Hunting High School

Chapter 315: Black Tiger And Shi Lezhi

Zheng Qing was punched in the face.

The fist was so heavy that it sent the young wizard flying.

But the force of the fist was very light. Although the fist hit the face, it hurt a little, but it didn't hurt the muscles and bones. It only gave people a scorching feeling that the face was swollen.

Even so, the young public finance student was still dazed by the sudden punch.

When he got up from the ground clutching his cheeks, the rest of the forgiveness hunting team had already quickly surrounded him. Xin Fatty jumped forward nimbly and helped Zheng Qing up.

"why did you hit me?!"

The young public fee student rubbed his face, and looked at Zhang Jixin with a little anger and confusion. The others turned their heads to avoid his questioning gaze.

"Why?! Why don't you know?!" Zhang Jixin asked angrily, his face turning purple. He clenched his fists and creaked, as if he couldn't help but rush up to punch him again at any moment.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but took a small step toward Retreated, and his tone weakened a little.

"I didn't know that those monsters came after me." He thought everyone was blaming him for attracting those monsters, which caused the hunting team to almost fall apart, so he couldn't help but defended in a low voice: "But after I know, go out immediately Lead them away..."

"Stupid." The blue bird standing outside suddenly called out, interrupting the explanation of the public fee student.

His face was a little pale, and there was a vague sense of transparency. I don't know if it was the sequelae of the 'Karma Turning Technique'. Sable was lying on his shoulder with only one head exposed. She looked sleepy, and didn't even bother to flick her tail when she saw Zheng Qing. She was not as active and mischievous as usual.

Zheng Qing glanced at them from the corner of his eye, and immediately took them back.

Strictly speaking, he had already killed Blue Bird and Sable once, so when he faced them again, he couldn't help but feel guilty—hearing what Blue Bird said, he began to hesitate whether he wanted to throw himself into a "soil seat" to save him. Express the sincerity of your apology clearly.

"Is this the reason you were beaten?!" Zhang Jixin yelled loudly, his eyes widened, and his tone became more and more hostile: "Since joining the hunting team, each of us naturally has the consciousness of being bitten to death and eaten by monsters." !"

"A mere group of monsters besieging...even if you attracted it, so what?!"

Then you will be eaten to nothing, Zheng Qing retorted silently in his heart, but his face was serious, nodding repeatedly, seconding the red-faced wizard's remarks.

"Of course, it's best if you don't get eaten." Xin Fatty laughed, patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder, and reminded: "What do you think is your biggest mistake on the hunting ground today... ...Biggest mistake!"

Zheng Qing thought hard and finally caught a glimmer of inspiration.

"When I use 'Shangmei Three Stacks', shouldn't I use the last 'Shangmei Wucong'?" He looked at Zhang Jixin with a questioning look, and replied tentatively: "Actually, I only planned to let you I squinted for a while, but as soon as I got it right, I sent out all three spells..."

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What he was talking about was that after Youzuo and the Ouroboros hunting team were besieged by monsters, he used the three spells of "Shangmeiwuwu", "Shangmeiwujue" and "Shangmeiwucong" to knock down his own teammates.

But he obviously underestimated the stimulation of this incident to Zhang Jixin.

"Don't stop me! I'm going to beat him until he can't take care of himself!" After hearing Zheng Qing's answer, Zhang Jixin was furious and jumped his feet angrily. If it wasn't for Xin Fatty who stopped in front of him anyway, Zheng Qing felt that his face would be swollen again.

"Okay, okay...don't embarrass him anymore." Xiao Xiao suddenly said, interrupting Zhang Jixin's noise, and said in a very flat tone: "A sullen man like him would even be a hero. Soso, don't expect him to admit his own mistakes."

"Perhaps in his view, the mistakes you think are not his mistakes."

"And it seems that since the big black cat came out, he probably took a lot of things... He's probably 'losing his mind' again. It's understandable that he is a little confused."

There are three sentences in total, two of which can choke Zheng Qing to death.

If it weren't for the delicate situation now, he would have rushed forward with his fist as big as a vegetable bag and hit the doctor on the head a few times.

Fortunately, Xiao Xiao's words were very useful to Elder Zhang. Although he was still rubbing his fists and moaning, he finally stopped threatening and no longer struggled to rush forward to beat Zheng Qing.

After regaining consciousness, Zheng Qing immediately discarded many "wrong" attributives in what Xiao Xiao said just now, and asked: "The big black cat? That tiger demon? Do you know what happened to it? What did it take away?" I asked Lao Yao just now, he has been ambiguous, hesitating, not at all straightforward..."

"Tiger demon?" Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, and his tone was a bit surprised: "Just that big black cat? Who told you it was a monster! It ran out of you under the watchful eyes of thousands of spectators..."

"Run away from me?!"

Zheng Qing repeated this sentence, staring blankly at Xiao Xiao with a serious expression, then turned his head to look at the others, trying to find a hint of joking in their eyes.

But everyone looked at him seriously and nodded, not joking at all.

"You mean, that black tiger ran out of me?" Zheng Qing felt that his mind was a bit messed up, and his logic was also confused: "But, I'm a man... can men give birth too?"

The other young wizards looked at each other in blank dismay.

Xin Fatty was the first to react, laughing until he fell down. Then there was Zhang Jixin, facing Zheng Qing's self-analysis, he was tongue-tied, and finally put away his gloves angrily, and seemed to mutter "Don't care about like a fool".

"Being born from you doesn't mean you have to be 'born'." Xiao Xiao explained patiently with a dark face: "Besides natural childbirth, there are many contents and methods of 'separation'."

"For example, separating a small piece of soul and making a 'soul box' is the lich's favorite thing to do; another example is cutting the own Hearts Demon, cutting out the three corpses, which is also the way for many old-school cultivators to escape disasters...even not long ago The shadow of you being snatched by Miss Su is also a kind of 'separation'."

"If I'm not mistaken, the big black cat should be related to your shadow that escaped from the laboratory and the projection in your heart. After all, it exists in the breakthrough dimension, and maybe he is not happy to board you... Haven't you noticed that since that black tiger appeared, your 'IQ' has dropped a lot?"

"As for how much your shadow takes away and how much you leave behind, this is something you need to study slowly...I'm not you, how do I know such details."

Faced with this well-founded and logical analysis, Zheng Qing was speechless and speechless.

In the end, he could only refute from the conclusion of Xiao Xiao's analysis.

"The biggest problem with what you said is the conclusion." Zheng Qing took out his Merlin Medal and waved it in front of several people: "Brother is a public-funded student, do public-funded students understand? One of the smartest people in Jiuyou Academy... ...What is a decline in IQ?! I'm afraid it's not you, Shi Lezhi!"

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, did not refute, but let out a suspicious snort from his nose. (to be continued)

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