Hunting High School

Chapter 289 Third-Level Injury Classification

"Stand up!"

"You are the captain of the hunting party! You must stand up!"

"There is a monkey monster in front, and a pack of wolves behind. We must do something!"

"Stand up quickly!!"

These voices seemed to come from far, far away, noisy and noisy, pulling Zheng Qing's nearly collapsed thoughts from falling down.

He tried hard to recall, thinking about these familiar voices.

It seems like a long time, and it seems like a moment.

Zheng Qing raised his head suddenly, although there was still a void in his dim eyes, his expression had become much calmer.

"Stand up quickly! What should we do next?!" Zhang Jixin's anxious yelling was still echoing around, miraculously injecting a lot of motivation into Zheng Qing's heart.

The captain of the Forgiveness Hunt struggled to stand up and looked around.

On a small hill not far away, two monkey demons were waving thick wooden sticks and wantonly beating the traces of magic remaining on the top of the mountain, leaving behind ugly pits and splashing pieces of mud.

Zheng Qing's eyes darkened, and he turned away.

More than a dozen gray wolf demons, led by three big black wolves, patrolled at the foot of the hill, monitoring the two uninvited guests who were waving wooden sticks. The rest of the wolf demons, under the command of the white wolf king, built a blockade leisurely, gradually tightening the encirclement from far to near.

Zhang Jixin, Xin, and the two-headed Minotaur formed a standard triangle defense formation, surrounded Zheng Qing in the middle, and tried their best to resist the wolf monsters who were attacking in turn. Even Zhang Jixin's flying centipede jumped around, attacking every monster that approached.

The ability to think quickly returned to the brain, and Zheng Qing felt that his own consciousness was very clear now.

He was keenly aware of many details that he had overlooked before—for example, the pack of wolf demons fought and retreated, and used bait to lure the young hunters; They took a detour to outflank the back of the hunting team; and the two monkey monsters, after smashing the talisman, have been grinding and chirping on the top of the mountain, dragging two big wooden sticks and smashing around, but they still refused to get close to the wolves.

Compared to him, the status of the remaining two members of the hunting team is obviously more reliable. Because Xin Fatty is in the state of titan, his mood has been very stable; Zhang Jixin has also restrained his violent temper. Although he still looks like he is gnashing his teeth, he is not dazzled by anger, but strictly implements defensive tactics. aggressive.

This made the captain of the Forgiveness Hunt very ashamed.

"Continue to move closer to the hill with Lan Fatty as the center." With a hoarse voice, Zheng Qing put forward his own opinion: "Be careful after the Minotaur pressure."

Without waiting for his companion to question him, he immediately explained: "The monkey demon and the wolf demon are obviously on guard against each other. This is our only chance... Judging from the habits of the demons, the peace between them is very fragile."

"We're dancing on knives." Fatty murmured, rumbling like thunder.

Zhang Jixin gritted his teeth, didn't speak, just nodded viciously. A snow-white towel was tied around his forearm, but at this moment the towel had already been stained dark red by blood.

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"Are you injured?" Zheng Qing looked at the red handkerchief and asked in a low voice, "What level? Has the poison been removed?"

"First-level. I was only touched by the paws of those wolf cubs twice, and I can hold on for a while." Zhang Jixin shook his head, and said ruthlessly, "I just need a little doesn't matter if it's late."

Zheng Qing nodded and did not speak again.

He was no longer a newcomer to the wizarding world, and he no longer changed his face when he was bitten or scratched by monsters, and he was as fearful as a tiger.

According to the "Classification of third-level monster damage" by the Wizarding Union in the "Encyclopedia of the Wizarding World", the scratches and bites of ordinary wild monsters, and the scratches of high-level monsters belong to the first-level monster damage. The attack of the demon poison is very slight, and it can be completely resolved by external application and internal medicine, moving Qi and blood, etc.

The bites of wild monster kings and high-level monsters belong to second-level monster damage. Wizards will be attacked by moderate demon poison under this kind of attack, but as long as they are treated by professional therapists and recuperated reasonably, there will be no sequelae.

Only wizards infected by the gift of heart-blood—that is, third-level monster damage in the classification—will still have a conversion rate of more than 99% even after being rescued by a healer.

The so-called heart-blood gift is an evil ritual in which a demon cuts open the wizard's heart and drips his blood into the wizard's heart. The vast majority of transformed wizards have fallen through this method.

The monsters used in regular hunting competitions have been carefully screened and screened by the hunting committee, and there will be no monsters that can use the gifts of hard work. So even if a hunter is scratched or bitten by a monster in the hunting ground, his life will not be in danger.

"Oh, Shet!" Fatty suddenly cursed loudly.

"Is there a problem?" Zheng Qing raised his hand and shot out a few rune bullets with his slingshot, and after forcing the approaching wolf monsters back, he immediately looked up at the blue titan.

"There are some guys coming outside again." Blue titan swung the stick vigorously, and growled, "Do you still have the displacement spell? I think we'd better move our position."

Zheng Qing looked up into the distance.

Even without the height of the blue titan, he quickly noticed some changes on the edge of the grass field.

The wolf demons who were originally scattered around seemed to be frightened by something, jumped out of the grass nest where they were hiding in panic, and ran in the direction of the white wolf king in a panic.

A few black-skinned pig demons, who were comparable to small elephants, stared at their small bright red eyes, with two thick pale fangs on their heads, snorting, rampaging, and drove a few wolf demons into disgrace.

Zheng Qing's complexion became increasingly ugly.

"The distance of the diversion spell is limited, and there are many ambushing monsters around." He paused, and added: "Instead of blindly fleeing, it's better to stay here for a while... the eye of the storm is safer than the edge."

As he said, the arrival of the monkey monsters and pig monsters later made most of the wolf monsters focus on their competitors. The pressure on the few young hunters who were besieged by the monsters in the center was much less.

These slightly enlightened monsters are not idiots.

No one would take the risk of losing a few good teeth to make wedding clothes for other people.


Harsh birdsong came from overhead.

Zheng Qing raised his head suddenly, and saw a group of red-eyed and gray-feathered flat-haired beasts hanging in the air, spreading their wings and striking Lan Fatty on the head.

It's a group of sparrows.

It seems to be a demon derived from a sparrow. However, compared with ordinary sparrows, each of these sparrow monsters is comparable to pigeons. But even so, this group of guys with flapping wings looked no different from flies in front of Lan Fatty.

Or the size of a sesame mung bean.

Just a little noisy.

Before Fatty had time to reach out to drive them away, a pink tongue suddenly popped out from the void, and after wrapping it around, it pulled a sparrow monster back into its big mouth.

"Cuckoo! Cack!!"

A chubby flower-skinned frog poked its head out from mid-air, its mouth wriggling, and looked greedily at the sparrow monsters. But immediately, it was frightened by the strong Monster Qi that criss-crossed around it, kicked its short legs, and retracted its body into the void with a swish.

"Where did the flying frog come from?!" Lan Fatty scratched his head, unable to turn his head around.

"Wolf stalks its beard, carries its tail!"

A chorus of incantations suddenly came from the northwest direction, and it clearly fell into the ears of everyone in the forgiveness hunting team.

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