Hunting High School

Chapter 23 Gambling, Currency, And Picketing

"What else can I do? Each hit 50 boards!"

"How to fight?" Zheng Qing asked.

"Beat lightly... I haven't heard that the law does not blame the public." Xin Fatty curled his lips, and his tone could not help but sneer: "The school is responsible for the reputation of own, and Lao Yao is also responsible for the status of own... …It is most appropriate to turn big things into small things, and small things into small things.”

"What about the specific way to deal with it?" Zheng Qing continued to ask patiently.

"Writing inspections, warnings, demerits, and school probation are nothing more than these methods... Oh, yes, there are also fines." Fatty counted with his fingers: "People from the two colleges threw evil curses at each other, a total of On average, each of us would pay about seven or eight coppers for destroying public property such as stands, fences, chairs, and morning glory!"

"It's enough for me to have a hearty breakfast." Dr. Xiao Da muttered, "The deep-fried dough sticks in the cafeteria only cost two coppers, three coppers for tofu, four coppers for fried liver..."

"You will be rich soon." Zhang Jixin interrupted Xiao Xiao's chanting as if he suddenly remembered something, and interjected enviously: "Do you still remember those 'coupons' we bought before the hunting match? That blue Green-eyed half face, ask my brother to inform the people in our class in the morning to exchange bonuses with him."

"That's right!" Zheng Qing suddenly realized: "I bet three credits, five silver coins, and eighteen copper coins! Our hunting team and myself! We must have hit all of them!"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get excited, and had the urge to put aside the closing ceremony of the hunting competition and immediately go to Blue-Green Eye to exchange the bonus.

"Tsk, it feels like the dealer is about to bleed." Xin Fatty snorted sourly.

"The odds of the freshman competition are not high in the first place. I think it will be capped at three times to five times... In fact, the one who earns the most among us should be the doctor." Zhang Jixin shook his head, reached out and patted Xiao Xiao on the shoulder: "Do you remember what you bought?"

"The fourth place in the round-robin competition, the judgment; the first place in the final, the judgment; the best hunter, Erwin Hoffman of the judgment; the best hunting team, the judgment hunting team; Jiuyou Academy... I remember that I bought the No. Two." Xiao Xiao flipped through the notebook in his hand, and said quickly, "I voted for a golden bean for every project, and bought five golden beans in total."

Everyone looked at him in shock, as if he had lost the ability to speak.

After a long time, Zhang Jixin was able to laugh twice, and turned to look at the others: "... Now you know what I mean! In the 'Campus Cup', the odds of judging the hunting team to win the championship are nearly one to one hundred. The odds of the project are also more than fifty times. That is to say, the doctor exchanged five golden beans for more than four hundred golden beans...nearly more than forty jade coins!"

Zheng Qing nodded his head frantically, looked at Dr. Xiao Da with admiration, and almost knocked his head open with a hammer and sucked his brains dry—because the hunting team bought by Xiao Xiao, including the ranking, was different from this time. The final result of the 'Academy Cup' was exactly the same.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

This is also the biggest upset of this year's hunting competition - including the No. 1 university team and the four college teams. The "Academy Cup" has always been circulated among these five teams, and has never fallen into the hands of other hunting teams. However, in this year's finals, because the leading Jiuyou hunting team and the hunting teams of the other three colleges attacked the school hunting team strongly, when the two sides were stalemate, it was decided that the hunting team came first and made a sudden move. Erwin · Hoffman took the lead in finding the position of the strongest monster group, and locked the title of best hunter in advance. Then it was ruled that the hunting team slashed and killed fiercely, and finally beheaded the Wild Monster King before the other hunting teams, ending the game.

"More than forty jade coins!" Xin Fatty took a long breath: "It's enough for me to buy more than two thousand small roast chickens worth twenty-four coppers! That's more than four thousand chicken legs!"

According to the currency conversion ratio in the wizarding world, one jade coin can be exchanged for ten golden beans, one golden bean can be exchanged for six silver dimes, and one silver horn can be exchanged for twenty copper coins. In other words, forty jade coins can be exchanged for forty-eight thousand coppers!

"Aside from eating, can you know anything else?" Xiao Xiao couldn't help but complain.

"It's as if you don't like the braised chicken legs I bought!" Fatty immediately retorted with wide eyes: "I remember the first day I saw you, you ate it faster than me! Even Dylan's half-cold blood Guys love it!"

This is a fact, Xiao Xiao was immediately held back by Fatty's rebuttal.

"Doctor, you didn't do divination while filling out the coupon, did you?" Zhang Jixin looked at Xiao Xiao expectantly.

"The blue-green-eyed broker also said that the wandering wizard cast magic on every coupon. Magic including luck potion and divination is restricted... Besides, I don't have that much information and Time to divination!" Xiao Xiao explained patiently.

"That's true." The red-faced wizard nodded, but still looked suspiciously at Xiao Xiao.

"More than forty jade coins!" Zheng Qing also sighed at the side: "I killed so many demons, and only exchanged for more than one hundred jade coins... The one-year scholarship for public-funded students is only ten jade coins! Do you still remember the emerald green cross I gave you? It was only five jade coins after the discount! Don’t you think..."

"You also said, it's a gift." Xiao Xiao turned his head silently, pretending that he didn't understand Zheng Qing's hesitation, and at the same time reminded: "Old Yao has come out! I think it's best for everyone to shut up now." Keep your mouth as not to get points deducted by the pickets."

"I won't deduct your points." Zheng Qing muttered, but he also looked back at the rostrum and closed his mouth.

During the school hunting party, the Supervision Department of the Student Union and the patrol department of the school work committee jointly organized a picket team to patrol around to prevent some unpleasant things from overheating on the campus - patrol members including Zheng Qing were appointed as temporary Picket task, responsible for the inspection of campus discipline on weekdays.

It's just that, except for those guys who really wear gray robes and bear the badge of the student union, most of the students who serve as patrol members because of "punishment" sneer at this job. No one is willing to take the risk of offending the friends around them to earn the dispensable rewards issued by the school working committee.

Of course, it would be a good choice if this right was used to create obstacles for 'hostile schools'. It's just that with the occurrence of the large-scale fight between Jiuyou Academy and Alpha Academy, this kind of "blocking" picketing has rarely appeared.

The people from the two colleges are now with their tails between their legs, pretending to be good babies. I'm afraid that if there is any trouble again, I will be taken out by the school as a model.

Just like Zheng Qing, if Xiao Xiao didn't remind him just now, he almost forgot that he still has such a power. (to be continued)

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