Hunting High School

Chapter 302 Almost Luck

Matthew Karen stood under a Eucalyptus tree worriedly.

Although the sunshine in the hunting ground is very mild, as a vampire, Matthew has always been insensitive to the rumored light with heat radiation, so whenever he has the opportunity, he will always put himself in the shadow.

Like this eucalyptus.

This is a large evergreen tree with a height of 15 meters. The dark brown bark is criss-crossed with many deep grooves. Occasionally, there are big ants foraging for food and rushing across the aphid corpse. Between the high canopy, layers of thick leathery leaves overlap each other, casting a heavy shadow at the foot of the tree.

Matthew stood in the shadows.

He was surveying the wasteland in front of him with gloomy eyes.

The furry acacia flower balls sway gently in the breeze. These dandelion-like flowers are not as light as dandelions, and they can only stay on the shrub branches throughout their lives. In contrast, the light pod mimosa is much luckier. They also have fuzzy spherical flowers, but because the mimosa moves, there is always a chance for these flower bulbs to fall from the grass blades and float a little farther along the wide leaves of the purple pennisetum.

But no matter how far or near, these flower balls will be at the mercy of the wind after all-they have no long legs or wings, which determines that they always lack the ability to be independent.

Just like Matthew.

Before today, although the young cub of the Karen family was gentle and polite on the surface, he had always held many vague ambitions in his heart—for example, he felt that the territory of the Karen family was too crowded, but the old men in the family were always like this. Not allowed to do anything, not allowed to do that, staying in the dark castle all day, living day by day - Matthew felt that he had an obligation to help the family improve this decadent living condition.

In the words of Friedman's cousin, "The old men are rotten physically, and their spirits are also rotten... The future of the Karen family still needs us young blood to save it."

However, after actually practicing it, the young vampire cub realized that thinking about something is one thing, but doing it is another.

For example, the freshman competition of this school hunting meeting.

Matthew Karen originally planned to become famous in this freshman competition, completely suppressing the public-funded student who hooked up beautiful women with one or two tricks, and let the first university recall the glory of the Karen family.

For this reason, he worked tirelessly to recruit many excellent hunters in his mind, and also sought the help of Sir Friedman to ask Alpha's senior students to help train the own hunting team.

But after the start of the freshman competition, he gradually realized that only relying on the passion in his heart, careful planning and abundant logistics cannot guarantee the success of what he wants to do.

Because success also requires a little bit of luck.

Obviously, his luck is a little bit worse now.

Since the hunting team was thrown into this strange hunting ground by the puppet, the Karen hunting team has not gained anything—although when they first entered the field, they once searched for dozens of Monster Qi reaction sources, but strangely soon These Monster Qi reactions appear large-scale flow, gather, and finally disappear?

Matthew originally thought it was the puppeteer with a bad personality who was joking to the hunting team, but after searching three previously locked Monster Qi reaction sites in succession, but found nothing, the young vampire from the Karen family finally realized that Things had changed, and his hunting party needed to adjust accordingly.

So he first built the hunting team's camp.

In this vast savannah, the eucalyptus behind him is very conspicuous in terms of height and size, enough to be a continuous and effective eye-catching sign; Formation provides strong support. Because, Matthew gave up a mountain front plain not far away, and built his own hunting team's advance camp next to this eucalyptus tree.

After the camp was built, he disrupted the hunting team's previous division of duties - no longer following the fixed pattern of one master, two assistants, one search and one tour - except for Nan Jian and him staying in the camp, all other hunters were sent out. Carry out a large-scale search in the four directions of east, west, north, south, and search for traces of monsters.

Adam Carlisle O'Brien searched the south, Nankai searched the west, Elena searched the north, and even the little white mink in Nanjian was assigned a task to let it explore the east.

However, the time passed by every minute and every second, and the hands turned round and round on the dial. The exploration team sent by the hunting team did not send back any good news.

Within five kilometers, there are no monsters.

Within ten kilometers, there are no monsters.

Twenty kilometers, thirty kilometers, forty kilometers, still no demons.

There is no life in the empty wasteland.

There were no birds, no beasts, no demonic prey that the hunting party had hoped for.

If it weren't for the many traces left in the field telling them that there are still many monsters living in this hunting ground, Matthew would have thought that the puppet with a broken head was making fun of them newcomers.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

But where did those monsters go?

Matthew looked melancholy at the wasteland in front of him, one conjecture after another appeared in his mind, and then he overturned them one by one.

"The 50-kilometer search mission has been completed. Messages have been sent back from the west, north, and south, and no traces of demons have been found... Little Diaoer should be running back, and we may know the result in five minutes."

Nan Jian sat with her knees hugged, facing a pile of smoking dead leaves, staring at the lingering green smoke in a daze, and spoke softly, breaking the tranquility under the Eucalyptus eucalyptus.

"I hope your little mink can bring back some good news." Matthew forced a smile, turned his head and continued to stare at the empty wasteland in the distance, with a look of anxiety on his pale face.

On his body, the ivory tweed safari jacket was open, revealing a silver-white silk shirt underneath. The soft felt hat was tucked under his arm, and the deerskin gloves were also taken off by him, and they were randomly stuffed in the pocket of the coat.

Even his hair, which was neatly groomed by him on weekdays, is a little messy now, and faint sweat stains remain on his forehead, making his seal look a little shiny-for vampires, this situation is very rare, Whether it's sweating or disheveled.

But he can't care about that now.

Whether it's the brutal behavior of the puppet people in that small auditorium, or the strange hunting ground they are in now, they clearly tell the young vampire one fact - if their new hunting team wants to survive, then Must come out on top in the hunt.

A silver figure suddenly jumped out from the grass, interrupting Matthew's thoughts.

Before he could react, Nan Jian jumped up from under the tree and went to his little friend: "Are you injured? Are you hungry? Thirsty? I've already warmed up milk for you..."

This is not a nursery!

Matthew barely controlled his urge to growl, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he showed a difficult smile: "Don't worry... let's hear if it has found anything... has it found anything in the east?"

The white sable pushed away the milk jug Nanjian handed to it with one paw, and screamed 'Zhi Zhi' in a rapid tone.

The witch blinked, and a trace of joy slowly appeared on her face.

"My little Diaoer said that there is a tiger demon walking this way from the east... It takes five minutes to run from here." Nan Jian looked at her team leader happily: "Of course, according to its footsteps, it After running for five minutes, the tiger monster should be twenty miles away from us."

"Call the hunting team! Get ready to fight!!" Matthew punched the thick trunk of the Eucalyptus eucalyptus, his brows and eyes were full of joy. (to be continued)

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