Hunting High School

Chapter 64 The Frog Sings

The figure of the sun has disappeared behind the high walls of the academy.

There was only a faint light left in the sky.

The night wind blew across the lake, and the waves scattered lazily.

The fiery red birds that had been resting on the lake began to move. They pulled their necks out from under the wings, shook their heads, and slowly shook their huge wings.

The breeze blew over the treetops, knocking down a few leaves.

The wind by the lake is a bit chilly.

Zheng Qing was also wearing summer short sleeves under his robe.

He shivered, took out a towel from the gray cloth bag, and covered the cardboard box in his arms.

The two freshman teams haven't left Lakeside yet.

Nicholas is carefully examining the bodies of several newborns. In his opinion, any newborn who gets too close to the murlocs will be exposed to the evil radiation emitted by the murlocs.

"This terrifying radiation will make your own magical powers out of balance and affect your grading exams at the beginning of the semester." Nicholas warned sternly, and then gave each freshman who had been checked a piece of mint hard candy: "Peppermint can effectively get rid of the murloc's Evil radiation."

Although Zheng Qing expressed doubts about this, he still accepted the inspection honestly.

Because Xiao Xiao, who always loves to drop book bags, did not object to Nicholas' big inspection.

Not far away, another freshman director was still chattering and accusing Liu Feifei of being clumsy.

The girl holding the cobra stood there pitifully, her eyes flushed.

"She's not stupid, she just doesn't know what's going on." Nicholas walked over and comforted her: "New students don't understand this kind of thing, just explain clearly."

The freshmen around thought that this teaching was a bit of a fuss, and they all echoed it.

Liu Feifei blinked, tears began to flow down.

Several girls rushed to her side, took out tissues and handkerchiefs, and comforted her repeatedly.

The other old student gave Nicholas an annoyed look, then raised his eyebrows with a weird smile on his face.

"It turned out to be Senior Nicholas!" His voice stretched out the word Senior, and his tone was full of teasing: "It seems that Senior has a deep understanding of this."

After finishing speaking, he touched the black border on the sleeve of his robe, raised his head, snorted coldly, ignored the new student, turned around and left.

The freshmen were silent, looking at Nicholas cautiously.

Nicholas spat viciously into the lake, rubbed his hands, and said nothing.

A few cooing sounds came from the surface of the water.

Zheng Qing followed the prestige.

A frog jumped out of the lake and jumped onto a large blue stone on the shore.

It opened its mouth, croaked twice, and then sang a little tune with a strange voice:

croak, croak.

A mouse sneaks ashore

The three old people are so stupid that they can't see

croak, croak.

The three old people are so stupid that they can't see


A black shadow suddenly popped up, interrupting the frog's aria, and swallowed the noisy amphibian with its belt and bones.

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It's Liu Feifei's cobra.

Zheng Qing was dumbfounded, watching the slippery pet sticking out its tongue comfortably, swimming back to the little master.

Liu Feifei blinked her red eyes, and wiped off the blue-black liquid from the cobra's mouth with her wet handkerchief.

"Why didn't your snakes go where they were supposed to go?" Zheng Qing finally couldn't help asking, looking at the sluggish long worm.

He was very curious that this big snake could appear deep in the campus.

Including the little fox Poseidon and Xiao Xiao's old tortoise, the pets brought by the new students left their owners in the first hall.

Liu Feifei was the first freshman he saw with a pet.

"The little dragon was attacked by a monster, and Professor An specially allowed me to take it to the doctor." Liu Feifei patted her pet's head and replied in a low voice.

The cobra, which had just swallowed a frog, arched its head docilely, and rubbed against the warm palm of the girl.

Zheng Qing sighed and hugged the cardboard box in his arms even tighter.

Not far away, several freshmen were still discussing enthusiastically next to the trace left by the frog.

"That frog was singing just now! Do you understand what it is singing?"

"Isn't it more remarkable why we can understand frogs singing!"

"This is a magical university! If the frogs here can't even sing, it would be too disappointing."

Hearing this answer, Zheng Qing was speechless, feeling speechless.

It was getting late.

After hesitating by the lake for a few minutes, Nicholas decisively announced that all the freshmen of the two teams will follow him to complete the follow-up visit tasks.

Nobody objected to this the only way.

Nicholas no longer babbled about the history of every stone in the college to the newcomers, but he still couldn't help showing off the legends he heard from the corners:

"Shushan Pavilion is a good place for self-study. It is very convenient for self-study and access to information. Although there are only five floors, it is very large inside. The doors are connected and the layers are interlocking. It is like a big maze, so you must do it before entering. Get ready."

Nicholas heaved a sigh, looking a little unbearable: "I'm not suggesting that you memorize the route, but that you bring enough food. Although the library clears people every day, sometimes you will inevitably find some hidden places. House, when the time comes, tsk tsk—the longest record in the academy is that a student was trapped in the library for eighty days."

The freshmen were in an uproar.

They couldn't imagine how the library could become a huge maze.

It is even more impossible to imagine how the student who was trapped in the library survived these 80 days.

The cobblestone road extending from the Shushan Pavilion turned a small bend at the lakeside, leading straight to the deeper part of the school.

Tall sycamores are planted on both sides of the road, and the wide tung leaves are densely stacked together, forming a quiet tree-lined road. Through the gaps between the leaves, a few pairs of green eyes quietly looked at the new students passing under the tree.

Nicholas trotted along with the new students, not disturbing the residents in the trees.

A rolling hill through the forest appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The sky was dim, and Zheng Qing could only vaguely see some strange peaks and rocks in the distance, as well as dark forests.

"The screen wall belongs to the courtyard, the main building belongs to the front yard, and Linzhong Lake belongs to the middle courtyard, and here," Nicholas said, waving his hands imposingly, enclosing the garden behind: "This is the backyard of the school."

"East Taoyuan, Xihuayuan, and Yunfangyuan; they are all in this backyard."

"Your dormitory is in the Xihua Garden. Between the gardens, there are planting fields and spiritual dwellings for those rare herbs and your little friends to stay safely. For more details, you will be in the future." You will gradually understand as you study.”

"It's getting late, everyone has worked very hard today." Nicholas looked at the freshman in front of him and paused.

Zheng Qing nodded approvingly, still in a daze.

The names of Huiziji and Sanyou Bookstore resurfaced in his mind, as if it had happened a long time ago.

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