Hunting High School

Chapter 3 Multi-Heart Sutra

"As for the third matter, it has to do with you."

Xiao Xiao turned his head and looked at Zheng Qing with burning eyes.

"It has something to do with me?" Zheng Qing rolled his eyes, he didn't seem to be surprised, and hummed weakly: "Finally, what's the matter..."

"You are sick." Xiao Xiao said with a straight face, word by word.

"I'm sick?" Zheng Qing repeated the doctor's words. After chewing for a while, he flew into a rage: "You're the only one who is sick! Your brain was eaten by zombies! Why are you swearing so much!!"

"Who cursed?" Xiao Xiao blinked with a dazed expression on his face, but he still retorted habitually: "Besides, don't zombies suck blood and eat meat? Few zombies can eat the brains of wizards...Only monsters have it." This habit."

When Zheng Qing heard this, she became angry immediately.

"Huh, huh, take a deep breath, don't be angry...he just lacks a string in his brain, don't be as knowledgeable as a fool..." The young public fee student forcibly suppressed the anger surging in his heart, using Master Ah Q's spiritual victory method, constantly hinting Keep calm yourself.

After repeated repetitions, he was finally able to speak calmly.

"Why do you say I'm sick?" The young public fee student gritted his teeth and asked again.

"Well, actually saying 'you are sick' is a bit rough in terms of wording, to be precise, you are mentally ill." Xiao Xiao frowned, trying to describe Zheng Qing's state with more precise language.

But he obviously ignored the magic of language.

Zheng Qing had just subsided a little bit of anger, and could no longer hold back under the phrase 'mentally ill'. For a moment, anger surged from his heart to his gallbladder, he yelled, jumped up, and rushed over Beat up the doctor.

A few people nearby hurried forward, pulling and dragging, separating the two.

"How is it?" Xiao Xiao adjusted his crooked glasses, turned his head to look at the other members of the Knights of Forgiveness, his gaze focused on Shi Yuan and paused.

"Without beginning and ignorance, irritable and irritable, unsettled mind, and the karma and results obtained, all are captured... Zheng student has indeed fallen into the barrier of knowledge and vision." Shi Yuan little monk twirled the rosary and meditated. : "Let me think about this matter."

Before anyone else could ask, Xiao Xiao looked at Zheng Qing and explained, "Your spirit is very sensitive, and you are easily affected by various emotions from the outside world."

"Originally, this is not a big problem. Many wizards still hope to have this keen feeling."

"But since the school laboratory exploded that day, your situation has become a bit worse-to be precise, since the shadow you lost came back-you can't say that your temperament has changed a lot, but anyway, your current state gives people It's a very subtle feeling."

"It's just that the situation is not so bad that it needs to be reported to the school and forced to receive treatment...According to the book, in this case, some simple self-regulation is more effective than seeing a therapist."

"It just so happens that our Knights have a master who is quite researched in the spiritual field..." Having said that, Xiao Xiao raised his eyelids and glanced at the little monk next to him.

"Ashamed, ashamed." Shi Yuan waved his hands again and again, hesitated for a moment, and added: "According to your previous description and his current symptoms, Zheng Qing is probably mentally fragile due to the influx and outflow of short-term memory. The cognitive impairment caused by it. It really didn't reach the point of schizophrenia..."

Zheng Qing laughed dryly twice.

Facing the two partners who seemed to be sincerely solving troubles for him, he had to repeatedly suppress the anger that was constantly surging in his heart.

"How to fix it." He asked simply and simply.

"My little monk happens to have a scripture here, which is very suitable for this kind of symptom." Shi Yuan took out a thin booklet from his arms and handed it to Zheng Qing.

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""Moco Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra"?" Zheng Qing read the hard-to-pronounce name of this scripture word by word, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Then he opened it casually, only to find that this extremely thin book had very little content, it was only one page in total, and the number of words should be less than 300 words.

"This "Heart Sutra" is the "Vajra Sutra" to subdue one's heart. It was written more than two thousand years ago and was introduced to the East about 1,800 years ago. This book is said to have been taught by Zen Master Wuchao when Master Xuanzang traveled westward."

"All two hundred and sixty words are simple in words but rich in meaning, few in words but deep in purpose, they can best break away obstacles to knowledge and vision, often praise the body and mind, and are the most able to subdue the mind and thoughts, cut off obstacles to knowledge, and see emptiness and nature."

Zheng Qing listened to Xiao Xiao and Shi Yuan's one-on-one explanation, and couldn't help but silently recited this scripture several times. I don't know if it was because of psychological hints, but after reading silently a few times, he suddenly felt refreshed, and many troubles and worries that had troubled his heart seemed to be blown away by the wind, and disappeared a lot.

Just when he was enjoying his reading, the door of classroom 40 opened with a bang, and a familiar voice yelled loudly from a long distance away.

"So you are all here!"

"I've been looking for you for a long time... After class just finished, Amber said that I could come here to try my luck, but I didn't expect to meet you. You are indeed the fortune teller of our hunting team."

Andrew Taylor squeezed in through the door carelessly, followed by several other hunters from the Ouroboros hunting team.

Everyone in the forgiveness hunting team who had been sitting together stood up one after another, looking warily at the 'guests' who came without warning.

"What's the matter?" Zheng Qing put down the scriptures in his hand, his tone slightly dissatisfied.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I don't mean anything malicious." Andrew shook his stubby arms, and the ten shining magic rings on his fingers made people dizzy.

Walking closer, he looked at Zheng Qing and added with a smile: "I just wanted to say hello to you... I thought Amber made a mistake again this time, but I didn't expect to actually bump into you."

Zheng Qing tilted his head, looking at the little Young Master of Taylor's family, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"If you want to find us, come directly to the classroom to find just so!" The young public fee student tried his best to say in a gentle tone: "I have never missed a class, you can't find it if it doesn't exist..."

"These days are different." Xiao Xiao suddenly said, interrupting his words: "In the past few days, you only entered the classroom after the preparatory bell for class rang, and then ran away without a trace as soon as the get out of class bell rang... ...Andrew did look for you a few times, but they all passed you by."

"Then you can go to the dormitory to look for it!" Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows.

"Without an invitation, strangers can't enter our dormitory." This time, it was Xin Fatty who spoke. At some point, he took out the bag of beef jerky and chewed it.

"Compared with this matter, I care more about Amber's ability." Xiao Xiao's gaze passed Andrew, and landed on a yellow-robed wizard behind him: "In such a severely disturbed environment at school, you can actually predict accurately Coming to our location...was just amazing." (To be continued)

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