Hunting High School

Chapter 66 Copper Can Also Be Generous

Beta Town is a small town outside Alpha Academy.

The rich and generous senior wizards of the First University are the best customers in the minds of all businessmen in the wizarding world. Those young and immature students in the school are the best choice for cultivating a loyal customer base.

However, the heavily guarded First University is not a good place to do business. Strict security protocols limit the logistics of merchants, and high on-campus rents eat up their profits.

But capital is fleeing war and strife—it is timid by nature. In the wizarding world far away from the First University, peace seemed extremely fragile. Any savvy monster would not hesitate to own some cannon fodder, break through the paper defenses of those small markets, and plunder the rich spoils in the market.

Therefore, under the dual threats of demons and profits, the businessmen in the wizarding world chose a compromise method.

They held a bazaar outside the defensive circle of the four colleges of the First University.

I have to say, this is indeed a good way.

Capable monsters disdain to risk the risk of becoming an enemy of the First University to rob a few shops; incompetent monsters will not use their lives to test the scope of the First University's defense circle for a little gold.

As for the First University, it doesn't care that a few businessmen take shelter under its wings. In fact, many old professors in the school hope to use the power of the school to shelter more weak wizards.

Over time, the fairs that the merchants had started outside the four academies withered in three.

The high walls of Jiuyou College restrict the students' access, and the rich and diverse materials in the college dwarf the products of the merchants. The neglect of the gate made the merchants gradually abandon this tasteless market.

Atlas students are used to a life of asceticism. For those colorful commodities in the market outside the college, they regard it more as the tempering of the heavens. When the merchants found that not only could they not sell a single copper, but they were spending money because of the monks who came to collect donations from time to time, they resolutely gave up this loss-making market.

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The bazaar outside Starry Sky Academy was destroyed again and again in the unscrupulous brawls of the students, so that those mild-tempered and far-sighted businessmen were no longer willing to throw a coin into this land. The bazaar thus went bankrupt.

Only Alpha College, adhering to the concept of freedom, allowed the market to rise slowly outside the castle moat.

Over time, the town grew and became the only commercial town affiliated with First University.

Following Nicholas, the freshmen listened to the history of Beta Town briefly described by the old man with ponytail, felt the prosperous atmosphere of the town, and praised repeatedly.

"Then who is in charge of this town now?" Zheng Qing couldn't help asking: "Do the merchants in the town still need to pay taxes? Are there any requirements for opening a shop in the town?"

"The town belongs to the school, and the tax is managed by the school working committee. Although the school doesn't care about this tax, rules are rules. Every businessman who opens a shop in the town needs to pay a jade coin to the school every year." During the speech , Nicholas stopped in front of a juggler who was playing poker on the side of the road.

Zheng Qing lowered her head thoughtfully, and stopped in her tracks.

Scholarships for public-funded students are very limited. According to Thomas, those scholarships are only enough for Zheng Qing to complete the required courses in school. If he wants to take two more elective courses, he needs to find a way to raise funds for purchasing textbooks and experimental materials. Not to mention the retake fee if you fail the required courses.

It has always been Zheng Qing's motto to be prepared, and he will not make hasty plans when things come to an end.

Making money, a matter that is far away from other students, began to weigh heavily on his heart.

Hearing Nicholas' introduction, Zheng Qing was a little moved.

If you open a small shop in the town, maybe you can fundamentally solve the problem of owning.

Young people are always full of ambition and impulsiveness.

He didn't consider cost, benefit and other business issues; he didn't consider what kind of business to make money; he didn't even think about whether he had enough capital to open the store, and whether he had time to run the store.

He just thought that opening a small shop would give him peace of mind.

Then it was a happy decision.

The sound of tinkling coppers interrupted his thoughts and daydreams.

Zheng Qing raised his head.

Nicholas was dropping a handful of coppers into the box in front of the magician.

The magician stood at a dark corner of the street, with a rusty iron box in front of him. If you don't look carefully, it's hard to spot him. The wizards who came and went looked past the corner, disdain to stay in this shadow for a second.

He wore old brown robes, thickly patched at the hems, and a pointed hat. Long beard and messy hair concealed his face, Zheng Qing could only see a pair of focused but cloudy eyes on his face.

He concentrated on the poker in his hand.

The cards jumped briskly between his fingers, bringing out layers of double images. He rubbed his fingertips quickly, making a series of crisp snaps. With each snap of the fingers, a string of cards disappears; with each snap of the fingers, another stack of cards pops out of the void.

The clear clashing sound of the copper and the iron box awakened the magician.

He raised his cloudy eyes, looked at the tall and thin figure in front of him, and put away all the playing cards:

"Merlin bless you, merciful Young Master."

The old magician clumsily performed a greeting ceremony for a wizard, his voice was a little excited and disturbed. Then he slammed his hands together, countless playing cards rushed out from all directions, and piled up a gorgeous castle in front of Nicholas.

"This is what Alpha Castle looks like!" A freshman shouted excitedly.

The crisp snapping of fingers sounded continuously.

The cards collapsed gorgeously, and then quickly piled up another building.

"This is Jiuyou Academy!" Another freshman shouted, "That's the main building! There's also Shushan Hall!"

"The screen wall in the vestibule!"

"There are walls around!"

These nine freshmen were very excited, pointing to the buildings that had just been impressed in their memory.

"If his craftsmanship still satisfies you, then you should show corresponding generosity." Nicholas reminded sullenly behind them.

The newlyweds donated generously as if waking up from a dream.

The hat in front of the old magician was soon filled with shiny coppers.

It could be seen that the old man was frightened by these coppers.

The sound of snapping fingers came to an abrupt end, and nine schools collapsed.

"This is the value of your craft." Nicholas respectfully returned a wizard salute to the old magician, then turned and left.

The other freshmen were a little overwhelmed.

Some freshmen also bowed awkwardly to the old man, but more freshmen chased after Nicholas who was leaving quickly.

Zheng Qing nodded friendly to the old man and left quickly.

Behind him, the old juggler covered his face and wept silently.

Not far away, the urgent and excited voice of the freshman guide came:

"The school didn't ask me to lead you to visit this street."

"But I think you need to remember something before you study."

"You are freshmen who know nothing, so you still retain respect for this craftsman."

"I want you to remember this respect."

"I hope that you will not forget this respect because of other people's eyes."

"The wizarding world is not only made up of those difficult experiments and professors with high Magic power in the First University."

"And many weak wizards and simple tricks."

"Coppers are also very generous to them."

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