Hunting High School

Chapter 317: The Contract Of Silence

Following this slightly teasing voice, the curtain of the lounge was lifted suddenly, revealing a familiar face.

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It's Thomas.

His spirit looks much better than before—maybe because Lao Yao has disclosed the final penalty line, which reassures the young assistant—in short, his face is not as pale as before on the hunting ground , the expression is no longer stiff, and becomes more vivid.

"...Not good, this is not a good habit." The blond teaching assistant raised his index finger, shook his head again and again, and said quickly: "As the saying goes, it is a taboo for military strategists to change generals just before the battle. Although you have no competitions, you still have to pay attention to these taboos—after all, you are wizards, and you should know that there are countless mysterious 'unreasonable memes' in this world that will be triggered by some of your uncautious behaviors."

Although Thomas' words were a bit of a mouthful, they were actually very easy to understand.

The most famous example is the 'Murphy meme', if you worry about something happening, it will happen; An invisible hand is fiddled with the thread of your destiny, which is dreadful but inescapable.

There are many similar examples. For example, you can't say "go home after hunting the last monster" during the battle; another example is that the person who sits thirteenth at the dining table will have bad luck; before entering the medicine garden, you must sprinkle incense ash over your left shoulder, etc. These mysterious taboos with no magic at all are deeply rooted in the wizarding world and have a far-reaching impact.

A great wizard from the Shaoxing Zhou Clan made a very incisive summary of this: "...there are no 'unreasonable memes' in the world. If more people believe in them, these memes will be born."

In short, as Thomas said, although the Forgiveness Hunting Team has no follow-up games, it is very taboo to change the Hunting Team Chief Officer at will on the field.

"...In addition, he is the 'culprit' for your hunting team to win the freshman championship this time. If you kick him off now, the pressure on you on the podium will be even greater."

Zheng Qing felt a little puzzled when he heard Thomas' last sentence without beginning or end, and always wondered if there was something wrong with his logic.

But the teaching assistant didn't give him more chances to ask more questions. Instead, he waved his hand and changed the subject: "That's the end of this matter. Zheng Qing will still be on the podium... The honor belongs to you, the pressure It's yours too."

"Before going on stage, you guys should sign off on this thing first... The other hunting teams have already signed, and only you are left with the forgiveness hunting team."

As he spoke, he pulled out a long scroll of parchment from his arms, and unfolded it in front of all the young wizards. At the same time, he stuffed a thick and long black quill into Zheng Qing's hand.

"You are the captain of forgiveness, you come first."

With the light falling from the ceiling of the lounge, Zheng Qing could vaguely recognize that this was a contract with complicated terms. He clearly remembered that Xiao Xiao had repeatedly warned him not to sign documents he didn't know about.

Therefore, the young public fee student immediately raised his head and looked at the doctor.

"Silent contract?" Xiao Xiao lived up to expectations, judged the identity of this parchment scroll in the blink of an eye, and asked in a very sure tone.

"As expected of a doctor." Thomas praised, and added: "This is the 'Freshmen' version' developed based on the 'Hunting Camp' version in previous years. It is used for the first time this year, but the terms are those classic terms...According to the usual practice, They all have to be signed."

Seemingly aware of other people's confusion, Thomas simply explained it from beginning to end.

It turned out that under normal circumstances, the freshmen of the First University should arrive at the school one month before the start of school to participate in the "hunting camp training" held by the school.

During the intensive training, the freshmen will face the monsters and feel the death—also through the Karma turning technique—but in previous years, due to the different aptitudes of the freshmen, the death rate was too high, which caused many freshmen to have many insurmountable psychological barriers, and some even Seriously affect the subsequent study life.

Therefore, starting from the 2008 class, First University changed the freshman training to the sophomore year.

Of course, for courageous and capable freshmen, the school will not spare some magic spells and materials, and will prepare a small hunting ground for them to experience the cruelty of the world in advance—that is, Zheng Qing and others participated this year 'Freshman Game'.

Just like Lao Yao said.

'Only when you lose, can you know how to cherish; only when you face Death, can you truly live. '

"Do you still remember what Professor Charles said after we landed from the special plane?" Xiao Xiao suddenly mentioned an old incident, and looked at the partners around him.

"I remember," Zheng Qing nodded again and again, recalling with a frown, "It's some weird words like 'this is the first class'..."

Xiao Xiao glanced at him speechlessly, opened his own notebook, and read softly: "'Remember today's lesson and feel the meaning of living. This is the beginning of your learning.'... These are the original words."

"Haha, the meaning is similar." Zheng Qing touched the back of his head, smiled dryly, and asked, "Is there anything strange about this sentence?"

"This sentence was originally the first sentence you heard when you participated in the 'hunting training camp', and the freshmen who returned from Death." Thomas interrupted suddenly, and said quickly: "Old Charles has formed a habit of welcoming new students every Talk about balding."

"Fortunately, you fell from the sky, and you escaped from death... There was no joke."

"No wonder!" Zheng Qing suddenly felt a little stunned: "I just said that the people around were a little dumbfounded when they heard what he said... So it was really wrong!"

"However, we already know about it now... Is the sophomore training still effective?" Zhang Jixin asked suddenly, "If my understanding is correct, we must participate in this kind of training without knowing anything. Only by competing can we maximize our potential...Only in this way, our Death in the hunting ground will be meaningful."

Thomas gave him a surprised look.

"I thought you were a little smarter than your brother." The teaching assistant shrugged and asked, "Why do you think your brother didn't tell you about the training camp?"

"Contract?!" Zheng Qing suddenly understood.

"Bingo... the prize is a four-year contract of silence." Thomas flicked the long parchment scroll in front of him, stuffed it under Zheng Qing's nose, and urged: "Hurry up and sign, we have limited time ... The main effect of this contract is to seal your real memory of certain aspects of the hunting game—of course, it will not affect the experience you gain from the hunting ground, nor will it make you feel like your memory is faulty—trust me, The research on the soul and memory of the great wizards in the school is beyond imagination."

"After all, erasing memory is not the purpose. The purpose of the school is to make you better adapt to this world."

Zheng Qing smacked his lips, deeply convinced. (to be continued)

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