Hunting High School

Chapter Thirty-Five No. 49 Gamma Street

When Elena knocked down the railing in Sir Friedman's lounge, outside Alpha Castle, at the end of Gamma Street, outside a dusty villa, two uninvited guests came.

In the afternoon, the sun had just moved across the sky, and there was still a bit of laziness in the air, driving away the chill of the early winter morning. The bluestone pavement of Gamma Street is dry and clean. Occasionally, a few withered and yellow leaves fall from the olive trees beside the road, and they will be swept into the corner by the inexplicable wind.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Two figures in white cloaks walked silently on the bluestone road, and finally stopped at the gate of No. 49 courtyard on Gama Street.

Gamma Street is a small street that surrounds the main castle of Alpha. The street is neither long nor chaotic. On the side close to the castle, a circle of silver-gray mansions stood neatly along the street. The house numbers of these mansions are counted from the left side of the main entrance of Alpha Castle, going backwards one by one, skipping the unlucky numbers such as No. 4 and No. 13, and after a circle, they end on the right side of Alpha Castle.

And No. 49 Gamma Street is the last house number of this circle of silver-gray mansions.

Different from the Byzantine, Rococo, Grand View Garden and other gorgeous styles of those ancient families, the mansion of No. 49 Gamma Street seems to have more elements of the magical world-mushroom-shaped cottages, cream-roll-like eaves, and window edges. It is made of finger biscuits, dotted with fresh bergamot and cranberries; outside the house, puff chickens are running around, chasing a few glutinous rice strips covered with sucrose; in the yard, the spring water of hot cocoa is gurgling Gudu was bubbling, and a few candy ducks were swimming on it stupidly, flapping their wings from time to time, and spilling the dark brown hot drink everywhere.

"Is this really the Cheung Kei Club's hall?" The guest walking behind couldn't help asking softly, his tone seemed a little unbelievable: "This is too exaggerated!"

The white cloak walking in front stopped and looked back at the wizard behind him.

"This was originally the residence of the Grimm Witches' Guild, but due to poor development, the Witches' Guild has not recruited enough members for a long time, and they have not been able to find suitable sponsors. So they were forced to give up this candy hut... and in the In this year's school hunting competition, Soprano earned some gold, so he has enough capital to buy this mansion as the residence of his Cheung Kei Club."

"That's why we're here today."

"Matthew, you have to remember, never use the first impression to judge the truth of things, no matter how shocking or unbelievable they are." The tone of the white cloak seemed a little harsh, but the expression It was hidden by the hood and did not show.

"Okay, sir." Matthew Karen immediately lowered his head and accepted his cousin's instruction.

Sir Friedman then turned his head, tightened the collar of his cloak, stepped over the threshold made of chocolate, and walked into this very characteristic mansion.

Seeing a visitor, a baker staggered up to meet him.

"Good day, gentlemen." The baker bowed laboriously, and said hello in a low voice. Matthew noticed a few deep grooves protruding from the breadman's pineapple bun head, wondering if it was his smiling face; and the arms and legs made of baguette were hard to bend, the broken dough and the powdered sugar on his body were following It bowed and fell down rustlingly.

I don't know if this bread man can't stand up, will he be brought to the table by the owner of this mansion? The young vampire thought silently, and at the same time quietly took off the cloak that was covering the outside, and handed it over to the other people who came over. Bread Man Waiter.

It must be admitted that the air-dried baguette is really strong, and it can be used to hang a few capes without any pressure.

A gust of wind blew by, and wisps of sweet breath scrambled into the young vampire's nose, causing him to take a deep breath, feeling a strange sense of satisfaction in his heart.

This feeling of satisfaction dissipated immediately after he followed Sir Friedman into the mushroom house and saw a large table of soda crackers and the fat wizard behind the table.

It was a strong Fatty, and even through the wide robe, the outline of the bulging muscles could still be seen clearly. His eyebrows are thick, his eyes are small and deep, and his cheeks droop slightly, like a Shar Pei staring at a tiger.

But Matthew would never dare to speak his mind in front of the fat wizard.

Because sitting behind that soda biscuit table was Mike King Soprano, who was as famous as his cousin in Alpha Academy, the vice president of the Hemophilia Society, the founder of the Cheung Kei Society, and the oldest in the entire castle. One of several powerful students.

"Friedman?" Seeing the two guests, the strong Fatty behind the table didn't stand up to welcome him, but squinted his eyes and pursed his lips tighter: "You actually have the guts to come to my place. "

"Why not?" Jazz looked surprised.

He spread his hands slightly, shrugged, looked around, and said in an extremely friendly tone: "I heard that you made a little money recently, so you immediately replaced such a mansion on Gamma Street. As a neighbor, I naturally want to express Congratulations...By the way, the mansion of Association A is at No. 27 Gamma Street, which is about diagonally opposite this mansion."

"This is sarcasm, Mike, I can hear it!" A sharp shout suddenly came from a photo frame hanging on the wall. It seemed to be speaking from the perspective of Soprano, but there was a strong tone in his tone. gloat.

Matthew's eyes paused slightly, he knew the figure hanging in the photo frame - he was the owner of the homeless bar on the pedestrian street in Beta Town, he was called a "homeless wizard" broker by the students, and it was said that he was once a gangster wizard.

But, what is this wandering wizard doing here at Soprano? The young vampire's mind immediately turned leisurely, trying to think independently about what kind of deal would be between a certain former dark wizard and the current black boss of the college.

"Thank you, Mr. Wandering Wizard... It's just that this is a matter between me and Friedman." The fat wizard thanked him coldly, and then his eyes moved slightly: "As a thank you, I will treat you to butter. "

A strong wizard quietly came out from the corner, holding a large pot of cream, and paste it on the photo frame. The scream of the wandering wizard was immediately drowned behind a layer of white cream, and gradually became inaudible.

Matthew's eyes twitched slightly.

Soprano didn't pay attention to the expression of the little vampire behind Friedman. He still sat in the own seat, and didn't seat the two guests. He just leaned forward slightly, with his hands crossed, leaning on the Chin, looking at the tall wizard in front of him, his eyes became deeper and deeper:

"Well, what do you want to do when you come today." (to be continued)

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