Hunting High School

Chapter 25 Restless Demon

"...I am very happy to see that in this year's hunting competition, the Judgment Hunting Team stood out from many strong teams, broke the shackles for a long time, and won the championship of this main hunting meeting with their superb skills and wonderful records. 'College Cup'."

"I very much hope that in next year's hunting competition, we can see more hunting teams who have defeated themselves and certain 'patterns', can capture more prey on the hunting ground, and can kill wild monsters faster on the hunting ground king."

"Just like what this trophy carries."

"You are the hope of your parents, the hope of the school, and the hope of the future of the entire wizarding world. I hope that in the future, your figure on the hunting ground will be even brighter. I hope that in the future, your record will be even more dazzling..."

Lao Yao was still rambling on about those passionate clichés on the rostrum. It's just that, although the fluctuations of his spirit are long, grand and convincing, the attention of the students in the surrounding stands is gradually being diverted by some strange things.

"Su Shijun is waving at me!"

"Fart! Aren't you afraid that the wind will flash your tongue? There must be a small bug flying around in front of her, so she just reached out to drive the bug away..."

"Are there still flying insects around the Grand Wizard?"

"Magic creatures, can they be considered with the strength of ordinary flying insects?"

"I can see clearly! Councilor Su is really waving here!! She waved again just now!!"

Hearing the commotion coming from the left and right stands, the corners of Zheng Qing's mouth twitched, and he subconsciously moved the brass binoculars in his hand to the right side of the rostrum.

A figure with bright eyes and white teeth, and a cloudy girl with misty temples appears in the camera lens. At a glance, there is only her figure in people's sight, the sun above the head, and the flashing school badge on the rostrum are all eclipsed by this splendor.

Maybe because today's occasion is more formal, Su Shijun didn't wear the huge pair of red glasses, and she was surrounded by white-haired, old-fashioned figures, which made her already outstanding image even more prominent.

Just sitting there has already attracted the attention of the vast majority of people - including the shots of many media reporters such as the "Beta Town Post" and "School Newspaper", which have been flickering in front of beautiful Su Damei's eyes - not to mention She raised her arm suddenly and waved in the direction of the Jiuyou Academy stand.

"She must have malicious intentions." Zheng Qing thought repeatedly in his heart, but the camera unconsciously followed Su Shijun's face, wanting to take a few more glances: "It's over, it's over...I'm over."

"Su Shijun is looking here!" Xiao Xiao affirmed with an uncertain tone.

"I think it is."

"There is no other explanation."

Fatty and Elder expressed their own opinions one after another.

"Why?" Dr. Xiao Da gave full play to his active thinking spirit and asked back.

"You should ask Brother Qing," Fattybia poked her mouth, stretched out her stubby fingers to poke the soft flesh on Zheng Qing's waist: "Hey, you know her better, why don't you know?"

"Who knows her?!" Zheng Qing almost jumped up like a cat with fur. Then he pointed to the sun in the sky, emphatically saying, "There she is!"

Then he pointed to the ground: "Where I could I be familiar?!"

Fatty and Elder had no doubt about him, and nodded in agreement. On the contrary, Dr. Xiao Da seemed to figure out what it was like, turned his head, and looked at Zheng Qing suspiciously.

Looking at these two eyes, Zheng Qing's heart felt hairy.

"As expected of the principal, you speak so well..." The young public finance student forcibly changed the subject, trying to divert everyone's attention away from Miss Su.

At the same time, he tightened his robe and muttered, "Do you think the weather is a bit cold today..."

"Cold?" Xiao Xiao raised his head, looking at the bright sunshine in the sky, feeling a little baffled.

Zheng Qing also noticed the sun above his head.

He twisted his body uneasily, and emphasized: "It's not the cold... but the cold feeling similar to encountering a ghost."

"No ghost likes to play in the sun." Xin Fatty scoffed at Zheng Qing's statement.

"Maybe it's because of the group of wild monsters down there." Xiao Xiao thoughtfully opened his own notebook, and reminded: "Monsters are different from wizards. Most of their auras have negative effects. In addition, your understanding of Monster Qi I've always been more sensitive…”

Dr. Xiao Da's words were a little vague, and he didn't complete his sentence. But everyone here is aware of his unfinished intentions. It didn't take too long for Zheng Qing to faint under the stimulation of Monster Qi on the special plane for school admission. Although Zheng Qing asked the professors for treatment after entering the school, no one knew whether the symptoms would recur.

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"Probably not." Zheng Qing verbally denied Xiao Xiao's conjecture, but he couldn't help but believe it in his heart. In addition to this explanation, there seems to be no other better way to say it.

"I don't know why the school keeps this old-fashioned 'prisoner offering' ceremony." Zhang Jixin also interjected and added: "I feel that those guys down here are a little restless... Isn't the school afraid of them getting out of control?"

"There are a group of great wizards under your noses, you should let them jump around for a while!" Xin Fatty laughed at the cautiousness of the red-faced wizard.

"This is the power of tradition." Xiao Xiao elevated this topic to a philosophical level.

Zheng Qing did not continue to participate in the discussion of several other people. He turned the binoculars and pointed the lens at the group of ferocious wild monsters. Although suppressed by hunters and restrained by magic props, these bloodthirsty beasts did not give in completely. From the electric sparks that shot out from those glowing ropes from time to time, it was easy to judge that these guys were struggling all the time.

"There are many great wizards, but there are also many low-level wizards... For monsters, this is an irresistible temptation." Xiao Xiao held the notebook, neither supporting Fatty's opinion nor expressly agreeing with Zhang Jixin's statement. Just stating a fact.

A gust of wind rolled from behind, crossed the stands, and landed in the hunting ground.

Zheng Qing tightened the school robe again.

Suddenly, the wild monsters in the hunting ground seemed to be greatly stimulated, and several leading monsters suddenly swelled several times, broke free from the shackles and suppressing spells, and let out ferocious roars.

There were exclamations from the stands.

Through the lens of the binoculars, Zheng Qing clearly felt dozens of murderous eyes piercing over, his legs went limp, and he slumped on a chair in the stands.

At the same time, Lao Yao paused heavily on the magic staff in his hand, and his deep voice echoed around: "Zi 隤!"

The young wizards who were standing up on the left and right sides of the stands softened their legs under this spell, and sat back to their own positions. This made Zheng Qing's limp just now less conspicuous.

And the monsters in the field were even more unbearable, melting into the grass one by one like mud. Even so, they still turned their heads and looked greedily at the stands behind them.

It looks like a starving ghost seeing delicious food. (to be continued)

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