembered that there was a clear and complete classification of intelligent creatures in the wizarding world in the book.

Among them, aquatic intelligent organisms, as one of the three original intelligent species, are listed in a chapter in the "Encyclopedia".

Murlocs, mermen, and sea monsters are the three races with the most complete social forms among aquatic intelligent creatures.

The Siren, also called the Siren, has a beautiful singing voice and is good at psychedelic magic. Their form is a mystery to many wizards, but what is certain is that they all have beautiful wings.

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Mermaids, also known as mermaids. As the name suggests, this is a beautiful creature. They wear light gauze, mermaid faces, and like to play in clean water.

Only murlocs are completely different from the other two races.

Murlocs are also known as Naga. They are ugly in shape, cruel in temperament, lack of intelligence, and not good at magic, but they are infinitely powerful. This kind of creature lives in turbid stagnant water, raises water ghosts as livestock, and likes to eat human flesh.

In the war between wizards and demons, murlocs fought against the army of wizards many times as vassals of monsters. Therefore, during the Second Lich War more than a hundred years ago, this race was almost extinct.

Now, there are only a few reservations designated by the Wizards Union, and there are still hundreds of weak murlocs left.

The murloc in front of him belongs to the Linzhong Lake Reserve.

This is the first time Zheng Qing saw a live murloc.

He was clutching the gray cloth bag, his eyes were bright, and his breathing was short.

I really want to see it up close.

"Stay away!" Nicholas held up the book and guarded the new students behind him vigilantly.

His Dharma book trembled slightly, and the sparks between the pages of the book burst out violently, making a crackling sound.

Xiao Xiao dragged Zheng Qing to the nearby plane tree.

Zheng Qing glanced at him suspiciously.

"I don't want to be fisted by murlocs, but I also don't want to be blown to death by out-of-control Dharma books." Xiao Xiao whispered in his ear with his lips twitching.

Zheng Qing looked at Nicholas' Dharma book in horror.

His nose seemed to smell a burning smell.

"What are they doing!" Behind Nicholas, the short girl exclaimed in surprise.

Zheng Qing turned around.

The murloc was holding a cloth belt in his hand and was dragging towards the water with all his might.

On the other end of the cloth belt is a girl's schoolbag.

"Hiss... I... hiss...!" the murloc roared in a half-baked language.

The girl seemed dumbfounded by fright, she just hugged the schoolbag in her arms tightly and let the murloc drag her slowly into the water. There was a cobra coiled around her neck, she straightened her neck, spat out the letter, and hissed at the opposite murloc.

"Hiss... fell into... hiss... lake... hiss... mine!" the murloc looked at the girl fiercely.

The muscles on its arms were bulging, and it effortlessly rolled the cloth band around its arms bit by bit.

"Hiss..." The cobra couldn't speak, it could only hiss. Its little master had already collapsed on the ground, and could only let the murloc drag him forward.

"Hiss!" Zheng Qing also hissed.

He turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao, and asked in an uncertain tone, "That girl?"

"Liu Feifei is also a freshman in Class 08-1 of Jiuyoutian, and that cobra is called Xiaolong." Xiao Xiao sighed.

"Help me quickly!" Zheng Qing yelled, pulling Xiao Xiao and rushing forward.

Several students around rushed forward, grabbed the girl sliding towards the lake, and yelled at the same time, threatening the fierce-looking murloc.

The murloc pulled the cloth belt, stared at the dull eyes, and retreated step by step into the lake in a calm manner.

A group of freshmen dragged behind the cloth belt, like a ball, was dragged to this side.

"I'm tired of exposing myself!" Nicholas finally opened the book of Own and shouted.

His dharma book no longer shoots sparks.

Four talismans sprang out from the pages of the book and quickly threw them into the water.

Zheng Qing was dumbfounded, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

He knew all these characters.

He also roughly guessed the effect of the spell formed: it probably made the road wet with dew.

Nicholas was probably trying to let the burly murloc slip.

The idea is undeniably creative.

But why didn't he think of a way to cut this cloth belt!

A knife will do better than this loud spell! Zheng Qing roared crazily in his heart.

The spell fell into the lake, the surface of the water rolled violently, and a thick mist evaporated.

The four talismans surged up the embankment with mist, spread out, and quickly submerged half of the murloc's body.

The murloc's dull eyes rolled, and he grinned happily.

As an aquatic intelligent life, it hates the environment on land very much. After just staying on the shore for a few minutes, its throat was already dry, and every breath felt like it was burning.

This mist is so timely!

It stopped, bent over, buried its head in the thick mist, and took a few breaths.

A cool feeling spread, and it felt full of strength again.

It pumped its muscles, stood up, and grinned, showing its sharp teeth to those newcomers who didn't know what to do.

The mist rolled, shrank rapidly, settled, turned into dewdrops, and fell to the ground.

The ground around the lake is paved with huge stone slabs.

The dew fell on it, and the slate suddenly became wet and slippery.

Murlocs are very used to this slippery environment.

It moved its thick short legs, and slapped its huge meaty feet on the stone slab, making a crackling sound. The tiny barbs on the soles of its feet gripped the slippery ground, allowing it to walk effortlessly toward the lake.

Students are very uncomfortable with this sudden change.

Zheng Qing was still wearing the sneakers brought from home. The rubber soles rubbed against the slippery slate, making a teeth-stinging screeching noise. What is even more annoying is that the freshmen have no way to stand firm on the slippery slate.

The girls watching the battle around screamed.

Nicholas seemed to be flapping his burning book in a panic not far away.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Zheng Qing's mouth.

His wish a minute ago is about to come true.

Soon you will be able to observe murlocs up close.

No one let go.

The cloth belt was stretched forward slowly, and the distance between them and the murloc was getting closer.

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